Bad news, Good news, and lots of surprises.

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Bad news, Good news, and lots of surprises.

Post by Guest »

This email has been mass sent to a fairly long list of groups and forums, (When in the world did I join all these. lol ) so I apologize to anyone in advance who gets this more then once.

Because this email partains to a large numder of topics (since I couldn't keep track of everything and write this in one stretch), some parts you may be interested in and some you may not. So I also apologize for it's length and forcing some to look thru it to find the stuff that partains to them.


Wellp, I've been gone for almost six months. First because of moving to another state, then because of computer problems that I had to send it away to get it fixed, then because of starting a new job. Plus I had to take the extra time to catch up with stuff thats been going on. Which really means I have no idea whats been going on. lol. So if there's anything important I should know, go ahead and give me a buzz.

But what matters is I'm back and hopefully I wont be going anywhere for a while.


Now on to the Good news! (:


First off, with the unavalibility of a computer it gave me plenty of time to apply pencil to paper and the end result was a collection of about 60 candidates, all in various stages of completion, that I have ready to send out along with around 10 more that are in the typing stage. Along with several sponsership pages. So get ready to check your mail boxes because your probably about to get a present from me. And If you don't, Don't worry, there are more on the way out.


And on a similar note, I had a few candidates out there that hatched while I was away. I believe I got them all updated but if anyone knows of something I'm missing, please let me know.


Now for a note I know some have been waiting for.

The Reflections Frenzy is still on!!!

If you haven't seen it yet the address is:

And if anyone has sent me in entries, I'm sorry but I haven't gotten them.

Except for some weird reson, the one from Kit.


I'm going to be starting a new project. This is a community right? Well one thing that most communities have is a Newspaper (this pretains to all groups receiving this email). So I thought maybe I'd try starting one. So I'll be writing a monthly news post, including hatching's, litters, flights, mating's, Frenzies, races, and any other important events. First issue to come out October 30th. I hope.

For anyone that want's to sudscride for a copy, sign up at:

And if anyone would like to help me out by being a reporter, email me privatly at:

or my IM is jess_8472 for yahoo, and ladielina2 for MSN.

and we can talk.


This is for anyone who does RPG's. Right now I need lots of players for a war rp. But I ask that it only be players who have time. Nothings more innoying then having to wait months in between posts just because someone doesn't feel like playing or doesn't have the time.

The address is:

Thanks to anyone who signs up.

And if anyone does RPGing or wants to get into online RPGing, If your interested get in touch with me and I can steer you toward a few more that are either active or in need of players.


And I believe thats everything. If it isn't, well, I'll deal with that when it comes.

Hello everyone. And I hope to hear from some of you soon. :)
Ancient Dragon
Posts: 2730
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:17 am

Post by Kitsuneko »

Yay! So did you get my cervidans, or was that the one you mentioned above? ^^;
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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Post by Shard »

Oh good welcome back! :) Glad to see you're doing okay!!

I'm definitely still interested in the Frenzy, I was wondering where you'd got off to.

Newsletter sounds fun, though it might be a bit redundant with the forums here. Maybe though with any hatchings and such that go on we could do 'interviews' with the lucky candidates or the parents of the clutches. :)
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Post by GildedLilly »

Dude! I have EXACTLY the race for the frenzy! Y'see... I got sick of furries everywhere, and so- bug people! Or weyr-geckos. Or- oooh... ideas! 'scuse me... *scuttles off to plot*

Post by Guest »

Those were the ones Kit. I got um.
Ancient Dragon
Posts: 2730
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:17 am

Post by Kitsuneko »

Good. Now I just have to finish Ghaen's story. ^^;
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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