Happy 2011, everyone! :D

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Happy 2011, everyone! :D

Post by Dray »

So, what did everyone do over the holidays? Kat and I went north to visit family and we wound up doing a lot of cooking and eating and cleaning and mingling. XD It was all very exhausting, but kind of awesome, too. For New Years (from which I'm still recuperating, argh) we went to a friend's house with a bunch of nerdy folks to play board and card games and and eat potluck goodness. It was all pretty awesome, when all was said and done. ^_^

My resolution for the new year: have fun! :I
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Post by Unyko »

Happy New Year! :D

I went visiting with some friends, too. First an awesome dinner with one family (shrimps and rice and chocolate-and-fruit fondue), then straight across to another party with my sister (who I rarely get to see, so this was awesome <3) and a family that we always spend the holidays with (both Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve). Karaoke and cheesecake and German chocolate -pie-. Mmmmmmmm~ *.*

Needless to say, I am also still recovering from the New Year party. XD

Hope everyone out there had a fantastic and memorable Holiday season, and will have an absolutely wonderful 2011! <3
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Post by Yakima »

I...um...played LotRO (made a goal to get my lvl 16 character to lvl 20 before the end of the year...which I did with 10 mins to spare. mwahaaaahaa!)

Other then that, nothing. XD
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Post by Shard »

Yeah I was... playing Left 4 Dead and Fallout 3. ;)

My year has been really rotten so I'm just hoping that the world makes a resolution not to bury me with even more crap this time around.
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Post by Dray »

*high fives Yakima for the leveling up* Nice, that's always a good feeling! :D

*sends hugs to Shard* :c Yeah, some of them can be pretty rotten. I hope that good things come to you this year as well!

Unyko, that sounds like fun! :D Kat's family has a couple of those kinds of friends; it's really cool to know that folks can keep friends for so very long. Seems like a good idea, to me.
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Post by StarFyre »

<.< The year ended with both good and bad.

Firstly, because of a "minor" error, we left home without our emergency card, and because of how the pay-cycle Joe's on worked out, we ended up basically having barely enough money to get home. Blah.

We did, however, spend two fairly decent weeks with the folks - one week with his, one with mine. Finally got to see my dad again (he's been working several hours away from home, thus, definite lack of seeing or talking with him, as he's damn hard to get ahold of over the phone).

Left my gaming laptop's powerbrick at Joe's parents house, so I was a tidge bored at my folk's, until we went out and did a good ol' fashioned Barnes&Nobles run with our giftcards. Wee books! (Also, we got a Kitchenaid mixer for xmas from my parents. YAY)

We decided to drive back on the 31st.

The universe has it out for me.

I go to fill the car up with gas. Car sounds like a truck. Effin' hell, muffler troubles again. Dad checks it - it's the gasket basically right under the driver's area. So we gotta get that replaced. In the process of figuring that out, dad finds that the parking breaks are basically 'dragging', preventing the rear wheels from rotating freely, so he fixes that.

I get in the car to back it out of the garage... break pedal goes all the way down to the floor. Wtf? Almost out of break fluid. Dad says 'probably just a result of the parking breaks screwing everything else up, here, I'll top it off.'

Cool. Nothing like starting a 5 hour drive with a soft break pedal. But hey, it's getting firmer as I drive, right? ... Eeeehhh... An hour into the drive, it's still suspiciously soft, how strange, but I can't easily back out now, I'm just turning onto the interstate.

Lemme tell you. There's NOTHING ON THIS PLANET like driving 70 down the interstate only to realize THE BREAKS, THEY ARE A LIE.

So yeah. I drove 5 hours, through pouring rain, driving wind, and interstate loonies, on the last day of the year, without any breaks other than the 'ohshit failsafe" mechanical breaks that exist at the bottom of the break pedal.

If that isn't the best way to spend the day evar, then I'd like to know what is =P
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Post by Dray »

Oh my goodness, that sounds terrifying. O_O I'm so glad that you made it home safe and sound!
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Post by Shard »

FFFF yeah my life sucks in general but you definitely had the specific suck! O.O
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Post by StarFyre »

It was an interesting experience, I'll tell ya that. Turns out that the line rusted out and probably decided to give way completely not long after I got on the interstate (it was holding fluid for the most part up until then, hence why I didn't think much of it until three hours later, when I need the breaks to slow down cause of rain). If you push the break pedal now, fluid pours out like niagra falls =P

But hey, my year definitely ended on a bag, ni? And, to add that lovely touch, my year began with a headache, after two weeks of feeling great. Yeah. We're going to bitch to the rental office as soon as they're open again, have them check for mold et such, because this is getting ridiculous. =P I love my life sometimes.
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Post by Dray »

Yesterday was like... hangover city for me. XD I didn't really even have much to drink, it was just exhaustion!

Man, this year must be the year or replacing things, or something. O_O" Our TV tube frazzled up and literally popped last night. Whenever we plug the TV in now (even if it's not turned on) it makes this unnerving 'tk, tk, tk' noise. I have no idea how we're going to get it out of the house... it has to be 300 pounds. Working at a job where I have to lift a lot of weight probably isn't even going to be enough...

Maybe we'll get a couple of crazy carpets/toboggans, find some way to lay the thing out on that, and drag it outside. (YAY SNOW! XD)
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Post by Shard »

Is this like a gigantic console-type tv? Take the tube/tv out of the enclosure and put a fish tank in it :)
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Post by Dray »

HAH! We have a single betta fish. That would be HILARIOUS. XD

When we moved into this house, it was already furbished with a variety of magical items. I'm going to see if the other two TV's that previous tenants left behind work... if not, we can do some pre-emptive spring cleaning, if so, then woot, no shelling out of cash for a new one!
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