::Oh! Oh! Be right back!::

Lantessama Isle
Age:Young Adult
Species:Old-World / SCD Mutt
Height:2'0" at the shoulder as hatchling, 18'2" at the shoulder as adult
Residence:Nidus Caeligenus
Assisted Breath Weapon (Fire)
The ability to breath out fire after chewing a phosphine-bearing mineral called "firestone".
The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.
The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.
Verbal Speech
The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Abby is impulsive, but in a good way: when she's got an idea in her head, rather than sit around and mull it to death, she runs out to do it while the urge is still fresh. This is one dragon that will never let opportunity pass her by, and she won't back down unless she absolutely has to. She is also highly empathic, with an innate skill at reading the emotional cues of others, and her shoulders are always ready for others to lean on. She even enjoys it so much that sometimes she's considered starting something like an online advice blog. A "Dear Abby" kind of thing, if you will.

It was just one of those strange quirks of Nexus existence that Abby had survived hatching without bonding. Her bloodline said it was an impossibility, insisted she bond herself to another sapient mind or die from the lack of it, but here she was nonetheless: a living singleton.

That didn't mean she was exactly... happy about it, though. But she didn't dwell on it over-much. The solution, after all, was simple: all she had to do was stand at a hatching or three and see who chose her! And in the vastness of the Nexus, hatchings were always there to be found -- it was just a matter of deciding where to go, or waiting for something local. Either-or!

And then, as it turned out, the decision was practically made for her. Or at least, it all but fell into her lap. Or was just far too simple a choice to make? Something like that!

With the accompanying rush of displaced air, Abby teleported into the skies above Lantessama Isle, immediately basking in the warm and temperate air: a far cry more pleasant than the searing heat of what was now her home Nidus! But this was no simple vacation visit, and she wasted no time in hunting down a familiar and beloved mind, and angling her flight in its direction.

Her mother, Cwerty, lounged upon the island sands -- clearly gravid, but not yet clutched. Abby bugled a greeting, received a far more melodic answer-call in return, and spiraled downwards towards the beach. The waves lapped and foamed in a steady, calming rhythm, and Abby hardly had to wonder why Cwerty was stealing some moments relaxation here.

Sand and seawater kicked up from Abby's feet as she splashed down near the breakline, mind radiant with laughter as she carried the momentum of her flight into trotting gleefully up to her mother and straight into an affectionate headbutt-and-nuzzle. ::Hey, Mom! Still haven't popped yet, I see!

::Not yet, no,:: Cwerty chuckled as she drew her head back from their greeting, with the calm composure of a very experienced mother-to-be. She no longer experienced the mood-swings or "broodiness" that afflicted so many other impending mother-dragons. ::Soon, though!::

::Will you need help? Can I get you anything? If you need a break away from them once they're out, I'm your egg-sitter!:: Abby declared in a burst of merry words, leaning her head close to Cwerty's rounded abdomen, head tilted as if to listen for the sounds of life within. With a playful lilt, she added: ::And when you little guys-gals-or-pals get here, make sure one of you wants to come home with me, okay?::

Family Tree
Green-Turquoise Old-World/SCD Mutt


Old-World Black with Blue


Old-World Sunset


Old-World Bronze


Old-World Gold


Old-World Pale Gold


Old-World Bronze


Old-World Gold


Blue-Green SCD Mutt
Star City Dragonry


Green-Black SCD Mutt


Green SCD Mutt


Black-Purple SCD Mutt


Purple-Blue SCD Mutt


Blue SCD Mutt


Purple-Green SCD Mutt


  • Luyuth, Blue-Green
  • Tsth, Blue with Green


  • Haith, Turquoise-Green
  • Ocoth, Green
Mate Locale Children
Bronze-Brown-Maroon SCD/Wyld Mutt
Nidus Caeligenus


  • Pavernith, Bronze-Turquoise
  • Sennimoth, Bronze-Cream-Turquoise
  • Tyluth, Bronze-Maroon-Black


  • Abmeith, Gold-Turquoise-Blue
  • Aroth, White-Turquoise-Bronze
  • Lumoyisenth, Cream-Violet-Orange
  • Moth, Purple-Black-Orange
  • Movverth, Blue-Turquoise-Orange
  • Nimeiluth, Bronze-Cream-Sunset
  • Teierth, Bronze-Turquoise-Green
  • Tezeouhylth, White-Red-Maroon
  • Thumeerth, White-Cream-Blue
  • Zenith, Blue-Silver-Turquoise