"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."

The Vella Crean, Clutch #1, Shy's Imperial Court Hatching
Species:Vella Crean Imperial Court
Height:12'0" at shoulder as adult
Rank/Color:Crowned Imperial (Silver-Blue)
Residence:The Abstract Destiny
Breath Weapon (Fire)
The ability to breathe a gout of fire.
Elemental Magic
The ability to cast elemental magic.
The ability to summon balls of fire.
(Class-Related) The ability to speak to a single target no matter their distance from him.
The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.
The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.
Venomous Bite
Morpheus's bite is venomous.
Verbal Speech
The ability to communicate in spoken words.
Spells:(none yet)
Personality:In Greek Myth, Morpheus was the God of Dreams, responsible for mimicking the human form and overseeing the dreams of heroes, kings, and even other gods, bringing them dream-messages while in said duplicated shapes. Whether by chance or intent (and given the circumstances of his birth, it was undoubtedly intent), Morpheus already shows signs of following in these mythological footsteps. He is a skilled telepath, and combined with his ability to Send, he can touch the minds of others with a skilled and delicate touch that far exceeds that of the average dragon. He is no true dream-walker -- not yet, anyway -- but he has already learned that idle, daydreaming minds are easily influenced, as are those who are trying to fall asleep but have not yet done so.

In demeanor he is courteous but aloof, not interested in making enemies but equally uninterested in making friends. He's perfectly willing to cooperate with others and cultivate the relations of trust that allow one to get through life with a reliable social network, but he doesn't let anyone in to that level of intimacy necessary to trully be considered friends.
