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Current Events!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:47 pm
by Dray
Current Events
  • (Pending!)
Current Events Calendar View
[tr][td]Nov 27.[/td][td]Nov. 28[/td][td]Nov. 29[/td][td]Nov. 30[/td][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Happy Xmas![/td][td]Happy Material Purchases Day![/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][td]Happy New Year!
  • Winter Gather Submissions Due

Current Events Form
Have any clutches, frenzies, role play events, giveaways, or challenges planned? Fill out the form below and they'll be added to the list!

Events Form:
Your Name: (username is fine!)
Your Email: (just to get ahold of you if need be!)
Event Name: (Can just be adoption agency, or name of the clutch/frenzy; whatever works!)
Event URL: (if hosted off of the forum, the URL to the event. If hosted on the forum, link to the thread. You can list both if both links are important!)
Dates Event is Running: (Start date -> end date; if no end date, specify the requirements like 'until clutch is full'. Please let me know when the event is finished if you don't have an end date!)
Notes: Are there multiple stages to your event? If so, or if you have any other info that's especial to your event, please let me know here.

If your event is ongoing, please drop updates every month or so, and I'll do a little update. :D