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Post by Dray »

Last semester before graduation! I may pop in for epic awesome when JKat feels the need to mention it, but otherwise I'm AFK, MIA... hopefully not KIA by the end of the semester. D:

Take care! Keep on arting and writing you guys!

Post by Guest »

Sorry to see you go. :( Good luck with your last semester!

Just out of curiosity and also because I haven't heard anything about it in a while, what does this mean for the Old-Blood Frenzy? Is it off or still on or what? ;)
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Post by Shard »

Yeah that! :)

Do well in school. My characters had been waiting long before now, they can wait a little longer to see what they're getting ;)
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Post by Yakima »

*tiltes head to side* Yeah, me three on that. XD :P heehee...
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by delyar »

Considering the lack of candidates we've received so far, I see no real flaw in pushing it back. I'm currently doing a 6 course overload, which doesn't sound too bad but this is my first half hour free of the day and I still have 2.5 hours (+travel) to go. Meaning I won't be doing much story-wise or art-wise as well until April.
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Post by StarFyre »

<.< I'm actually going to second the "This is my last semester before graduation" sentiment. Cause, uh, yeah. This is gunna be fun!

I feel for you, Dray. Here's hoping we both do well, eh?
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Post by Dray »

Best of luck to both of you, Delyar and Starfyre. X3 I feel ya.

OB Frenzy pushed back; same with everything else I'm working on here.

School > Nexus by loads, sorry!
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Post by StarFyre »

I'm quite probably not going to do any more school after this, at least not for a long while. I'd honestly rather be working on writing and art, and not CS (though I appreciate the skills I've learned in the department). My fiance has found his niche, but I really can't say I'm comfortable in any segment of CS outside of the purely mathematical cryptography field, and I'm not comfortable enough to consider chaining myself to a desk, the government, or a school for any length of time.


Oh well. I just want this all over with already.
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Post by Shard »

It totally sounds like you ARE ready for a break. Clear your head and your schedule :)
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Post by StarFyre »

If it wasn't for the fact that this is my last semester, I'd probably just drop out of college, its gotten that bad these couple semesters. As it is, I'm staring at the end in the face, and so have set myself to grit my teeth and deal with it. (That, and my father wants me to have a degree before he'll technically support me and Joe getting married.)

It doesn't help that the past three semesters my health has totally tanked. I ended up missing about a full month of the end of last semester because of headaches/fevers/etc that I just could not shake. The chiropractor has no idea why I keep backsliding, either -- I'm doing all the exercises, walking right, and generally treating myself well, but it's like.. I go back to school, and I backslide weeks worth of treatment.

And I mention this, and say, "Forget this, I'm going to just become a friggin bum. I'm not going back to college for another degree yet, I'm not going to work in some stupid high-stress job, I'm just going to stay at home and do the things I like doing - art and writing."

and a roommate says, "Weellll... I've seen people get a lot worse by doing that, instead of getting better."

... and I want to hurt him, because he's a pretentious jerk at times (like the whole "oh, you and Joe don't know how to survive on your own cause you went to college right away. I went and worked in factories for two or three years before coming here - I have no one to rely upon but myself." which was originally in reference to me saying, "my father's been covering my college education, so I don't have any debt coming out of here." ((for the record, the total cost of college for me is only about 10k all told that my father had to cover -- and 8k of that was just this year, when the state got so twitchy about money that they took everyone's grants away)) )

But, anyway, we'll probably be done with him in another year or so (our other roommate will probably stay until we physically kick him out, but he pays rent, is funny, and generally has few downsides).
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Post by Yakima »

XD Here people are finishing their school stuff and I'm trying to GO BACK to school! LOL

My fingers are crossed for this fall...*nods* Same thing, different school - where I hope to actually LEARN something...it's bad when your teacher is asking you how to do something in a program, honestly! *sighs*

That said /I/ might be disapearing soon, too, if all goes as I want them to. I want to move (my bf has offered to let me live with him as he lives closer to the city my school is in), go to school, ect....Okay, I'll reword that...I WILL...I have to. I'm sick of doing nothing and working at McDonalds. And HE wants to go to a tech school for auto mechanics (and I will be pushing him all the way...he deserves to at least try. lol)

Anyway, not to steal Dray's post, but it's a funny though. Me going back (again) and you all finishing up. heehee

No, I will not shroud Falas in mist /again/...Falas will stay up as long as I can keep it though it will probably be very quiet. XD
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by StarFyre »

As far as I can tell, there's like.. four things to do in America -- go to school, be annoyed at stupid job you have to hold down, give up and go back to school, or be a bum and do nothing.
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Post by Yakima »

LOL True...too true...

I feel like I am/would be jumping off a cliff on this one...taking a BBIIIGGG chance...and I'm scared but I'm sick of sitting here...I can't even get anywhere with my horse because I have no trainer, no place to work him (road just dosn't work the same). I want out of my house, I want out of this town. The pros are very much out weighing the cons....lol. I just refuse to live alone in this weird, messed up world. He's sane...dependable. LOL
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

I didn't know Falas was even technically open? Still waiting to see Dark Moon pop back up. :) Everyone's so busy!

Starfyre, your roomie sounds like an ass! No offense if you might have taken it that way. I know maybe a handful of people who are "self-sufficient" and have no idea how the real world works (case in point, a former roomie of mine who used to buy video games with his rent money and complain that he didn't have enough to pay on time?), and other friends who never went to college at all and can run circles around the higher-educated in terms of managing their own lives. Real world experience, in my book, has never been relative to having a job, going to school, and paying bills. But that's just me, and I'm feisty about the issue. ;)

Post by Guest »

Is it weird if I say that I'm scared to graduate for the first time?.....
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Post by StarFyre »

Don't worry about it ^^ He is an ass. He's also one of those "must be doing 80bagillionthingsatonce" people. Luckily, that keeps him out of the apartment most of the time. Generally, he's okay, but he has these "I'm So Superior" moments.

And while Joe and I are eating home cooked, healthy meals every night (and the leftovers or sandwiches for lunch), paying rent, covering bills, doing the occasional fun purchase (video games, etc, usually bought used for cheap) and still have money left over for stashing away, this guy is eating those... prepackaged microwaved meals (his words, "If it takes over 3 minutes to make, I'm not interested"), paying rent, and generally living like a monk because he's barely squeaking his way through paying college fees because of the way he chose to do it (he's not old enough to count as a "returning adult" or whatever people are classified as when they're like.. over 35-40 and going to school, he was never in the military, he's not a returning student because he never went to college before this... pretty much, he's hosed for everything but loans).

And then he has the gall to tell me'n Joe that we'd never make it in the real world, because it's "much different than this." Well, Joe seems to have a job, and we seem to be properly managing our money... how different is the real world from those two basic facts?

Arresaun: Nope, not weird at all. I think all of us are a bit nervous, especially walking out into this economy.
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Post by Cy »

I'm hoping to start school this fall as well. I just need to hear back about my grants and such. But my school load shouldn't interfere with my Nexus time. I'm going for Mortuary Science, and I would guess there isn't toooo much homework they can give you with that? Haha iono. I've been doing the whole 'working before going to school' thing mostly because I dropped out and got my GED and was supporting myself, and I don't want to have to take out a loan to pay for college. I'm hoping the grants I applied for will be enough to cover it.
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Post by StarFyre »

In reality, things don't start getting tough until you hit third or fourth year of college (or equivalent, if you walk in with community college credit behind you). That's usually when the nasty hits and every class starts screeching "I AM THE ONLY ONE YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT!!!" and you have to take four of those a semester.


Edit: Going off of what I can guess from what I know of Mort... you're going to be getting anatomy-funsies for homework, and lots and lots of lab sessions. This is, of course, on top of your gen-eds that the college/university will require you to take in order to graduate, often these will have nothing to do with your major. Like physics. Math. Chemistry. Health Ed. English. And so on.
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Post by Cy »

Why can I never escape math. I hate math. I am number dyslexic. Dead bodies shouldn't require math >.<
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Post by StarFyre »

They wants you to be a well rounded person!

And give them more monies. Definitely more monies.
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Post by delyar »

I just got out of a lab that took from 8:30-12:00 and didn't finish but our TA said "GIVE ER" because we didn't have time to let our reaction complete. (Thereby dumping 1/3rd of our acid in at once, woo hoo!) I have another 3 hour lab starting in 30 minutes and then I have a tutorial and class for another 2.5 hours tonight. Hurray switching degrees from a B.A. to a B.Sc., but so far it's worth it.

The American system (RE: Money) makes me so sad. I mean, I'm going to complete my B.Sc. and likely my D.V.M. as well with no debt (or a very small amount) but my boyfriend has a B.Eng. from Carnegie Mellon and is up to his eyeballs in debt and can't find a job in his field to boot. (He opted to go teach English in South Korea for a year while he figured things out and is now planning on doing his Masters when he gets back.) It just seems silly to be in debt for such a long time.

Cy, I feel your pain. I am taking two math courses this semester and the only time they fit is... 6:30-8:00 at night. Four nights a week. With an extra 1 hour tutorial on Wed & Thurs. I am number dyslexic as well and generally really really uninterested in inverse sin and all that shit. Most vets I've seen have to calculate amount/weight on a piece of scrap paper anyway. :P
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Post by StarFyre »

Well, if I get REALLY unlucky (GO ME!), my University is going to close down before the semester is over, a'cause the state promised money and isn't handing it out. As the newspaper said today: we're well past cutting programs and not buying new equipment. We're into the "can we make payroll this week?" phase.

Also, guess what my state is doing to the public schools? Y'know (or maybe you don't) that public schools (elementary and highschools) get what are called "Title grants" -- basically, money to help them deal with English As A Second Language students, disability students, and so on. This money comes straight from the USG (Washington, weee), goes to the state gov, then in passed down to the schools as appropriate. Well, the state gov is holding onto the Title monies. They have them. ALL of them. By law that money cannot be used for anything else. But they're not distributing them. Why? To make the budget crisis look worse than it is, so out esteemed gov'nor can push an income tax increase through.

I love politics! We named it so well! "Many blood-sucking insects."
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Post by Yakima »

XD *grins*

Code: Select all

 prepackaged microwaved meals
I wish I could eat nice meals. We had to start feeding ourselves and instead of pooling our money together (my sisters and my sister's fiance...so four of us total downstairs) We eat seperatly. And since I don't like to cook up something really nice and "fancy" for just me, I have a bunch of those...though I'm trying NOT to...I hate buying food as much as I hate buying cloths! Urg. XD

Reason number...lost count...that I want to move. I want to eat like a real, NORMAL person! LOL

*ends food rant and tries to stash her microwaveable pasta thing before she's caught* heehee...'course, being lactose intolerant, it was defiently not something I should have ate...urg...XD

@Erinyess: oh, yes, Falas is still "active"....it's just sorta of sitting their waiting for me to get some stuff organzied. I don't want to have to worry about information at Falas or any of my other sites. I want to get ALL my info done and taken care of before I start adopting again. However, when that happens, I don't think I'm going to take well to giveaways and stat sheets. I like reading stories... :( And I like writting them and "working/earning" what I get. *sighs in reminicence of the "good ol days" XD Anyway...yes, Falas is still going. It's my top site on my to-finish list. XD (followed by the FGPC, Alair, LSI/Treval...and I am thinking Baskar may retire....*nods sadly*)
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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