
"My mommy always said there were no monsters -- no real ones -- but there are, aren't there?"

Name: Newt
From: Darkling Dawn, Rukel Clutch #9
Age: Child
Sex: Female
Species: Rukel
Size: 3" at the shoulder
Color: Black-Tan
Residence: The Ranch of DOOM
Personality: Quiet, resourceful, and surprisingly intelligent for a child, Newt is the local champion of hide-and-seek, although it's not from actually playing with other inhabitants of the Ranch! On the contrary, most of the other creatures in the Ranch of DOOM scare her quite a lot, if only because they're just so much bigger than she is. She's adept at finding places to hide out of sight as a result, and is particularly fond of crawling into the ducts of the Ranch's air conditioning system and using them to navigate the complex. Ripley is usually the one that has to go after her, as Newt has a lot of trust and love for the older rukel.
  • Verbal Speech: The ability to communicate in spoken words.
