Few Day's break/Hiatus / extentions in general.

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Few Day's break/Hiatus / extentions in general.

Post by DNS »

-pokes self in head with pointy things-

I need a break very very badly from my responsabilities. Just a few days, maybe a week, but also I'm asking for extentions in general. I think I've been being good about deadlines, but yes.

Lot of crap going on. College applications. Choosing colleges. Bugging with finances and the fact that I have to raise an ammount of money I can't concievably raise in half a year or else I loose my health insurance. Current school. Physical shit. One of my cats having to get major surgery and the other one having a hardened lump in his stomach area (Whether this is from a hairball, a virus, that-word-no-one-wants-to-utter-right-now we don't know yet, but whatever it is, it's probably gonna cost us more hundreds of dollars on top of the 800$ for the other cat's surgery). Problems with other people. And, to ice the cake, my mom trying to screw things up between me and tio.

Lots and lots of crap. I'm stressed out beyond belief. So I'm aksing for a little patience, and also notifyign you that I'm going to be on anywhere rather minimally until monday or something to that end.

This means that the kirins and the pet creatures will be going out slower, though I will be making an effort to get them out.
Uny, you may have to wait a week for me tocolour your template, becuase i can't do anything at my mother's house. I will make an honest to gods effort to do it tonight or tomarrow though.
Everyone to whom I owe pages: you will get them eventually. I just need to work a little slower on them right now, becuase while I truly find paging to be a rather soothing activity, I need to take a step back for a bit and just BREATHE.

So yes. I also won't be as prodictive when it comes to getting people the crap i owe them, image wise, next week too-- can't do jack at mom's house. I leave for mom's house tomarrow. (Serenity now.)

So yes. Taking a break. shouldn't be more than a week at the MOST. Someone poke me if i'm gone longer, becuase if that's the case, i just lost track of time.

Note- edited a bit out of this, becuase it's not something I want on a public forum, where my mom could find it and use it against me and seriously screw things up.
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Post by Kendarath »

*hugs* that sounds like way more crap than you deserve, Nessie. Feel free to take all the time you need getting the dragons I've given you paged and the ones I requested coloured, it's more important for you to stay sane.
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Post by DNS »

X.x thanks, kenda. ;-; that's refreshing to hear. and the extentions are good too-- i might need htem, though i will try my fricken hardest to get them up on time.

update, for anyone who cares about the wellbeing of any animals in general-- while the crap in my life is still going on, I can give an update on my cats. The little boy cat, the one who had a hard mass in his stomach, is now at the vet. I'm a mixture of worried and relieved-- it's NOT cancer, thank gods. He had magnesium crystals in his bladder, causing a blockage. When we brought him in, he was in a state of renal failure. The vet was pretty confident about his odds, though. She's keeping him till monday, and he's going to have to eat special food for the rest of his life.
this explains why he kept peeing everywhere-- we thought it was territorial at first, becuase we got a new cat and she kept beating him up. This also explains the beating up, too-- i've noticed that young cats will go after older sick cats. so yeah, hopeflly inter-cat tensions in the house will ease after this too, but we aren't sure.
but yes. pre-rambly point- he should be fine. still abit worried, but i trust this vet-- she's not my old boss, who would've been honest with me anyway, she's a family friend of ours.
And we have hte money to pay for this and the 500+ this is going to cost, as well as the other cat's surgery.
She's doing fine, as well-- had the surgery and all is good.

so yes. :3 still got the financial crap and hte reallybadcrap with my mom going on, but my beautiful kitties are better, at least, and being taken care of. stillworriedaboutmocha, but. yes.

So my hiatus shouldn't be as long as it might've otherwise been. :3 just informing y'all.

now back to catching up on missed sleep and homework.
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Post by Unyko »

Gah, I totally agree with Kendarath. o.o That's way too much junk for you to have to deal with all at once. *flail* So really, don't worry about the outline. *snug* Any time you get it done is absolutely fine, even if it takes a month. You just focus on you right now. <3

And yay that your kitties are alright! *cheer* We've got three cats, so I know what you're talkin' about. *heart*
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Post by Kendarath »

*hugs* I'm so glad your cats are okay. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have your cats sick, mine has been thankfully healthy. I think I'd probably have some sort of nervous breakdown.

ANYWAY, the point was, I'm so glad they're going to be okay.
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Post by DNS »

-nodnod- XP thankyouforthegoodwishes. -hugs- I almost did have a nervous breakdown, actually. I try to hold it back until I have confirmation from the vets, but when we discovered that mass in mocha's belly after he was vomiting up blood, i pretty much started bawling. ;-; and then I went on the computer for awhile with him in my lap, just holding him and petting him and whatnot. I am SO glad he's gonna be okay. ;-; he's not my little main familiar cat, but he is one of my babies. -gurgles at him-

wow, I'm mushy. >> NESSIE LOFFS HER CATS.

but thanks for the good thoughts, uny and kenda. -hugglegnaw- Ithinkimightstillneedsomeextentions, but i will try to page your dragons ASAP.

PS, all: I'm BACK. ish. :3 which means that yes, I will working on the stuff i owe people.
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Post by Fuzzy »

Yipe. Sounds roughly like my position. >_<

PS: You should seek out filling a FAFSA form for college, as well as an Independant Status Review form- which basically tells people your situation (you'll need to write a letter about it). It should get you grant money from the Federal Pell Grant- it's what I've been surviving on all these (8) years. >_<

*gives lots of incense, and huggin's- and colorful fabric!* I'm glad your kitties be okay. :D Now just to patch you up ^^
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