Don't look...okay, look if you dare...DMW 'reopening'

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Don't look...okay, look if you dare...DMW 'reopening'

Post by Yakima »

Okay, don't's an 'idea' and something to amuse me with.

But, I got to thinking about Dark Moon and this genetic thing I have going on. Where I 'left off' with Dark Moon there are no golds there, and one bronze. The 'fertility' drug would still be around and there is no Thread so greens don't /have/ to chew firestone and whatnot. That, and they all live in a more Hold-like Dark Moon Weyr.

So, I did this.

Currently, the only thing that works are the wings because I'm not sure when this will start, if ever. But I intend for DMW to have it's own set of images, firelizard and dragon. :P

The design is in tribute to how Azala had her old site, right down to the very light opacity wood-grain background (though I only used that for the tables). Funny, I designed that site for her. Heh. Anyway, if anything, Dark Moon now has a pretty little spot on the internet again. LOL.

I have a Frenzy to get out and an elf to resurrect before I do anything with that. All the clutches will be small, being green. But I'm sticking strictly to genetics here. Most of those dragons, if not all, are Mardanith and Ichiroth's brats...I mean wonderful little darlings, so they're all 'normal'. I know, I know, here we go with inbreeding. >.< Okay, not all of them. I have some left over from the Old Falas Weyr. XD

I just wanted to show off the pretty site...I'm very pleased with the rustic look to it, even if I have to do image titles for everything...loved the font too much to change. LOL
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by JKatkina »

That seems a lot like what Dray had already set up. o.O
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Post by Dray »

Well, I only really started with the Pernese stuff after Yakima linked that Jenaith site -- though to be fair, I had thought that the ideas that JKat and I had discussed were relatively original, so it does feel like Yakima copied and pasted New Telgar to DMW.

XD It's just... everything is EXACTLY the same. 'No queens, all green clutches, no threadfall, using genetics (which were partly taken from the ones that I'd worked up -- and not the Jenaith ones --, unless everything has changed since the last time I looked), NOW the Weyr is more hold-like, too!' the similarities are just in all the parts that count.

Like I'd said before, though, I probably wouldn't have made New Telgar a regular place to adopt from, given how isolated it was, and Yakima has more fun with Pernese shindigs anyways. O.O I'm just curious about why the very-similar-premise so suddenly after I'd posted the New Telgar stuff a couple of weeks ago?

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I love the site layout, Yakima! The colours are pretty! Where did you get the font for the header links?
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Post by Yakima »

I'm sorry, Dray, JKat, but this little plot for DMW has been on the back burner for a while - since I mentioned it a while ago and you though about creating a Pernese Weyr yourself. I just was going to wait and see if someone else took Dark Moon first. No one die. And I have Azala's old images so...

Honestly, our codes are (in my opinion) different. Mine's a pain in the ass complex while you'rs is similar. I had wanted to use the Jenaith codes from the beginning but the explanation on the page didn't always come with examples which I need to figure things out. (mostly the w/d stuff). I started out using some of your code's ideas but changed them. Have you looked at the Database? I did want you to see of the w/d genes were right and stuff.

I am not banning golds nor am I saying they can't hatch. They may out of a green, I don't know. Haven't played around with the genetics much (though you said they can...). I am STARTING with one bronze and greens - and the remaining rares from that Altered Clutch that hatched before K'man's group left. My first planned clutch is Ilverinth and Faroth before they jump forward to get the plot rolling in the Eleventh Pass. DMWH is, actually for me, going back and time and 'finishing' things up.

There is no Threadfall because, well, it's after the first Falas which ended at the end of the Tenth Pass, thus I had no choice there. It's going to be boring...urg....I'm use to the drama of Threadfall at Falas and the FGPC in the new Pass. Heh.

I call it a WeyrHold to differant from the original Dark Moon Weyr and to establish the fact that there is no Thread, and because these riders know that DMW will be abandoned again by the time Falas rises again. I'm not elaborating on how/why but it is. (Okay, E'lan left a letter in the records room stating that when he sees Dark Moon Weyr again, it will be abandoned. E'lan, at least, will be arriving at Falas eventually. He had connections with J'tha who was informed by me when I jumped back in time, just before Phalinth's first mating flight, about a bunch of crap he pretended he didn't know about. It's long, it's complicated and it has nothing to do with Dray's WeyrHold.) The WeyrHold operates as a WEYR, not a hold, like Dray's. Like I said, it's called a WeyrHold because this isn't Azala's Dark Moon anymore, it's mine. There is no thread so people are living more like holders since the Holds feel that Dark Moon is dead and heard it will never rise again. does that make sense?

I used codes for my last two FGPC clutches and loved how it worked. It limited me, and I felt the results were fair. I rolled what would hatch and matched up the candidates from there rather then saying...oh, so-and-so will get a green, and so-and-so had a good story and I liked them so they'll get the pearl and blah-blah. This is more organized and limiting and I liked it. I don't think I can ever do a Pernese clutch again without genetics to guide me. I've wanted genetics forever at Falas because, well, that was the whole guiding light at Falas was the Genetic Hall. I posted my idea and Dray took wind and took off. I'm not complaining. I spuried an idea in someone. I feel great about it.

Mardanith and Ichiroth are very plain, normal dragons. There offspring are no different. I have yet to put what there altered offspring may carry but they won't be that great in terms of rares. There is no FGPC to carry out any more alterations on eggs. They all went forward - actually, it's over at Tripaldi ICly. Heh.

DMWH is a central point for any of my riders from that era who are going forward to the New Falas. Kaia, Makenna and Yenna are all going to Impress at Ryslen...well, planned at least, transfer as Jr. Weyrlings to the WeyrHold, be trained for Threadfall by C'rik, and set forward to join Falas. That is basically the purpose of DMWH. I may do clutches - I may not. I am drawing a new set of dragon images that I may or may not use. I may, since I have the darn things, use the ones Azala had been using last. I may use both and let people choose which image they want if I do a clutch.

I don't know yet.

If anything, Dray 'copied' me. XD I posted something about Genetics and she bounced off and came back with her dragons. I didn't yell at her - I was first to post and snag one. *chuckles*

But, honestly, I am a little hurt you both would accuse me of copying. I didn't have to ever post the Post-Falas Exile crap I had had on back burner for god only knows how many years. I didn't have a reason to until recently. The timing was just off. If you both are really that upset about it, I'll take it down. I'm not really sorry about anything, though, because the plot was never copied. It just has been and now is what it is. *shrug*

Oh, Maerwynn, I have no idea where the font is, but it's called SANTOS DUMONT (it's in all caps...). And I'm glad you like it. I even used colors on the dragons' colors like the Old Days. LOL I'm tempted to do the same for Falas....but I don't know. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

For what it's worth, I remember Yakima also bringing up DMW as well as several other projects quite some time ago. There *are* similarities, but then - this is Pern, there's only so many differences that can exist.
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Post by Dray »

I guess I'm the copy-cat, then. XD Well, whatever. I've already gone and raised such a stink with other Nexus folk recently that I feel dumb puffing my chest up again -- the site looks fine, and all that, and I wouldn't want you to take anything down. I just had my noise out of joint because you weren't going to use that bit of code (you had said you didn't understand it, so I thought you were dismissing it) and I was all, "WOAH HEY, something that fits the pern-dragons! They're actually enjoyable to me now!" so when you turned around and adopted the code as well as some of the stuff I'd put out with the giveaways, the first thought was 'omfg copy nooooo!'

To be fair, I'd been trying for some genetics for pern dragons (as well as hathians and alskyrians -- something to try to bring the idea of breeding together across the Nexus in a way that would work for me) since 2004, I think. It wasn't working on its own, however, so I eventually moved on to those generators. Seeing the link that you posted, the only info that I took from you, Yakima, was JUST the Jeniath-link... the rest I was puzzling out on my own, not looking-and-emulating from you. >.>'

Anyways, Shard has the truth of it. XD I'm going to stop doing that annoying 'but I want the last woooord!' thing and wait for pretty dragons, because I'm sure they're going to come of all of that hard work. :3
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Post by Yakima »

*hugs Dray* Thanks. Just be lucky I removed my first response to this...I was honestly really upset over it...posted then went back and realized how many "XD" things you had and deleted it to try again...I wasn't that upset, just hurt. Genetics are not something we can go 'MINEMINEMINE' over, really. DNA is everywhere, everything, and every dragon in the Nexus has them. :P I mean, hey, I want wolf genetics now! Which is why I posted my plots for that. I want input there because not very fermular with DNA (and the internet isn't very helpful so far), and I'm not the only one with a WolfKeep (active or not, heh...I need/want new images...more then one to spread variety-ness). I've wanted genetics for a long time, but like you, Dray, reverted to generators. XD And I was thinking about something for the Ortari, too. The trick is doing some of these so that it's easy to breed with others. I don't think my code will do that very well. >.< Dur...

I truthfully think, even though I love those worlds, that Alskyr and Icarus and a lot of other worlds are Pern with a few tweaks (Anar isn't that much different). In a way, Pern is just the ground zero of a lot of things in the Nexus. LOL. *shrug*

You know...if this one sticks, I'll have all possible combinations of Weyr, Hall, and Hold....Weyr, WeyrHall and WeyrHold. Urg....that's funny.

Anyway, here is Azala's template, with her final shading-style:
(PS, it's Flynnth so feel free to throw things at her...XD)

And the one I was working on (flipped 'cause I really can't draw very well the other way. >.<
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Yakima »

Oh, Dray...I've been meaning to ask this...

What's your Avatar? XD it's kinda driving me nuts trying to figure it out...:P
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Post by Shard »

yay :)

See, the more the merrier. I like the idea of New Telgar, as well as reviving an old "dead" weyr. Moar dragons = moar fun.
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Post by Shard »

Yakima wrote:Oh, Dray...I've been meaning to ask this...

What's your Avatar? XD it's kinda driving me nuts trying to figure it out...:P
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Post by Yakima »

Shard wrote:yay :)

See, the more the merrier. I like the idea of New Telgar, as well as reviving an old "dead" weyr. Moar dragons = moar fun.
True...I thought the concept was good, and a natural choice after what happened. Heh. *shrugs* I'm just use to the whole copywrite stuff we once had to fear...

I'm not against New Telgar...just wondering about the whole getting candidates in to Impress and leave to not cause a huge mess for the Weyrleader...The only thing at Dark Moon is that future candidates can't mention much about what happened at's common knowlage (thanks to Philippe's self-assurnece), that Falas is coming back. :P Just the details of events (like stupid-elf killing himself) can't leak. *shrugs*

Are there any Weyrs still in that time frame? *blinks*

And her avatar still dosn't make sense.

Sorry...I am blond...>.< It might come to be later. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

See, I don't really *care* whether it's in character or in-time or whatever. As long as I can swipe dragons and write a little, I'm happy. :)
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Post by Yakima »

That's why I love Shard candidates.

It's just after reading Dray's info page that made me blink and go..."Oh, okay, this isn't the traditional Weyr" type thing. I mean, Talor was in the 3rd Pass...that's a lot of time hoping. *shrugs* I miss the old days sometimes, when I didn't care...but the writing bug bites me hard these days. I set out to write a quick 1-2 page story and I have 10 pages in the end....*cough* H'dar *cough* Or Kaia....or...Yenna. And I have to change her arrive to Ryslen a bit. Heh....I'm gonna like have DMW sitting in the Eleventh Interval 'directing traffic' for future Falas. *smirk*

Oh, anyway, off to find a pencil sharper...:P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

I like how your sketch mirrors her original lineart, Yakima. I like the layout too- it really does remind me of the DMW layout.

One bronze and a crapload of greens. This is going to be interesting - especially with the genetics.
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Post by Yakima »

Thanks, Saeri. I'm glad you like. I just need to figure out the wings. Her's weren't...well...very natural. LOL. The wings might be different, if anything. >.<

*pokes Dray with a flamethrower* Speaking of crap load of greens...I'm itching to write a candidate for you for reals. *grin* Ever since you put New Telgar (and if I ever spell that New Talor, forgive me...I just did, almost) online I was bouncing...

New = fresh meat....sorta.

...not that I know how to use a flamethrower, dragon flames so I got out of that mess. LOL.
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Post by Dray »

"I like how your sketch mirrors her original lineart, Yakima."

This! XD

As for the avatar, it's a bedroom, with two characters holding hands and bouncing through it repeatedly -- sort of a copy of the icon that I gave to Unyko so long ago of her psychotic character bouncing through a field of flowers... there's not much rhyme or reason behind this one save for injokes between JKat and I. X3

New Telgar's going to have a few clutches before I open things up to absolute chaos. I don't necessarily plan on having the current status quo last forever, but I'd like to open it and run it for a few clutches where the Weyrleader is still trying to hold things together. Knowing that there are Queens out there and that it might be possible to get one to clutch, thus restoring a kind of order that would put him in second place would really throw a wrench in how the entire site works. It's just something that I need to think on and plan out before it happens or else I'll throw my hands up in the air and curse a lot. XD

I'll do something once April is over (school's circling me like a shark in bloody water. :x The only reason I have the BWR still going is because I drew a bunch of those templates a while ago so all I have to do now is make announcements and minor changes to reflect updates!)

(I'm sorry to have upset you! :o *passes delicious mango icecream around in hopes of soothing tempers!*)
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Post by Yakima » cream...that sounds good...pity we don't have any. :P Sherbert sounds better, actually. I'm surprised my stomach isn't having a fit over the milk I had with dinner. *snicker* I'm not that mad, Dray, and I fogive-forget eaisily. I guess it was more like I didn't expect to see that type of response. *pats*

Perhaps one thing I would like to know is how many people would still want those Old DMW images? It would make things easier for me to use them, not having to do another set, but some of her anatomy is...*shakes self* :P I'm liking this adult...*pats it* I just need to argue with wings (like usuall). What is it with me and wings...I can visualize in my head how I want them but there must be a nerve missing between my head and hand...I swear!

Ah, I see (about avatar). When I first saw it I started to laugh cause,'s just one of those things to laugh at. XD

Don't worry about New Telgar. You're starting to sound like me and plots. *wacks Philppe in the head* Truthfully, there really isn't much other dimension weyrs could do, harm wise. *shrug* what are they all going to do - evacuate there dimension and leave it? And if the next Pass yeilds another apocolyptic Pern...well, even a million dragons won't do ya any good! LOL

*shrugs* Anyway, don't worry about it.

As for clutches at Dark Moon - Old days! Mostly because Mardanith and Ichiroth are about as old-school as one can get.

Mardanith: XGWdF XgwDF Rr Bb Hh (Ll) UU C1C1 T1T1 Ss O1O1 N1N1 M1M1
Ichiroth: XgwDF Y Rr Bb Hh (Ll) UU C1C1 T1T1 Ss O1O1 N1N1 M1M1

Not much variety...I mean, Really I only need what is up to Hh and call it quites coding wise. LOL *shrug* So genetics and dice decide what will hatch, a white will be only if I get the w/w and d/d. Oh...I can't wait till clutch one...even if I'm starting off with Faroth and Ilverinth, a light and night dragon so those might happen. :P Then I want the Weyrleaders' dragons to clutch...then I'll start opening flights up to whatever shows up.
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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