::Small hunters to raise again. This is good.::

Age:Mature Adult
Species:Deep Sea Monster
Size:≈ 50' long
Residence:The waters of Tris'Hath, near the Warren
Pod Role:Protector
The ability to communicate mind-to-mind in images, emotions, or ideas, but not in words.
Underwater Breathing
The ability to breathe underwater.

Charybdis is a bizarre creature. Just over fifty feet long and capable of swallowing sharks and dolphins whole, Charybdis resembles a prehistoric fish more than anything else. Her body is long, finned like an eel's or knifefish's with short dorsal and ventral fins that are extensions of her simple tail fin. Two tentacles are set on each side of her body where pectoral fins ought to be, and one of each set ends in a paddle-like grasper typical of squids. Her eyes are large and red, set on a blunt head. Her jaws are lined with two rows of teeth, constantly growing as a shark's do, and her lower jaw is capable of separating at the front. This allows her to swallow very large prey, or lots of little prey that she lures to her with the luminescent, double-bulbed "fishing rod" that grows from her forehead.


As Scylla is, Charybdis is a creature that is completely oblivious to notions like good or evil, or right and wrong. To take the mentality of a beast -- with its instincts to do whatever it takes to survive -- and give it sentience would give you something like Charybdis. If a creature is not of her pod, then it is either food, an enemy, or unworthy of attention. Where Scylla is concerned, however, Charybdis is nothing if not fiercely protective. Her standpoint is something like mother-to-daughter, but without any of the complex emotions something like a human would have. Scylla is to be protected and cared for, avenged if hurt, and would be missed if she died, but 'love' is nonexistent.

It's appropriate to say that Scylla is the brains and Charybdis is the brawn of their pair, though Charybdis is far from stupid and Scylla is certainly not weak. Scylla just learns faster, and Charybdis will always be the larger and stronger one, so that is the role each falls into. They act on the strongest of their skills, and lets the other support their weaker talents. As a pair, they are far more dangerous and efficient than they would be alone. The beasts and inhabitants of any waters they come to are either quick to learn to avoid them, or are eaten, and as such the pair is always nomadic, taking to any waters but preferring cold depths where Scylla is invisible, and Charybdis can attract prey with her glowing lure.
