Dragon Books / Series?

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Dragon Books / Series?

Post by DragonFlight »

I know alot of folks around here have read the Pern novels, but I'm curious how many other series have been scattered across the Nexus?

I've read the Pit Dragon Trilogy and I've heard Jane Yolen is writing another book in the series.

I read Eragon awhile back, and then after awhile, I read it again, finally following up with Eldest and Brisingr, and I do look forward to its eventual conclusion....

I'd have to say that, recently being in mind for something more gritty, I read all five of the current Temeraire novels on recommendation from a friend, and found them absolutely fascinating. I couldn't put them down.

Anyone else read those novels? Any other good series I've missed in passing? ^_~
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Post by Dray »

D: I haven't read any dragon books for ages! I think I may need to get my hands on some this summer.

I remember... 'Elves Bane' or something like that was a dragonish book. O.o So was... oh shoot. This really terrible series about dragon-shifter people who were worried because there hadn't been any new shifters born in forever. The author was a woman who's last name began with an 'A' or a 'B'. XD I couldn't stop reading them even though they were so terrible. The sequel took place in an Asia-culture-clone. They were just awful...

I can't think of anything else that I've read in the recent or distant past with dragons. o_O" Been busy digging in on Kat's repossessed collection of Tamora Pierce books, which I wish had dragons (though I hear that the Daine series does... I just can't start that one until I get the first book!)
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Post by DragonFlight »

If you haven't read the Temeraire series (His Majesty's Dragon, Throne Of Jade, The Black Powder War, Empire Of Ivory, Victory Of Eagles) I highly recommend it. It's an alternate-history setting of the Napoleonic War. With dragons.

I'm not much of a history buff, but they're so excellent, regardless. I believe the first novel is slated to have a movie being directed by Peter Jackson. <3 Squee. But yeah.
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'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.

Post by Guest »

Dray, are you talking about the Halfblood Chronicles by Andre Norton? (Elvenbane, Elvenblood, Elvenborn)

I haven't read them in ages, but it's a wonderful series.

Another series is the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star series by Melanie Rawn, both 3 books each. I have reread this series probably 4 or 5 times, and still want to reread it again.
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Post by Dray »

Yup, Dracleia! I haven't read them since I was in high school. O_O I remember thinking that the first was fun, but that the second was crap... then again, I can't trust my sense of taste from so long ago! I just found a book that I adored when I was younger and it turned out to be utter tripe. XD

Oh, oh! What about the Glass Dragon series? Those were interesting when I was younger... so they might be no-good. But they're worth peeking into!
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Post by Kitsuneko »

The Age of Fire series by E.E.Knight is pretty good. It's about a trio of dragon siblings growing up apart from each other.
Mercedes Lackey has the Joust series, (Joust, Alta, Sanctuary, Aerie) with people who train dragons for war.
That's all I can think of at the moment, though I definitely second (third?) the Temeraire recommendation. :)
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Marjorie B. Kellogg has a quadrilogy, The Dragon Quartet (The Book of Earth, The Book of Water, The Book of Fire, The Book of Air), which is quite good! Dragons, their "dragon guides", elemental themes, and time travel! X3

And as hokey as I find them on re-read, I still have a soft spot for the original Dragonlance books. AD&D style goodness(?)!
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Post by Dray »

Ha ha, I was thinking about the Dragonlance books... the one centered around the dragons was the only one I managed to finish -- the rest were boring to me. XD Only thing I found really creepy was that they consecutively bred with their siblings. :X
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Post by Xenoqueen »

::snickers:: My soft spot for them is entirely based on Tasslehoff, Raistlin, and Fizban. Or was he Zifnab in that series? I forget, he was one in that series, and the other in The Death Gate Cycle. And somewhere in some other series I think there's a Zanfib, too. XD Yay for breaking the fourth wall!
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Post by jess d »

Zifnab was Deathgate, Fizban was Dragonlance :D

My husband is a huge Dragonlance fan, and has hooked me in XD
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Post by Keilin Alyr »

I'll have to ask my husband for advice if you might be interested in other series based around D&D settings. He has a ton of Forgotten Realms novels, and dragons have to be major players in some of them. They're a definite presence in Faerun itself.

The Year of Rogue Dragons trilogy comes to mind, as well as the two Realms of the Dragons anthologies, but I can't give an opinion on 'em since neither of us has read them. I know Rogue Dragons deals with a dragon slayer, an organization of mad cultists trying to raise of army of undead dragons (to take over the world, of course), and an recurring curse of insanity plaguing the entire continent's population of dragons, among other things.

It was the canon novelization of events happening and playable in-setting if you kept up with the source material. Sounded enough like fun, but I'm not sure how much setting background you'd need to know in advance.

*wanders off to look at bookshelves, hunting for books she may have overlooked*
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Post by StarFyre »

Books I remember as being good, per my last reading of them include Elizabeth Kerner's Song in the Silence/The Lesser Kindred/Redeeming the Lost.

ALSO! Not exactly the Glass Dragon you were talking about, Dray, but Sean McMullen's book Glass Dragons (Moonworlds Saga) is hilarious as all get out. DEFINITELY not for younger audiences, though... there's just something about a man's willy being turned into a snake that glares balefully up at him when he thinks about sex that makes me rofl. Or a vampire who drinks the blood of drunks to get drunk. Or just.. any number of really amusing as hell things that happen in that book. It's technically not the first book in the saga, but I read it first without any issue. And dragons aren't so much main characters as, you know, all powerful critters that get their gigglefits out of messing with humans on occasion.

Keep away from Donita K. Paul unless you like preachy-christian-goodness in your dragon stories. (As my mom said, "wtf sort of christian books are they selling now?").

For a bit of tradition fantasy thrown on its head, Gordon R. Dickson with his Dragon Knight series (Dragon on the Border/Dragon and the George/etc.. I forget the order they're in) is good.

For some war stories, meddling gods, and a boy and his dragon that excel in being in the wrong (right?) place at the wrong (right?) time, Christopher Rowley's Bazil Broketail series is pretty good. (Good luck finding the right order for the damn books, though.. I suggest looking it up online.. aaanndd.. they're all out of print apparently 0.o;; eep *hugs her collection*).

Chris Bunch has his own take on dragons-of-war in the Dragonmaster trilogy (Storm of Wings/Knighthood of the Dragon/The Last Battle). I liked it, for what it's worth, though it's not as good as some series out there.

Of course, from good old fashion childhood fantasy comes Patricia C. Wrede and her Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I think someone dared her to include as many fairytale cliches in a series as possible... though it's the wizards that melt from a bucket of soapy water with lemon juice (can't forget the lemon juice, it doesn't work without it), not the witches... giggle. And they come back. Eventually. Usually pissed.

If humor is your thing, Robert Asprin's new series with dragon main characters, Dragons Wild being the first book, (with Dragons Luck coming out April 7th) is hilarious.

Susan Fletcher has a series out, (Flight of the Dragon Kyn/Dragons Milk/Sign of the Dove), that's for younger audiences, but I remember it being cute.. then again, I haven't read the books since I was 15 or so.

Not having as much to do with dragons as you might possible want (I don't remember any running around physically, but it's been a while since I read it), Patricia Brigg's Hurog Duology (Dragon Bones/Dragon Blood) was pretty good from what I recall.

I'll reiterate that E.E Knight's Age of Fire books (Dragon Champion/Dragon Avenger/Dragon Outcast) are pretty good. (OOH! HEY! Fourth book out! Dragon Strike!)

If you can find copies, Jeffrey A. Carver's Star Rigger books are absolutely gorgeous examples of sci-fi at their finest. One of his books, Dragons in the Stars does deal with dragons (I think I couple others do as well, but it's hard to get ahold of his work these days, his books being over ten years old and all) and it was my introduction to his work. I loved it.

Timothy Zhan also has a fairly interesting series with his Dragonback Adventures (Dragon and Thief/Dragon and Soldier/Dragon and Slave/Dragon and Herdsman/Dragon and Judge/Dragon and Liberator). More geared towards younger audiences, a bit cliched (I've only read the first two, because that's all my library had at the time).

I'm not sure whether I recommend this book or not... I never really figured out what to think about it. Michael Swanwick's
The Iron Dragon's Daughter kept me reading it, but I'm not sure why. And I keep returning to it. Maybe that whole "trainwreck" symptom going on... Borrow it from somewhere before you choose to buy it.

Another series that slightly disturbed me, though I've only read the first book in the series (back when it came out in 2000) is Lawrence Watt-Evans' Obsidian Chronicles (Dragon Weather/Dragon Society/Dragon Venom). It doesn't really paint dragons in a good light, though...

A bit more to my liking than the previous author, Alan F. Troop introduces the concept of dragons in the modern world - shapeshifters in the guise of humans - in his Dragon de la Sangre series (The Dragon DelaSangre/Dragon Moon/The Seadragon's Daughter/A Host of Dragons). Troop enjoys messing with people's heads in the books, especially in the later ones.

... There are a handful more, but I can't remember any more authors or titles at the moment. Maybe I'll think of them later. In any case, those are the dragon related books I've read in the past, though I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Actually, I can point at one more trilogy I can't recall, and a book I read so long ago I only remember parts of it, that child-me liked it, and that, for the life of me, I couldn't give you the title, author, or even what the book looked like anymore. Ah well, so goes memory as age advances =P
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Post by TyGryph »

I own The Iron Dragon's Daughter, and it's not really about dragons. There is a dragon, an iron one even, but the story's not about him, and he's long gone before you're halfway through this twisted and bizarre story.
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Post by Xenoqueen »

StarFyre wrote:For a bit of tradition fantasy thrown on its head, Gordon R. Dickson with his Dragon Knight series (Dragon on the Border/Dragon and the George/etc.. I forget the order they're in) is good.
Oh yeah, I loved these! When I learned my favorite childhood movie (Flight of Dragons) was based off The Dragon and the George, I devoured the series immediately. X3
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Post by JKatkina »

"Patricia C. Wrede and her Enchanted Forest Chronicles"

SECONDED SO BAD!! I love those books. They were a staple of my childhood. They are just so funny, and reading Dealing with Dragons for the first time was a revelation for me. A princess... who isn't being princesslike? AWESOME.
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Post by StarFyre »

TyGryph wrote:I own The Iron Dragon's Daughter, and it's not really about dragons. There is a dragon, an iron one even, but the story's not about him, and he's long gone before you're halfway through this twisted and bizarre story.
He's back at the end, though. ... As the dragon and the girl get to destroy the universe 0.o;; or something like that. It was a wtf moment for me. Well, most of the book was.
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Post by Astra »

I really liked "The Last DragonLord" and "Dragon and Phoenix" by Joanne Bertin. There was supposed to be a third book in the series, but the author seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet, which is a shame.
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Post by Dray »

Right, 'The Last DragonLord' was the book I was thinking of, earlier! X3 I thought they were a little cheesy, but I liked them too!
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Post by StarFyre »

Mmm cheesy. I remember reading those books too, and liking them, and wanting to shake my fist at the author at the, y'know, complete and total piff she pulled.

(BTW, Dray, your post-count will officially amuse me in two posts. 6666 posts for the win ^^)
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Post by Dray »

Holy freaking crap! XD Talk about running off at the mouth! I should vow a month of silence or something so other people can catch up!
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