I can't stop thinking about it.

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I can't stop thinking about it.

Post by Guest »

Alright, so friday night, a bunch of friends and I were walking back to my house to get something to eat and meet up with another friend before we walked around some more. We were at the very end of this back-road that leads to a grass trail to my house, when out of the the driveway ahead of us a car sped out, swerved into the grass towards us, and hit my friend Jon.

Now, Jon is perfectly fine now. Just a broken nose and a few bumps and bruises, but when the car hit him he flew at least 10 feet back in the air and the car sped off.

At the time, I was in hysterics, I could hardly see straight. Someone had to tell me to run to my house and get my parents, which I did and then ran back and the police and ambulance showed up shortly after.

Now, I'm thankful he wasn't badly hurt, but every time I think about it.. I get this image of him flying back after getting hit by the car, and I start to freak out until I distract myself.. My boyfriend had to spend the night that night so I would actually sleep.

-shudders- I just keep thinking of how it could have been any of us, or even me, that got hit. Jon is pretty sturdy, which probably helped, whereas I might have been much more injured than him had I been hit.

Blah. I just wanted to share this and get some opinions on it, I guess? As in, is there any way to help get my mind off of it.. @_@
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Post by Shard »


Well, while I can't say there's anything to really be done other than distract yourself, your friend's okay and that's a blessing. Y'can't live in fear, I mean, there are plenty of ways to get hurt out there. But generally speaking... they don't happen often ;)

Did the police arrest the driver I hope?
Author of Repurposed

Post by Guest »

Well, it was dark so we could see the car to get it, but the guy turned himself in the next day. Turns out he didn't even have a license and it wasn't his car, it was his girlfriend's parents.
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Post by Shard »


duuuuude. That sounds like a great little prison term right there. the hell is WRONG with people?
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Post by Yakima »

*hugs* I'm glad he's okay. It's one thing to see a CSI episode of something like that and another to see it or hear of it really happening. Pity you didn't catch a license number. :P Hit and run could mean serious trouble.

If it 'makes you feel better' (not that I have anything similar to share...a tree and car are two different stories), but my sister and I had to run my step-father into the hospital today because he broke his ankle. A tree fell on it. o.O I have no idea how he managed it after finding where his boot was (he pulled it out and crawled up to the house...through the horse pasture I might add). He had to have surgery, pins to keep things in place and such. He has to spend the night. Of course, now he can't work which will be just great.

Sad/funny thing is, a few people have suggested we get him tested for the bipolar thing while he's their. His twin was one. He's so moody all the time. I wish the guy that 'I'm seeing' and I were serious or something - then I could move in and get away from this mess. But...yeah...don't see that happening when I only see him at work because he goes fishing during the weekend.

*finishes rant*

*hugs again* Shard's right, though. :D
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Post by Guest »

-nodnod- Yeah. I'm super glad he is okay. Just ive never seen anything like that, so it was quite scary.
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Post by Midori »

urk I know how you feel, when I was in okalahoma on the 4th my boyfriend was in one car and I was in another the car I was in turned just fine but then the veichal that was far enough off the car behind us should have had more then enough room to turn also it excliorated into them. It was very scary.

It took month to get over. My boyfriend had a serious issues about driving after that. Let alone being in vheicals with other people.
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Post by Dray »

D: *hugs!*
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