Obligatory New Year's Thread!

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Obligatory New Year's Thread!

Post by Shard »


Happy new year.

*raises glass* Let's just hope this one goes more smoothly and successfully for everyone!
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Post by Guest »

... I read the thread name as "OH MY GOD OBAMA'S DEAD"

Goes to show just how much sleep I need XP



Hope everyone did more than Rath and I. Hell, if someone opened a book, they did more XP

Post by Guest »


I just woke Uny up so she can see the horror that are the comic divisions in the Mummer's Parade. X3

Happy New Year to EVERYONE, and best wishes to all of y'all! :D

Post by Guest »

Happy new year, and I agree, let's hope this year goes smoother (and that this is the year my man finally pops the question, lol... or at least is ready for me to live with him full time).

*raises glass* Here's to a better year for all of us than the last! (and for me locating the sketches that I did for the winter gather... room cleaning is in order!)
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Post by Yakima »

Happy New Year! *continues her watermelon pucker/sprite kick from last night* Hope everyone's first day of the year is going better then mine...I hate being depressed and hate when it hits full effect... :cry: Hopefully, a bit more alcohol and I'll forget about the guy causing this for a while...:P *wonders if vanilla chai tea and butter shot stuff would taste good...I might have to try it...or egg nog and that stuff...*
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Dray »

I resolve in 2009 to at least page the dragons that I own within the deadlines required! XDD
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Post by Shard »


Alcohol is a depressant. :) Go outside and get some ... sun? Rain? Light? :D *hugs*
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Post by Dray »

Yeah dude, just drink the tea and not the alcohol! *hugs for Yakima* feel better, hun. :< Don't let others put you in a funk!

Post by Guest »

No light, Shard! *wince* XD I suggest nursing depression/hangovers quite happily with music and sequins.

But Yakima, you should nurse yours with ... Something happy. Like. Um. Cookies. Uny says cookies, so cookies it must be. :D Chocolate. Yes. <3 ^^
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Post by Keilin Alyr »

I went to bed last night feeling oddly hungover from one glass of champagne. No more of that stuff for me for a while, I'm too much a featherweight. *raises a glass of Dr. Pepper to toast the new year*

Also, I second the idea of cookies (maybe dark chocolate chip... or oatmeal raisin) as a feel-good food, though complement that with some complex carbohydrates, like a bowl of good pasta. If I remember my food science, you'll produce and retain more feel-good seratonin with the complex carbs, whereas simple carbs on their own will let you down sooner.

Still, cookies are just damned tasty. It's good to indulge once in a while, it's good for the psyche. ^_^

Otherwise, just spoil yourself rotten, Yakima. Bubble baths, an expensive set of markers, a long walk in the countryside, playing with puppies at the pet store, whatever it takes to start yourself in a better direction.

The more you associate thoughts of this guy with continued misery, you'll have a harder time breaking out of that cycle. If you make a habit of pampering yourself (however small the action) whenever those nagging thoughts start up, you'll find it a little easier to let go, to let other hobbies and people take his place in your world. I won't go into the messy details, but trust me, I've been there.
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Post by Dray »

Ha ha, Keilin, I'm going to start using that whenever I'm in a funk. XD That's good advice!
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Post by Yakima »

Thanks, guys. And I would love to go outside but I'm no winter person. All my outdoor stuff I like to do is summer type stuff. And the 'guy thing' really is me just being stupid and scared and a chicken-shit. I haven't liked a guy this much in...well, truthfully never because I've liked guys but he's...different is the only way I can put it. We were 'going out', then he asked to be just friends so I've tried not to do anything that would make him think I want more. I only see him at work and that isn't the place to talk about such things. I'm not sure what to do. He asked me to call him one night to set up plans on coming over that weekend and said he would call me back to let me know what happened. He never did and I'm to chicken-shit to ask what happened. (and it's been 2-3 weeks since that so...). He has a 5-year-old son, which I'm fine with but I think he would rather spend time with me without his son around right now. Which is fine. It just kinda irks me that he told a guy-friend at work today that he would call him if he wasn't busy this weekend and I'm wondering if I doing something wrong...

yeah...I don't know. Part of me wants to tell him that I've changed my mind and walk away from him, the other part dosnen't. We've both been in a bad relationship in the past (5 years ago for both of us), so I'm afraid of hurting him or something. I'm not afraid of getting hurt...I don't know why. *sigh* He's a nice guy, the quite type but he's not immune to the smart-ass bug which has infected my entire family. I knew this would be hard from the beginning, but I have no friend/boyfriend experiances to help me here.

I wish it was summer....I'm going over to the barn I used to work/board at and see if the owner/trainer would let me help out/work with a few horses *cough*FedFed*(cough* just to stay busy until I find a second job. My stupid job cut my hours back and since I coulnd't make my bills on 40 hrs/week to begin with...yeah...that's another story and it hasn't helped my depression, only made it worse. And finding a second job in this economy isn't easy. I applied at one job and was like 1/300 applicants. *sigh*

Okay, done ranting...

Oh, and their are no cookies or choclate in the house...so that i can't do. Would love to but yeah....:P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

*offers Yakima cyber cookie of love* :D?

Post by Guest »

*offers hugs, a shoulder, and a good back massage*

Maybe a nice, hot bath would help, with candles, good book, and new-age music?
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Post by Yakima »

:) thanks guys...*hugs back*

I went over to the barn I use to work at yesterday and saw a horse I use to 'work with'. He's one of the trainers/owners horses that she didn't have time for because she has too many other horses on her list. I've decided that I really need to get out their more and work with him again. He looks terrible. Fat, but terrible. His eyes aren't as bright as before and he looks so sad. His coat has some kind of skin problem because it's got flaky stuff on his neck and little pencil-eraser size spots on his nose...I'm also pretty sure he was limping a bit, too, when he started to follow me toward the gate. Yeah, it makes me mad that she doesn't do anything with him or have anyone else doing something with him. I know he doesn't have a good reputation (has thrown off just about everyone who's trained him), but I love his quirky personality and it hurts to see him so......well, depressed looking. (and I'm pretty sure he was trying to bit my legs 'cause he was mad at me.)

Anyway, I'm feeling better now. This issue comes and goes - I can't wait till it goes and never comes back. I just need more to do other then Nexus stuff...:P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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