Aerdeth Amastacia

Image via Portrait Workshop
Name:Aerdeth Amastacia
Species:Elf (Tris'Hathian)
Residence:Nidus Caeligenus
Occupation:Garrison Rider, Mage
Extended Lifespan
Aerdeth's kind live approximately 750 years. They are considered young adults at age 50, and not considered independent until at least their first century.
Elves do not sleep, but enter a trance in which they can become fully rested while remaining fully aware of their surroundings. Four hours of reverie are equivalent to a human's eight hours of sleep.

Aerdeth would like you to remain aware that there is nothing novel about him. He's an elf, he's middle-aged, he's bonded to a Hathian, he likes his coffee with one spoonful of sugar, and he owes his magical prowess to a calamity that scourged all the rest of his bloodline from existence when he was young, leaving him a wanderer after he was shunned and ousted by old friends and neighbors. Try to tell him that there's anything unique in that, and he will assure you that you simply haven't met the hundreds of others throughout the Nexus with a similar tale to tell.

So maybe he's a little jaded, a little old and tired and numb, but one can rest assured that Aerdeth will always be a source of level-headed insight and assessment of any given situation, no matter how dire. He's not heartless, not by a long shot, but he's well outgrown the age of panic and uncertainty.
