Terigon Anthropomorph

Draco terisae A.


Terigon anthropomorphs are named in the same language as terigon, but the consonant/vowel alteration doesn't apply. Aki personally names each one.


Varies in the human height-range.

Growth & Lifespan

Terigon anthropomorphs are already full-grown adults when Aki takes them off of the Destiny. Their lifespan is unknown.


Any chromatic in any combination, usually in solid colors, but sometimes mottled or striped.


Just as with humans and other sentient races, terigon anthropomorphs have personalities all over the spectrum. They are not restrained to childlike mentalities as true terigon are.


Terigon anthropomorphs have no specific set of abilities. Each individual is unique.


By Aki's decree, terigon anthropomorphs cannot receive cyborware. She likes them just the way she made them!

Breeding Compatibility

Terigon anthropomorphs, being people, should not be off breeding in true-draconic fashion.

Other Notes
  • Terigon anthropomorphs are a special breed never seen in clutches. Though it might be the Destiny's labs that they walk out of, it is the chaos godling Aki who has the true hand in their creation. No one on the ship knows her purpose--if she has one--behind the birth of these anthropomorphs, but each one is hand-delivered by the god to the place where Aki intends for them to be. Not every terigon remembers these attentions from their parent-god, but all still receive it.
  • OOC, terigon anthropomorphs are unofficially referred to as "charigon", for "character terigon". Charigon are designed to resemble characters from books, games, movies, anime, etc. and have appeared in special dragon-trades and other exchanges.
  • Every terigon anthropomorph is unique. There is only one charigon for a given original character (though there may of course be more clones of them in other species).
Known Individuals (By Source)
