"Come with me. If you're swift, perhaps things can change..."

Species:Death's-Head Hawkmoth Dragon
Height:2'1" at shoulder
Residence:The Abstract Destiny
Occupation:Laboratory Monitor
Cause Blindness
The dust from his wings causes blindness if it touches another's eyes.
Haunting Cry
His cry causes feelings like melancholy, grief, or anguish in those that hear it.
Prophetic Sight
He sees snippets of the future pertaining to death and is drawn to the object of those visions.
Verbal Speech
The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Self-named for the simplicity of his intents and purpose, Omen may be drawn to those he sees in visions of death, but luckily for many of those involved, his prophetic visions are not set in stone. Once, the technicality of this truth made no difference to him. He did not stop to think why he came to flutter in the vicinity of those who death intended to claim until the day when someone else recognized the meaning of his presence and did something he'd never seen done before: they intervened and saved the life he thought would be lost.

That was the day he took on a more active response to his power, vowing never again to be a passive observer. An omen might be a portent of evil things to come but that didn't mean things couldn't change. Though it is true he is not deeply invested in the lives of others, having watched too many end with just a gently melancholic regret to change his own emotional response to such things, he understands now that averting those fates is possible and that others can be brought joy, relief, or even just a longer life by doing so.

Employed as one of many monitors of the Destiny's meticulously curated clutches, Omen may barely understand anything beyond common-use technologies, but his visions are just as effective at helping keep the unborn alive.
