Sudland Sweet
Image Source
Old Timey Cowboy Maker
Nidus Descendi
Name:Sudland Sweet
Species:Human (Tris'Hathian, Saxen)
Residence:Nidus Caeligenus

Sudland's parents named him such because they liked the sound of the word, opting to ignore all potential connotations of naming their child after a far-off country they had no desire to see, visit, or even hold any respect for, really. Predictably, this resulted in a great deal of teasing, ribbing, and bullying growing up, to dual results in the man now. The first is that he resents his parents to a significant degree. The second is that he refuses to go by any other name out of the stubborn desire not to give in to anyone else's opinions of him.

In yet another turn, Sudland earned a new nickname from those who know him nowdays: "Savage". It's a spin on his family name, certainly, but also because he is a man of sharp tongue and sharp wit, and no compunction against using them to lay into anyone he's found deserving. Ordinarily he's a live-and-let live kind of guy, but the moment he's presented with even a little bit of antagonism, he's ready to lash out and prove he is no simple, vulnerable target.

For years he's built up the calluses on his hands making saddles and other gear for horses, but now that the dragons have come to Saxet, Sudland has been among the migrants come to settle at the new Nidus in search of opportunity. Dragons and their riders need gear too, do they not? The dimensions are larger, sure, but higher labor and materials means higher pay, right?

He's gotten it into his head to try bonding, too -- one of the classic, standard breeds from which all the others seem variations of. What better to learn on that one's very own dragon?
