Tyler Kemp

"This is like trying to turn chicken shit into chicken salad....."

Man, Machine, Mad Scientist
Tyler's Story

Name: Tyler Kemp (SP-9771K)
Bond: Sobipess
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Species: Synthetic Person, "Kemp" series
Height: 6'0"
Skin: Warm brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark brown
Homeworld: Earth
Occupation: Colonial Marine (Corporal)
Friend: Harlan Chelsey (Tyler's Human Brother-in-Arms)
Ex-Captor: Gainai' (The Psycho-Crazy Dinosaur)
Description: Just to look at him, one wouldn't know that Tyler is an android. A robot built by robots, externally he is no different from any human, and can do anything a human can, from eating and drinking to the less savoury functions that result from it. He could even take a girl to bed if he cared to, though he wouldn't get anything out of it. He's a tallish fellow, solidly built. His skin is a warm brown in tone, harmonizing with his dark brown eyes and jet-black hair, which is shaved to a crewcut. When not in uniform, Tyler dresses in clothes plain enough to be boring, in pale colours such as white, light greys, and creams.

Internally, he's fairly similar to a human as well. He's got all the organs in all the right places, but they're biomechanical, backed up by a few purely mechanical apparatuses, and the fluid that courses his veins is not red blood, but milky white circulatory fluids.

Personality: Just as Tyler has the same physical capacities as any human, he is emotionally equal to them as well, capable of any human emotion and possessing his own self-developed personality. He's a friendly and jovial fellow, always able to find a reason to smile, and with a tendency to make light of all but the most grim of situations. He doesn't goof off, though, and does his best to get the job done even as he might be poking fun at it.

Admittedly, though, there is a single part of his personality that is due to programming and not to his own development. Except for those he is explicitly told to recognise as a foe, he cannot kill humans, nor can he even stand by and allow humans to be killed without trying to intervene.

Modus Operandi: First Law of Synthetics:
A synthetic may not kill a human being, nor through inaction allow a human being to be killed or die.

Second Law of Synthetics:
A synthetic must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law of Synthetics:
A synthetic must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

:\\command>override 53572740
:\\protocol>allegiance: USM Carina, crew, civilians, code 5565
--terminable upon situations 258, 492, 622
--all others expendable
