Bedlam Nerano

Fur and Feathers Frenzy Redux - Lines by Dray, Colors by Phe
Name:Bedlam Nerano
Species:Fire Chyrith / Piralan Asandus
Height:10' at the shoulder
Residence:The Alveary
Avengaean Functional Magic
A wide-ranging ability to wield magic to just about any practical purpose. Though innate, practice is necessary to become truly skilled. (Wiki)
Fire Affinity
Fire Chyriths are immensely powerful when it comes to control of their breed element. Bedlam can create and control flames of various temperatures, cannot be harmed by fire or magma, can summon an elemental lion to attack her foes, and can become fire herself.
The ability to rapidly heal from injury.
Retracting Wings
Half Chyrith heritage and half shapeshifting, Bedlam's wings are partially absorbed into her body when not in use. They are released from under a thin layer of skin in order to fly, fully functional, and then retract once again when no longer needed.
The ability to shapeshift into any other form, without limitation.
Verbal Speech
The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Bedlam earned her name because as a kit, getting into trouble was the name of her game. It didn't matter if she was starting it or if she was getting mixed up in a preexisting source of it -- if she wasn't up to mischief, then she was bored as all get out! She's better as an adult, with "better" meaning she now knows how to make plans and avoid consequences to much greater success. Bedlam is a refined prankster with a profound moral code: if the person she's pranking isn't also laughing by the end of it, then the prank is a failure! Hurting or embarrassing people isn't the name of the game, ever.

Well... not people she likes, anyway.

Family Tree
Bedlam Nerano


Fire Chyrith


Piralan Asandus
Clutchmates (Both Original & Redux)


  • Brio Nerano, Red
  • Ember Nerano, Orange


  • Fira Nerano, Orange