Wedding and Honeymoon

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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Wedding and Honeymoon

Post by StarFyre »

So, I'm getting married in about ten hours. Wee. Then Sunday involves more playing nice with relatives and then driving Nessi back to the airport (and hopefully not running into more accidents like what we saw on Friday c.c;; ) aaaannddd.. on Monday...

Monday, I leave Too Bloody Early to hop a plane to San Fransisco for a week long honeymoon. And, while the hotel we got has internet, I'm more than likely not going to have time/energy to do much more than randomly check the Nexus then log off again.

Mystic/Jkat -- this is why I haven't hopped back into the RP, since I don't want the two of you to have to wait on me while I likely forget that the Nexus even exists =P I'll jump in at some opportune moment later, if you still don't mind.

Oh. Nessi says hi.
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Ooooooh yay honeymoons! I hope you have tons of fun with your newly trapped man-toy. >.> I'm still working on ensnaring my own.

No worries about the RP. I don't think it'll move too quickly seeing as I'm working on two other projects right now as well as working 8 to 12 hour days. Hop in when you get back if you feel the urge. :) ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Dray »

Oooooh, have an awesome wedding and honeymoon, m'dear! Making nice with relatives shall only last a fraction of the time that you'll have to yourselves, just remember that! :D

Take care and enjoy your day!
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Post by Shard »

Eeeeeeee Oh how I wish I could be there for your wedding, but *hugs* have a great time! And totally enjoy your honeymoon! SF is so pretty, I've really got to get back up there some day and actually tour the city. Seen it from san jose but that's about it. lol - have fun!
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Post by JKatkina »

Oh wow, I hope your wedding goes aweomely, and smoothly! I'll be thinking "YAAY CONGRATULATIONS!" in your direction all day. XD

Have fun on the honeymoon, too!
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Post by StarFyre »

Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. I do wish y'all could be here =P But I understand very well what it's like to be a starving college student and such ^^
Mystic Dragon wrote: No worries about the RP. I don't think it'll move too quickly seeing as I'm working on two other projects right now as well as working 8 to 12 hour days. Hop in when you get back if you feel the urge. :)
Well, since it is technically happening on Nyracii at the moment, the least I can do is add some extra atmosphere =P Besides Revent and Yikaeri do feel partially responsible for Talitha's current plight.
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Post by StarFyre »

Aaanndd I'm back. >.> No pictures, because, well, Joe and I both forgot to toss the camera into a bag, and we didn't feel like paying stupid!money for one while in San Fran. Where everything costs arm+leg+kidney.

0.o;; I have never before paid $60 for a two person meal. We did it (well, between $50 and $60) three times. And the cheapest real meal we had was $18 (technically, not true. $5 for two bagels and cream cheese, but that was more of an on-the-go we-need-food breakfast).

Anyway, really beautiful place, even if it was frigid there (oh so beautifully frigid) and never got above 60F the entire time we were there. We went to Chinatown (which was two blocks from the hotel) and Union Square (about seven or eight blocks from the hotel) and Pier 39 (ehh.. still walking distance, but on the very edge of it). For those of you who don't know - Pier 39 is sorta like a boardwalk, but folded in on itself and given a second level. With an Aquarium. Aaawweessooommeee.

We also went to the Academy of Sciences and saw a show in the "largest digital planetarium in the world". It was an 11 on the awesomeness scale, especially because we managed to get seats waaaay at the top and center - best seats in the house!

I did pick up some dragon statuettes =P Of course. I'll probably end up taking some snapshots of two of them, cause one is just really pretty and the other is really, really interesting to me from a story-ish standpoint.

For those of you who drink tea... yeah, Chinatown was like heaven. All the tea shops... I ended up buying two very expensive canisters of loose-leaf - one an oolong mixed with ginseng and the second a very expensive Spring Oolong. So good.

Anyway, I'll be getting back into the swing of things around here. ^^
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Post by Shard »

Heheheh, sounds like hella fun! *smacks memory for not including camera* :)

Happy marriage too! Can't wait to see pictures of these dragony things, heck there's a deviantart challenge right now with a dragon sculpture that I really need to do my entry for...
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Post by JKatkina »

Science and tea and exorbitantly expensive food -- that sounds like a wicked honeymoon. Even if that is pretty cold for the middle of summer. Congrats again! And welcome back! :D
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Post by StarFyre »

It truly was a wicked honeymoon. And best of all, from my pov? I didn't get one of my insane neckpain+headache combinations while we were there, so I got to enjoy the entire trip =P Course, then we got home, and I got one.

=P If you want to see me'n the husband, we did get some 'omg expensive' photos from the aquarium and the academy of sciences. They take them when you walk in, and you can choose to get them or not later.

That's probably the best of the three. Joe was in the middle of blinking in the one from the aquarium, so he looks like a zombie =P
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Post by Shard »

Holy crap that's a redhead ;)


You know... you didn't get your headache while you were gone... have you considered having your home tested for mold or other allergens?
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Post by StarFyre »

Yep, I scored me a redhead -- like a vampire, he burns at the hint of sunlight. Looooots of Scot in his ancestry, compared to my truly mutty heritage. And the funny thing about that height difference? It's all leg. We wear the same shirt sizes =P

Though I don't doubt that there are plenty of examples of mold and such in this apartment (the carpet is one of those stupid wall to wall pill-carpets, and we've had more than one little adventure of the AC or water heater breaking and soaking the carpet with water), the real cause of my killer headaches is due to a misaligned vertebra in my neck. The top one, actually, right at the base of the skull. I've been going to a chiropractor for a year now for it, and I've gotten better (a year ago, I was having terrible headaches or neck pain about once or twice a week, now it happens maybe once a month). Unfortunately, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in that area aren't really strong anymore (because of the damage, that probably resulted yyeeeaaarrss ago when I got thrown from a horse at full gallop, onto a blacktop road, head first >.> I'm probably lucky I didn't break my neck) and also aren't really 'shaped' right anymore -- they're all stretched out on the left and kinked on the right.

What happens is that the bone shifts, puts pressure on the spinal column and pinches the nerves that are right there, thus causing pain across the head and neck. Now that everything is starting to get back in shape and I'm not having headaches because I sat up too fast, or turned my head wrong, etc, the main causes of the headaches are now stress (muscle tension tugs the bone back out of place, because the left is still weaker than the right side), long car rides, and sitting improperly for long periods of time.

c.c Still, I can't wait to get a proper place to live, without fail!carpet. I hate wall-to-wall carpeting. Grr.
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Post by Shard »

oh ow, yeah I remember you talking about that I think.

But yeah carpet is the SUCK.

Around my house? It's because there are 8 cats and 4 of them habitually barf or pee on it... :/ *gaaaagh*
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Post by StarFyre »

I have one cat, who behaves himself so long as the litterbox is cleaned regularly c.c;; Speaking of which! I need to get pictures of Laharl in his bright blue harness, because he looks awesome and I like to show off the fact that I have a harness trained cat. (Oh the double takes! The beautiful, wonderful double takes I get when outside with him!)

And, interestingly enough, about nine times out of ten, Laharl will go into the bathroom (which is linoleum tile) and barf there instead of the carpet. It's weird, but I approve.
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Post by aireona93 »

I just have to say, that is a really adorable picture of you guys! :3 I am so glad that you had fun! Fun is probably an understatement, but nonetheless. Congrats!

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Post by Dray »

G'aww, that picture's adorable! So glad that you guys had a fun time! (stealing internet connection while we're out at Kat's bro's wedding... so many weddings!) Starfyre, for some reason I'd started to recognize you by your avatar. X3 It's funny when you get a picture so that you can go, "ohhhh, THAT'S what they look like!"
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Post by StarFyre »

*laughs* ^^ Well, I have kept Karjan's pic up for a relatively long time, but, yeah =P Wrong gender, and I don't think I live in a futuristic society that spans multiple star systems and has people that literally plug into their ships to pilot them. I keep thinking I should take the character of Karjan (and probably his sister Lajira, as well) and make him an avatar-char, since I... don't really have one o.o I guess the closest I get is poor Selverat.

=P Also, as I couple of people I know have pointed out (and Joe's little sister commented on the picture "How'd you get her to stand still for a photo?"), I don't like being photographed. Not sure why. The wedding pictures that we'll be getting is the largest collection of photographs of me that have ever existed, and I only permitted that because too many relatives woulda been pissed if I played 'get away from me' the entire time and thus didn't have pictures for them to take away.
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