Draw My Character!!!

Come and show off your masterpieces!

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Draw My Character!!!

Post by Dray »

This thread is closed! Sorry, folks, but a dead thread is a dead thread!

The 'Draw My Character!!!' Event!

Currently Drawing
Xalia Drawing for Rachael - Due September 14


In this thread, you can sign up to draw other people's characters, and to have yours drawn! It's a fun and free sort of event, with participation open to anyone who wishes to sign up. Practice your character-drawing skills and receive images that others have drawn for you!


1) Create a place-holder post that says you'd like to draw a character.
2) When the person above you has finished their piece, and given you a sketch to go by, draw as nice an image for them as you can.
3) You have ONE WEEK to finish your image!
4) When you've finished your image, edit your place-holding post to show it off, along with a sketch of the character you'd like the person below you to attempt!
5) Repeat!

If you aren't able to finish your image within one week you will be skipped, no questions asked. You can still post your image afterwards, but you will have lost your spot in line!


1) So... how does this work, exactly, again?

You're doing two pictures for this: one, a sketch of your own character. The other, a picture of the prior person's character 'as a gift' thing. You could prepare your own character's sketch in advance, but you have to wait for the other person in line to post theirs, before making the 'gift art'. --Shard

2) Do I have to draw people? I really hate/suck at drawing them!

That all depends on if the person before you put forward a human to draw! Chances are that you will come across a human or humanoid at some point while participating. If you don't want to draw them, for any reason, you can always opt out of your turn, and pass it on to the next person in line. This means that you won't be able to have your character drawn this time, but you won't have to draw a human, either!

3) I don't draw very well/I suck at drawing, what about me?

You're still welcome to participate, but please do try your best to render the character above you to the best of your abilities, within the given time period! Obviously, your rendition of the character in the post above should be better then the sketch you give to the next person, but no one here is expecting stellar, commission-quality pieces. :3 It's for fun, and everything is the luck of the draw. ^_^' You're certainly welcome to join in, and practice always helps, right?

4) Gah, I don't think I can finish in time/The time's too short for me to finish anything nice enough to submit!

If you don't think you can finish in time (within one week), let us know as soon as possible so we can skip to the next person! Alternately, if your image is mostly finished, post it as is, and simply edit your post later to include the completed piece. Please finish incomplete pieces, even if you only submitted a semi-finished image at the due date! It's not fair to others to give them a scribbly doodle when they put much effort into their part!

5) Can I ask for a theme for my character? Can I submit a desc alongside the image?

I'm going to say no, to the first, unless the person who recieved you asks for one. As for descs/personalities/relationships, etc... if you have a character on a webpage already, link us to that. Other descriptions should be kept within a short paragraph (no more then 50-100 words!) This is meant to be for fun, which means that if the artist below you got something off a bit, don't go harping after them! If you want very specific, spot-on images, you ought to be asking for a request, art trade, or commission!

6) Can I submit pre-drawn templates/images of my dragons?

No. Post a sketch that you did yourself. No ifs, ands or buts.

7) What's the deadline?!

You have one week upon receiving the sketch above you to complete your image. As said before, let us know ASAP if you plan on opting out, so we can skip to the next person.

8) What's this 'line-up' concept?

You can hold a place in the thread, saying that you'd like to draw. Once you receive the person's sketch above you (Keep checking back on this forum, as we're not going to send out PM's for you!), you may edit your place-holding section to show off your finished piece, as well as your character-sketch! Any art posted out of this format will be deleted!

9) How many spaces in the lineup can I take?

One. Once you've finished your piece, you can post another place-holder, but not before!

10) Are slots permanent?

Heck no! While you do have to draw the character of the person above you, you don't always have to draw for that person! The next time you sign up, you'll simply be drawing whoever else is above you.

11) What about our sketches?

You can present any kind of sketch you want. Scanned in pencil-stuff? Sure! Microsoft Paint scribbles! Fine! Full-blown colour image? Okay! The only stipulation is that it must be created for this exchange; aka, it can't have been created ages ago and then thrown onto here, randomly.


Contest idea ganked from Eat Poo 2.0 Art Forums

Anything else I need to address? Or can we get this ball rolling? X3

My sketch:


Dracothrope: Clothing is optional, style of clothing is optional, etc.
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Post by LakotaWolf »

I give to you, only slightly horrifically late due to my scanner needing its drivers completely removed and reinstalled, DRAY~~~

She's holding a random Selampotato XD And I tried to be all klevar with the weird ring-and-cloth thing on her wings... :/ I dunno. It looked good in my head :x

Also, I hate my scanner at home. I'll rescan this at work when I get there tomorrow... the scanner there is so much better XD

And now, the sketch of me:

clothing is optional, legs must be digitigrade, and no boobies XD
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/5035323/ and http://www.theglasswolf.com/characters/lakota.html for more info
Last edited by LakotaWolf on Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Xalia »

Oh, Lakota! Here you are....

In searching for an interesting pose I just kept picturing the part of Bryn-saru's flight story where Lakota descends on her with purple ribbons so that's what I drew! I hope I did okay and that you like it! :D


And for my sketch, here's a sketch of Mykha I did last week. She's usually much more cheerful, but that (as you can see) was a bad hair day and the day she realized that running a dragonry is harder than she anticipated!


Ref images and a physical description can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/tripaldiriders ... mykha.html
Last edited by Xalia on Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Astra »


Here you are dear. Mykha, and Fira Nerano too!


Sorry if the pose is a little strange. It looked really good in the concept sketch :? Either way hope you like!

And here's a (crappy) sketch of Astra. I added color because I don't have any GOOD reference images of her. Please try to forgive the truly heinous scan job. Actually it's not even a scan job it is a digital picture I took because at that time I had no access to a scanner. But it does the job I suppose XD
If you need more char info, go here!

*pants and goes away into non internet having obscurity*
Last edited by Astra on Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Xenoqueen »

I think this is the point where I get lynched for being a show-off, or sommat. XD I just had too much fun!


Hope you like it, Astra! :D

And for my char... I give you, Akija!


Dancing around in some new duds she picked up at Star City. XD
Last edited by Xenoqueen on Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dray »



>.>" It's supposed to be Aki, playing lazer-tag while on a visit to Star City, but I literally just finished my paper and project that are both due tomorrow, so I haven't had any time to try to get this looking super-awesome. >_< I'm sorry, I hope it will do? (Put it on a dark background and it glows! :D)

As for Skysong, I was hoping you could do a little picture of Denique for me? He's a cute little Fire/Light Avengaean crossbreed--and he has little tufts at the ends of his ears that I forgot on this sketch, because I spewed it onto paper while watching an Art History movie. (>_>" God, I need to learn better time-management skills...) Anyways, hope he's fun to draw! Thank you!

Last edited by Dray on Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rachael »

Sokay. Well. Whee Dray! I happened to love Bkok, and well, he popped in too... I hope you aren't offended! >=D


And Era:


Digitgrade, albino, black skinned, white furred, long hair which fades to red tips and otherwise is whte, yellow tipped Lynx ears, feline face, whiskers, ice-blue eyes, fur over body, thick fur down spine going to a tail extra long, this fur is tipped red and the top of the tail is as well, and the very tip o' the tail is yellow. Oh. And ram-horns. Red ones. I think I like ram horns too much.

Sorry for the on blackness. I had urges. ^__^;
Last edited by Rachael on Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Post by Guest »

((Sil's post))

Here's Rachel's.


I had intended to do more, but ran out of time. >_<


And a kinda cruddy sketch of Lani...

http://artdragon.mine.nu/~silvermidnigh ... /lani.html

and her page is there!

((Helpfully moved by Phe!))
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Post by Naeodin »


All I have on my computer is painter 3 right now, so this is the best i can manage transparency etc wise. Besides, I think it looks good in black. So, I'll send you the .psd copy, if you want, through email? ^^


This is Shy. Have fun!
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Post by aireona93 »

Meh... I am going to be in Mexico starting tomorrow up until just after my due date (my parents "surprised" us this morning). >.>

So for now...
I will try to get something better up for you later, but I am horrible (!!!) at drawing people. Lo siento. :(

And here is my sketchie...
This is Aetan and here is his page (has a nice Cacopheny piccy ^ ^) http://www.geocities.com/charries93/aetan.html
Last edited by aireona93 on Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by IceCat »


Here he is ^^ I hope this is what you're looking for.

This is Mordria with her crow Seithe:

Usually she looks a bit more sad... Right now she looks quite amused. There is more info in the link.


If you click on Mordria or Seithe on the top, you can see even more pictures. Seithe is the colored version.
Last edited by IceCat on Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hksherra »



There Mordria and Seithe are! ^^ I tried to make her look sad and pretty... The background was originally going to be ghostly trees but it ended up a little abstract... I still think it looks spiffy, though! I hope you enjoy!

And myyyyyyyy character...


His name is Kamiko and he is a Waizu from Kiai Tohyou (the soon-to-be Eakishi fighting/adoption agency!) He is the brother of the boss of it which means he is pretty much a prince in Waizu terms... Just some stuff of note about him since he doesn't have a page:

- He is generally very playful and cheery!

- The markings (including eyebrows) on his face are impermanent and you can think up new designs if you want!

- The clothing is kinda experimental too, so feel free to play around (necks are always covered for Waizuk, but that is the only set thing for now)!

- You can't see 'em, but he has parallel breathing tubes down his back which need to stay uncovered so he can breathe...

*realizes how long she has been blithering and shuts up*
Last edited by hksherra on Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LakotaWolf »

WOO! After much skippage and missage, I was assigned Kamiko :D

I had a lot of fun, and the pose... well... it's silly X3 I hope it's okay! I wanted to show off those breathing-tubes while not being TOOOOOoooo cheesecakey. I covered his neck though :3 And I hope I got his colors right! He's probably not as "light" or milky as he's supposed to be, my apologies ;_;

I tried to do this "he's opening the curtains around the window" thing... I really like adding real photos to pictures x_x; I hope you like it!


Aaaaaaaaand here's Lakota. She's drawable in either two-legged or four-legged form XD

Last edited by LakotaWolf on Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DragonFlight »

Here's your pic.

I finished it anyway because I didn't feel like letting an unreusable outline go to waste. I wanted to give the shading a furry feel but that would take hours I don't have. As well as the funky outlining colors that I tend to do.

But for a scribble, there you go.



(Note to Lakota: I hope to, at some point, once I've relearned shading in Photoshop enough, to rescan this image and give it nice fur and stuff. @_@ I really don't like how it is now cause I intended much more.)


Cause Dray prompted that it was ok to post a sketch, I did this during Pizza-Thursday lunch break today.


Yaashir. Yay. I <3 him and I don't know why I got so attached. ^^;;; He's the Kynnese pantheon's God of War and Strife, but he's actually a nice guy. (Though despite appearances, he's good with any weapon. His favorite one, not shown, warps into whatever he feels like using at the time, and he's not above getting bloody and messy.)

Please feel free to make use of his not-finished-in-the-works character reference sheets that I started working on about three weeks ago.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a11/ha ... Sheet1.gif
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a11/ha ... Sheet2.gif

Sheet #1 has most of his coloration stuff on it, though I just airbrushed it messily in at the last minute so it kinda sucks. Here's a slightly bigger/more visible version of the first sheet with no color.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a11/ha ... erRef1.gif
(Yes, the colors indicate his facial markings as white and scars as sort of gray-ish.)

Please note that totally naked Yaashir is....how would you describe it.....work-safe? Rated PG? There's nothing visible to see. (His CoV version runs around with no clothes. Hehehe. Pity I had to reverse his markings and hair color cause the character maker made him look like a clown otherwise. :P But anyways.)

Hope that made some sort of remote sense. @_@
Last edited by DragonFlight on Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Rachael »

Here be Yaashir!

I left his unknown material fuzzy cloak white... Er... Heh. I felt like dealing with snow.

His skin is lighter than the ref as I am lame.


Now, my character:


She's twelve, an orphan tomboy, and a ninja.


I'd adore seeing her in some sort of ninja outfit or dolled up, but that is my whimsy. Have fun!

Other ref (IE not just done right now):
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/ ... nin003.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/ ... ikou2f.png
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/ ... ikou1f.png
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/ ... aikou3.jpg
Last edited by Rachael on Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xalia »

Okay....I hope this is remotely what you were looking for... Having been a tomboy as a kid I know for a fact that if you make a tomboy dress up, their hair gets messed up and they are /not/ happy about it...sooo...she's not happy...and I used a whole new shading style so I hope you like it...I think I made her too pale and she looks a little older than twelve to me...but eh...it's late and she's done! XD Hope you like!!!


Okay and here's my sketch...it's something I've been working on so it's got two characters in it but I'm only requesting that the girl be drawn because the guy doesn't look right. Nyera is the character and her information can be found here: http://kilandaia.dragonbackdesign.com/bonds/nyera.html And I apologize, it's huge and sideways because I had to scan it from work and for some reason Adobe Photoshop no longer works on my work computer... >.< I'll rotate and resize it when I get home tonight if I remember!

Last edited by Xalia on Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Starburst »

*sneaks in*

Oh, what the heck, I'll give this a whirl. ^^
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Post by Indigo »

*sneaks into line* I'll just be over here until my turn. ^__^
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Post by IceCat »

*Hops in again* ^^
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Post by LakotaWolf »

Signing up again, omg.
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Post by jess d »

I may regret this, but I'll try it anyway!
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Post by hksherra »

Me! Me! I'll draw here! ^^
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

>.> I guess I'll claim this spot.
https://renaissancebookpress.com/2017/0 ... tlin-caul/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Post by Astra »

'aight, why not, I'll draw Mystic's char
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Post by Shiolar »

Me next. *figures it's about time he had a go at this*
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Post by PinkDragon »

I'll go after Shiolar

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Post by Shadow »

*jumps up and down* I wanna try! I wanna try!! I'll go after Pink does!!! (sorry, bad habit of givin' peeps nicknames. Can I call you Pink?)
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Post by Kitsuneko »

>.> Well, now that it's officially open again....I think my humans are finally getting to a point where I'm satisfied enough to throw them out there. Aaaand I need practice. :P
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Post by DNS »

..are there rules somewhere, or did I miss them somewhere in my tired combing of the forms of them.
._. I might request mine dranw, though i have a dead simple character in mind. >.>
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Post by Dray »

X3 I'm going to jump back in here, too.

DNS: The rules are in the first post. The deadline is two weeks from when you get poked, however!
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