
Image via Portrait Workshop
Meaning:"Shield-Guard", Icelandic
AKA:Skussi-Peyi ("Good-for-Nothing Small Boy", Icelandic)
Age:Young Adult
Species:Ice Troll
Residence:The Sanctum Dream, Aki's Chaos Dimension
Cold Immunity
The ability to go unaffected by cold temperatures no matter how extreme, as well as invulnerability to cold-based magics.
The ability to see in darkness as if it were bright light, up to 60' away.
The ability to rapidly heal from injury, except when burned by fire.

Skussi-Peyi is the troll equivalent of a plain, gawky teenager. Though he is tall and packed with lean muscle, he is scrawny as far as trolls are concerned. His nose is long and his ears are small, almost human-sized, and his pale eyes generally look unhappy. His tusks stand straight up, like those of a walrus turned upside-down, and one of them is chipped from the manhandling he gets from his siblings. Both his skin and hair are pure white and he keeps his hair tied in a single braid. His animal-fur clothes are a better put-together than most and are never bloodstained, due to him being a very un-trollish vegetarian.


Quiet and submissive, Skussi-Peyi (renamed such by his siblings after their parents died) is about as un-troll-like as a troll can get. He doesn't like to kill things, or even to hurt them, and allows himself to be hit and pushed around because it doesn't really hurt him and it's easier to take the blows than make a fuss and try to ward them off. He is immensely patient and at times comes across as emotionless with his tendency to keep himself bottled up. He has a tender heart and cries for those his siblings harm, but has never shed a single tear for himself. He considers himself a weakling and often hopes for a day when he will be larger and stronger than his siblings, but for now he does what he can to put up with them.

Siblings: Galtroppa, Ísólfur, Skrumari