N'drga Blackscythe
"There's no fun at all in going slow!"
Name:N'drga Blackscythe
Species:Velociraptor Anthropomorph
Residence:Nidus Caeligenus

People who've watched old reruns of a Terran flick called Jurassic Park one too many times think N'drga is lying when she says she's a velociraptor. Barely topping three feet in height, and thus with her head level at most biped's hips or lower, her appearance mimics the movie raptors in all but size. In truth, however, velociraptors were small creatures, so N'drga is true to form. Her leathery hide is a sooty black and copper feathers crest her head, as well as line her forearms and tip her tail. Her eyes are a dark maroon color, narrow and rather avian. She dresses simply, preferring shorts and tank tops in warm colors.


N'drga seems to be a creature of perpetual motion. Alert and lively, active and upbeat, she is a soul you just can't get down. She is very much into athletics and competitions, and has first-placed a variety of track events for her school. She also likes to dance and hit the youth clubs with her friends. Once nice thing about being a raptor is that people give her a cautious berth so she has plenty of room to bust loose. She might be small, but those killing-claws on her feet are still dangerous! They're especially useful for driving off males, seeing as N'drga is independent and totally disinterested.
