Floating around

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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Floating around

Post by Neishai »

Hey guys.

I was in an old email inbox looking for something else entirely and found an automated email from this forum. It got me feeling a little nostalgic. It's nice to see some posting still going on, and a few giveaways since I last logged in! Anyway, I've got nothing to report on my status with the Nexus. There's nothing really to say because I haven't really touched anything since the time of my last posts. But I did want to drop by and say hello. So, Hello. :)
N'tyr Phii // We're Rococo / Caer Obelisk / Voivode's horde // Planet Muto
Bonder/Sponsor Database thread!

Please contact me if you find I owe you paged dragons.
Please also contact me if you have re-homed my dragons (so I don't page them by accident!)
If you just want to talk that's great!
Discord: Neishai#8117 // Toyhou.se: Melomar
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Re: Floating around

Post by Dray »

I know how you feel! Nice to see others poking their heads in at around the same time as me! Hey there!
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Re: Floating around

Post by StarFyre »

o/ Neishai, good to see you around, even if you're just poking your nose in.
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Re: Floating around

Post by Neishai »

Hey guys!

How is life treating you? More positive than negative, I hope. :)

I've been mulling it over a bit since I posted several days ago. I think this is something I'm always going to come back to. For one thing I've vastly expanded my capability to create websites, including ones that can be populated using XML and JavaScript. It would make filling in profile pages much easier. It could become one of those things I keep changing the layout without messing with the core content, haha.

But also a lot of my characters are literally ten years old. Yagami, my covelord, is one of those characters. Some are even older because I first got into dragoning in 2000. I think I eased into my first Weyr with TyGryph's help. Thirteen years! :)

It was easy to dismiss something that's been a part of my life for over a decade because other things were going on. But when I start thinking about it, it's part of who I am. Many things I've learned result to some degree from my time spent in the Nexus. A lot of my interests and the direction my career path has taken are also in part because of my time spent with you guys. That's amazing, isn't it?

And as long as the Nexus survives in some form, I'll come touch base, post my updates, etc.
N'tyr Phii // We're Rococo / Caer Obelisk / Voivode's horde // Planet Muto
Bonder/Sponsor Database thread!

Please contact me if you find I owe you paged dragons.
Please also contact me if you have re-homed my dragons (so I don't page them by accident!)
If you just want to talk that's great!
Discord: Neishai#8117 // Toyhou.se: Melomar
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Re: Floating around

Post by StarFyre »

Good to see you coming back! A lot of us have been part of the Nexus for significant portions of our lives, I think. I'll admit that my path has also been informed, even if only a bit, through the interactions I had with other Nexiians here.

I'm currently working on a largescale project for the Nexus, in order to attempt to coalesce all our disparate worlds and species and agencies into a single encyclopedia of knowledge. I'm about half done, all told.

Also, with Dray's urging, I've been creating a mailing list that people can sign up for, that I'll use to send "This is what's happening in the Nexus!" updates.
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Re: Floating around

Post by Dray »

That's really sweet and pretty significant that you've managed to learn so much based off of hobby/social time spent here... epic, even?

I've been thinking about really old characters (in terms of having had them since starting) and I love the idea of having time have passed in character... some of these guys I need to go back and develop a bit just to show that their seniority is validated somehow.

Coming back to say hi sounds lovely! Coming back to share some of the new talents you have and collaborating would be pretty wicked, too... I'm mulling over how and what we could all be capable of now that we've got a few years into adulthood under our belts! X3 I bet we could go pretty far!
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Re: Floating around

Post by Yakima »

~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

Isla Weyr: http://www.isla.mage-circle.com
Velare Isle: http://www.velare.mage-circle.com
Treval Dragonry: http://www.treval.mage-circle.com
Alair WolfKeep
The Last Oddessy: http://www.last-oddessy.mage-circle.com
Baskar Castle: http://www.baskar.mage-circle.com
World of Sentra: http://www.sentra.mage-circle.com
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Re: Floating around

Post by Dray »

Well well well, look what the wolf drag(on)ed in!
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