Breedables Database Clutch

Vios & Siebel

When the motherly dragoness Siebel found herself once again craving children to raise, Vios just happened to be the male in the right place at the right time, and nothing more. He was interesting in hanging around to see his offspring be born, sure, and was gruffly polite about lending Siebel any assistance she needed, but there was nothing romantic or loving in their temporary relationship, which suited them both just fine.

Though the kits were naturally conceived, Siebel flung herself at the Abstract Destiny almost immediately afterwards. She was a bond-or-die dragon, after all, and there was no way she could keep one of her children if that incredibly strong instinct of hers passed to them as well.

Having methods and assistants who could affect unborn fetuses--amniomancers and genetic obstetricians both--Doctor Schroeder was happy to oblige. Siebel was housed on the ship for the duration of her pregnancy, she and her offspring were carefully monitored to make sure nothing went wrong.

Nothing did, and ten lovely eggs were laid at the end of her gestation--eggs containing minds who didn't want to bond at all.

The Dragons
Name: Caosil
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Green-Black
Personality: Caosil is the black sheep of her mother's genetics. Rather than wanting kids without mating, Caosil is constantly proddy and with no intentions of ever procreating (contraceptives, anyone?). She has her mother's charisma in abundance, and shamelessly turns it towards seducing whatever male has currently caught her fancy.
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Acid). Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Mordria (IceCat)
Name: Diorul
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Red
Personality: Proud, honorable, and easily offended, Diorul also has his father's temper, but thankfully is not prone to lashing out with claws and teeth. Instead he fumes and glowers, making no secret of his annoyance, nor of the fact that he'll soon be plotting a non-physical but still very effective revenge.
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Fire). Telekinesis. Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Paidaruth (Kayla)
Name: Jauzan
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned White-Black
Personality: A complete goof and the center of any gathering he flings himself into, Jauzan loves earning startled looks for his reckless acts of ridiculousness. He especially loves entertaining children!
Abilities: Breath Weapons (Acid, Ice). Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Ardeshiri (Cacopheny)
Name: Laenel
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Green
Personality: Laenel is without a doubt her mother's child. Though rather reserved in contrast to her mother's charisma, she shares her mother's desires to bear and raise lots of children. Also like mom, she ironically has no interest in the actual child-making "process".
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Acid). Telekinesis. Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Shamoor Marken (DragonFlight)
Name: Maix
Gender: ?
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Red-Black
Personality: ?
Abilities: ?
Sponsored by: (Dracothrope)
Name: Piet
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Red-Black
Personality: Piet is entirely her father's child. Her temper is as fragile as a hair, and she believes nothing teaches better than pain. She doesn't even have her mother's charisma to make up for it!
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Fire). Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Das (Omniwite)
Name: Raen
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Silver
Personality: With her mother's charisma and her father's pride, Raen is a natural-born leader. Having also inherited her mother's absent libido, she's 150% focused towards any task she sets herself to, and she's always looking for a noble project!
Abilities: Breath Weapons (Fire, Ice). Telekinesis. Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Sea's Rage (Kitsuneko)
Name: Sualen
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Red
Personality: Temper? What temper? Sualen isn't like his color "should" be at all. In fact, he's a giant teddy bear. He loooves kids, but isn't at all interested in mating and producing any of his own.
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Fire). Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Voivode (Neishai)
Name: Waul
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Yellow
Personality: Though reclusive and shy, Waul's not afraid to stand up for herself. If a social interaction pressures her too much, she snaps and lashes out violently before fleeing.
Abilities: Breath Weapons (Acid, Fire). Telekinesis. Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Harter (Samber)
Name: Xaol
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon (Atuan Mutt / Hathian)
Height:12' to shoulder
Color: Silver-horned Red-Black
Personality: Xaol got the best of one parent and the worst of the other. He's energetic and charismatic, just like mom, but also has his dad's hair-trigger temper and proclivity to violence.
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Fire). Telekinesis. Telepathy. Teleportation. Verbal Speech.
Sponsored by: Siebel (Phoenix)

Regular clutch, 10 hatched
Vios, Black-horned Red-Black Hathian

Siebel, Red Atuan Mutt

Drawn by Dracothrope
(Dracothrope)Red-Black MaixM
ArdeshiriWhite-Black JauzanM
DasRed-Black PietF
HarterYellow WaulF
MordriaGreen-Black CaosilF
PaidaruthRed DiorulM
Sea's RageSilver RaenF
Shamoor MarkenGreen LaenelF
SiebelRed-Black XaolM
VoivodeRed SualenM
