Ye Olde Video Game Thread

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Ye Olde Video Game Thread

Post by Astra »

This is to discuss what video games obsess over at the moment.

I have been a WOW addict since January but recently I just haven't been having as much fun with it as before. I keep getting easily bored of my characters and rerolling new ones, so I have like 40 alts of levels between 8 and 20 sitting around on various servers. Don't get me wrong I like all my chars, I just am having trouble finding ones to focus on. So I'm thinking about putting my account on hold, but I was doing some poking about online, and I found guild wars, which looks kind of fun. Also my boyfriend has an Everquest II account he never uses but never bothers to cancel so I've been playing around with that a bit but it runs TERRIBLY on my craptop ... luckily I'm getting a new computer soon *clings to graphics card goodness*

On the non-MMO side, I recently purchased a Nintendo DS. And with all these new, advanced, awesome DS games out there, what do I play obsessively? Sigma Star Saga for GBA. Love it. I am so weird. I also just got Heroes V which SEEMS like fun except that it, too, hates my crappy laptop graphics card and was the final straw in me getting a desktop, lol. Right now my boyfriend stole it because his computer can actually run the thing.

So what video games do you all like? Pooost!
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Post by Shadow »

I am pretty much all over the place. Though I've been a Sonic fan for aslong as I can remember. They got a new game coming out in November and I WANT IT!! I found out about it on Wikipedia! :D We have an old Sega Gensis but I've beaten all the Sonic games we have for it and the two Sonic games we have for our GC I've also beaten and one of them belongs to me. (Yay. the first video game is actually MINE)

Also, my dad just bought five copies of Neverwinter Nights: Diamond edition so we can all link and play together. But my brothers computer is being stuborn and wonk link to the wirless so my dad ordered nother computer so we can get the ball rolling. Also, I really like Baulders Gate but I can't find the little folder thing it come in and I can't play Baulders Gate: Shadows of Amn without the original Bulders Gate.

I'll stop babaling now and got play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis.
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Post by Frizzle »

Hey, you know, I just quit playing WoW for much the same reason, because it just was getting boring to play by myself.

I'm pretty much addicted to Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates right now ( Piratey goodness. I swear, it's the only game in which you want to get hurt (pegleg, eyepatch, hook..) It's a whole wonderful MMO of piratey goodness.

Other than that, I'm a DDR addict going through severe withdrawls.

And I'll play any other non-first-person-shooter game that you put in front of me.
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Post by Cy »

Hey Frizzle, I play DDR too =D

I'm a Heavy/Oni player, and I'm addicted like crazy. I play all the time and whenever my friends and I go somewhere new, one of our first questions is "Is there a DDR machine here?"

I've only been playing for about a year, so it hasn't gotten boring to me yet =]
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Post by Shiolar »

Uh, Shadow... Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn is pretty much a standalone game - you don't need to own or install any of the others in order to play it.

Anyway, at the moment I'm heavily into KOTOR. I know it's a few years old now, but it's the first time I've played. I watched the original Star Wars trilogy a few weeks back, decided that I wanted a lightsabre (or two - duel-wielding kicks ass), so I started a game on KOTOR. Much fun-ness.

Other than that, I'm not doing much with games right now. I was playing CoX, but the Supergroup I was in was kinda... crap, which killed any desire to keep playing. They were good guys and all, but no sense of humour at all, and very clicky. What's the point of being in an SG if the other members only really talk to each other?

At some point, I'm going to go back to DDO. We got it when it was released (two copies at full price probably cost more than all five of Shadow's copies of NWN)... But it was kinda buggy back then, and there wasn't a lot of content. It looked like it had potential, so we're going to give it another shot at some point in the future.

But yeah... I'm so fussy about my games... I don't do consoles because I think they're a waste of money, and I only play games that I've seen in action and have decided look like fun. We did the whole 'buying any game that looks remotely good' thing a few years back, and now we have a box full of like 200 games, most of which haven't seen more than a few hours play...
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Post by Shadow »

Then my computer is being opionated again cause it won't install unless I have Baulders Gate on it. *smacs her comp* Ah well, I can't find that game either so I guess it doesn't really matter. *goes back to her Sonic games*
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Post by Astra »

Ooooh I love KOTOR ... I got the first one and the second one in some big sale Game Stop was having a few months back and played KOTOR for awhile obsessively, but then my friend made off with my x-box and hasn't returned it yet. I love games that are really open ended; I don't enjoy games like most Final Fantasy that end a certain way no matter what quite as much, though don't get me wrong I do still enjoy those. And character creation = <3. I swear sometimes I buy games just to play around with the character creation screen. Haha.
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Post by Graeth »

Man, the thread title really threw me off. None of these games are the old good ones. None of them are even really old.

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Post by Shiolar »

Got the PC versions of both KOTOR and KOTOR2, which makes things easier... Nobody would dare try running off with my computer. My partner knows how to edit saved game files for KOTOR, too, which I'm refusing to do on my first time through the game. Although editing my credits is becoming more and more tempting as it becomes increasingly obvious that giving away credits in favour of earning light side points is not going to enable me to afford much in the way of better equipment...

I like Final Fantasy in principle, but only VII. FFVII holds the title of best storyline ever in a PC game. I don't much care for any of the other Final Fantasy games I've tried, though. As I said, I'm fussy about my games...
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Post by Starburst »

My friends got me addicted to Super Smash Bros. (Although I suck terribly at most video games, that seems to make it more fun.)
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Post by Astra »

I actually do have the PC version of KOTOR also, but my laptop cd drive for the lack of a better word, uh, sucks, as does the graphics card, and so I went out and bought the xbox version for, like, 10 bucks :lol: I also seem to keep better track of my xbox games (if not the console itself!) I can't find my morrowind pc cd for the life of me and I'm half tempted to go buy THAT for x box so I can play some more
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Post by Astra »

Heh heh I guess the title is off-throwing. But despite having geek friends who worship original nintendo, I don't really know anything about old video games because I was never allowed to have a console of my own until N64. I did have a Sega Game Gear that I got right before they stopped making them (I tend to be lucky that way) and I played Ecco 2 and the lion king game on it. And my family owned a computer but it was mac so I was limited in terms of PC games but like any good child of the 90's I played the original Myst and Oregon Trail and, when it came out, Oregon Trail II. Those were good times.
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Post by hksherra »

Shadow of the Colossus for PS2 owns my soul....
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Post by Midori »

Kingdom Hearts 2 owns me currently... x.x

I love my new DS I need more games though. Finish my Spyro in like a couple hours. Nintendogs can only amuse me so much though I do love it gets repetive though x.x.
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Post by Shard »

I never even saw this thread... Weird.

I play City of Heroes. Period. Been on since just after release. Played in City of Villains Beta and had a blast. Am thinking about beta for Tabula Rasa but i really don't think I'll like it very much.

I like the repetitive nature of the game, the fact that it's darn simple to play, and yet there's a lot more to it than just buttonmashing. there's no crafting - thank the good people at Cryptic. There's no long hauls across 40 minutes worth of 'beautiful scenery = zone changing'. Heck, in 40 minutes, you could run around EVERY zone in COH.

I'm hoping to win or at least place in a COH costume contest that MMOart's holding, that'd be cool. Total altaholic, so I have a bazillion different toons all over the place, but I play on Protector, look me up @Zekiran Immortal is my global...

Never once played a Nintendo game. Never once even held a controller for all but one demo-in-store of Enter the Matrix (and even then I had no idea what to do with it). I don't believe that Final Fantasy nor anything else that comes in a box and doesn't connect to the net is anything other than an 'adventure' game. It's not an RPG if you cannot actually make up your own paths and dialog. But then I'm way old school on RPGs, tabletop or nothing.

If Pokemon, Elfquest or Harry Potter ever develop real mmo's, I'm so on them like ... like... a geek on comics. Heck I'd love to make Zekira into an mmo but the coding would be a *monstrosity*. (centaurs? flying horse races? people with little mutations? BREEDING?! naaaah.)

I had an Atari 2600 and I liked it. Uphill both ways 16 miles in the snow you kids don't know how easy you have it today!

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Post by Shiolar »

There's plenty of games out there that classify as RPG without connecting to the net, you know. Games where you get to choose your own paths. Dialogue options are harder, given coding issues, but then, most MMO's don't have any dialogue at all. But, I will agree that Final Fantasy isn't really RPG, since you don't really get many choices about where you go or what you do.

I prefer tabletop myself, but these days, most of the people I played them with are scattered all over the country. One day, we're gonna try get it going over the internet, using AIM (for DM to player chat), Teamspeak (for party communication), forums (record-keeping) and the webspace (character sheets and maps - when we're in a dungeon, I draw the map as we go so we don't get lost, being the most accurate artist of the group...) But getting something like that organised is such a pain...

I liked City of Heroes, but the repetitiveness got to me after a while. After getting to 50 with Ktrenal the Fire Blaster, and then getting to various levels with various alts, and not having a decent SG for any of it... But then, the 30-40 level range drags more than any other, and that's where my alts always stalled. The problem is my mind is too active, and if a game doesn't have enough in it to entertain me, I get bored. Roll on the complexity!

Next game I'm gonna play (aside from KOTOR and KOTOR2 both getting a second run through) is gonna be Dark Star One. It's very similar to Freelancer, which I loved, and I've been watching my partner play through it, and it looks like fun. We've got a list of five people who wish to join the cooperative multiplayer, too, which is always good. Cooperative multiplayer is like playing an MMO but only with people you actually like, so you don't get constantly begged for a team or harrassed by some idiot n00b.

Still, a Pokemon or Harry Potter MMO would be a lot of fun, although probably wouldn't ever be made. Because the majority of people who'd play such games would be kids with no money to spend on a subscription every month...

I have heard they're making a Stargate MMO, which sounds promising. Choice of which side you want to take and everything. *always wanted to be a Goa'uld*
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