Caer Talor Cliff Records?

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Caer Talor Cliff Records?

Post by Yakima »

By any, weird, long shot of a chance, did anyone ever save those? I never did and feel really, really, really dumb for it but...yeah...

And for some reason I'm wishing I had just asked for a white for Raayah...I'm not as fond of the rainbow-white as I was back then. >.< Aw, well...*sighs* I should have asked for a green for a christmas theme...Yuvarajth is red.

I might try to get a quick little records database for Alskyrian dragons, too. I just really want to know the siblings for each of my dragons. Actually, Furtim Aeire and Altus Cove Records would be wonderful if someone has them and has a way of getting them to me. None of the links at the Wayback Archive site work to the actually places. Grr....why does that always happen? Everything but the stupid records pages or the winglisting (to see if a dragon was "cannon" or not), work. XD

Anyway, done ranting. Anyone? *leans innocently toward Shard. ;P)
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Post by Shard »

I have no idea if I have the full records, I might have the hatching of the ones I got though... somewhere... o.o T___T they're all in weird boxes everywhere through my house lol! I'll put it on the list of things to look for lol.
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