Computer Problems. x.x

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Computer Problems. x.x

Post by Unyko »

(X-posted to my LJ)

Oh. That was nice. I thought this was why we hooked computers up to surge protectors. *FACEPALM*

So we had a little power flicker yesterday morning. Nothing big.. or so I thought. And now my tower won't start. >.< The power is on, the switch is flipped, the plug is plugged into a working outlet... and it still won't start when I push the button. *DIE*

What does this mean?

1) That was the computer I had my scanner hooked up to. Thus, I can no longer scan, unless I beg Lilu to use hers.
2) That was the only computer in the house with Photoshop on it. I can no longer use Photoshop.
3) That was the only computer my Tablet would work on. Lilu has one on her laptop, but as of this moment, mine is useless.
4) That was the computer I used to code HTML and CSS (as it has Windows, and I have yet to figure out an easy way to code on my Mac), so pages from me will be few and far between.

Darnit, I was gonna work on stuff this morning, too. >.< *was totally gonna work on her commissions pages and color up dragons and stuff*


My tower had weathered power outages before. The power flickers, the computer turns off. You push the button, it turns back on. That's the way this is supposed to work.

*sad* *wander off*
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Post by Dray »

I'm not sure if you use a program builder like Dreamweaver or not, but if you're just using basic code and doing it by hand, use Mac's 'Text Edit', then go to the tool bar and pick 'Format -> Plain Text'. Then code away. When you want to save, append '.html' or '.htm' to the end... it'll ask you if you want to change that to '.txt' but you don't have to.

You can also code CSS in that manner. :3
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Post by Unyko »

Yeah, that's how I do it on my Mac, but it's not so easy trying to edit a page. ^.^;; Unless you know something I don't know. If I try to open any .html page in text edit, whether or not it's set to plain text, it opens the thing like a web page; background, images, layout and all. x.x; So I basically hafta go to the actual!page, view source, select and copy, open up text edit, paste the code, and then edit whatever it is. Then overwrite the original file. Instead of being able to directly edit the source like I could with windows.

*shrug* It's not really that much more trouble, but it's not something I can do when I have a random minute here and there. It's a thing I have to actually see all the way through from beginning to end, or risk forgetting what I was trying to do, and with what page. ^.^;;

Also: Man, I wish I had Dreamweaver. @.@ Learned how to use it in school, and have been drooling over it ever since. XD
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Post by Astra »

do a search for a freeware mac plain text editor. Textedit, frankly, sucks. Textwrangler is what a lot of people use. I use writeroom myself, but I don't think it's freeware anymore, I think you have to pay like $20 for it now. But I like its full screen capabilities (that's really what it's known for. But it doubles as an excellent bare bones text editor).

Also, if you want dreamweaver, there's always bit torrent ... but you didn't hear that from me *awkwardly slinks away*

Post by Guest »

Sounds to me like you need a new power supply, and you'll be fine. Ever done surgery on your computer before? ;)

Usually when you hit a surge it's just the power supply that gets fried, so it's a safe bet that if you replaced it your computer would be fine.

Post by Guest »

Yeah, I have a box that needs a new case and harddrive, but I got a laptop and just moved all my crap over there, so we're cannibalizing my old box and I'm playing mad scientist. It's not like the switch is fried (like my tower was), so we have otherwise 100% new components. :D

I missed wielding screwdrivers. X3
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Post by Unyko »


So we replaced the power supply, found it wasn't compatible with my motherboard, replaced that (Lilu basically had a whole, almost!working computer that we were scavenging from XD) and the cards and ram (because mine were not compatible with her motherboard *facepalm*), plugged the thing in, turned it on... and watched as the screen went to power-save mode. *FACEPALM* Somehow, the hard drive is not booting, though at least the thing is getting some form of power now. As opposed to flipping the switch and listening to the silence as nothing at all happened.

So. Still don't have photoshop, or my scanner, or my tablet. *sadface* I may just need to break down and get a new hard drive. Oh noes. I won't have the two whole files I kept on my computer. Oh wait, I will. They're on my external HD. X3 *pets it*

That's about it for now. May post more updates on the situation later. ^.^;;
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Post by Dray »

Yikes, what a pain in the butt! D: Glad you're making progress at least... come back to us... we misses you so! :P

Post by Guest »

My day has been a success of failures as I continue to be unable to completely finish projects for Uny. :( Sorry again that I am not magic or more magic, 'kin. <3
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