The week of hell!

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The week of hell!

Post by Guest »

This is just to explain why I won't be around for a while... Okay, I'd be lying if I didn't also admit it was to get some things off my chest.

This week has been horrible. My Grandmother has Alzheimer's, and recently it's gotten much worse. Like, in the last two weeks. She started acting like a very different person, swearing and accusing my wheelchair-bound Grandfather of cheating (which is physically impossible, btw). I know these sorts of changes are apparently normal in some Alzheimers patients, but it freaked me right the hell out, especially this week, when she's taken to hitting and throwing cold water on my Grandfather in fits of rage. The nurses also found a large serving fork on her side of the bed the other day, which we can only assume she hid there intending to use it as a weapon. Gave me shivers.

So long story short, Grandpa is coming to live with us. It means basically that unless someone else is at the house (only on weekends, usually), I must stay in the same room with Grandpa because even though I made him promise to shout for me when he needed to use the bathroom, he simply won't ask for help, and he's in great danger of falling if he tries to get there by himself. That and he's diabetic, so in general he needs to be monitored. Since he's staying indefinitely (or that's what the plan is for now), it also means I can't go back to school or consider a full-time job unless we hire a live-in nurse, which I don't believe we can afford.

Also, for the icing on the glorious cake that has been this week, my cat has aggressive cancer, found out yesterday. She has a few months to live, apparently, unless we amputate her leg, and even then it may only buy her some time as the cancer often returns. I can't remember the type the vet said, something fibrosis (in my defense, it was a lot of information to hit me all at once, so I'll probably call him later and get him to repeat).

So as much as I'd rather be playing on here and paging dragons, I need to go get Grandpa's car inspected, then watch CNN with him for four more hours until my dad gets home. :/

If you read all that long-ass post without skimming, you get a gold star. I know I would have skimmed it, so I don't blame you. ;)
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Post by Dray »

Oh my goodness, that is a tonne to hit all at once. :( I'm so sorry for all of that, Erinn, I hope that things balance out and become manageable. *sends hugs and condolences*
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Post by Shard »

Oh man, yeah that sucks. :(

My mom gets scary violent when she's not on prozac, herself, and of course denies it the moment that it gets brought up. Radical changes in personality are indeed very common for dementia patients, which sucks for everyone around them.

So I know what you're going through there, apart from the school thing. That really sucks. If there's a support center around where you live you might ask about help or adult care information, because yeah I know it's hard to afford, but if the situation is right you might be able to "be" the in-home care specialist and get credit for it. That's what I've been trying for, but since my mother still has too much money in an account, we can't really qualify for the aid.

You might also consider a baby-monitor for gramp's room. That way you know you will be able to hear him but you don't have to be with him constantly.

*hugs and support* I know. I know. :(
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Post by aireona93 »

My great aunt has Alzheimer's, and it is really hard. **hugs** But sounds like you are hanging in there for your family, and that is good of you. I mean, that kinda goes without saying, but a lot of people in my family just throw in the towel when things get rough. I just hope you can manage to find a way to keep up school; that's probably important to your future plans. :/

Also, I hope things resolve themselves with your cat. Cancer is so scary.
I am sending good vibes your way!

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Post by Keilin Alyr »

Goodness, I wish I could do more to help out beyond expressing my condolences and hoping everything works out in the future. That's a lot of stress to have to deal with in one week. =\

First and foremost, make sure you take care of yourself and relax when you can find the time to, even if it's just a few minutes to sit outside in the sun. It's so easy to get overwhelmed and burnt out in a long-term caretaker position (I've been there). Also remember that you're not alone (which I've forgotten far too often), and keep talking to and updating your family. And be honest. It'll probably be a reassurance to all of them knowing what's going on while they're away, and hopefully you can discuss and plan out your future goals as well. Trust me, things will settle into a more manageable routine.

As for your cat, I'd have another talk with your vet both to better clarify what kind of cancer she has and to discuss what your full options are. I imagine it'll be easier to cope with clear information, and it'll be good to know her quality of life and what to expect in the upcoming weeks. I wouldn't dismiss surgery or amputation outright, but if the remission chances are too great, it's still very noble to keep her loved and comfortable with the people she knows and cares about.

I'll admit, not long after I read about your kitty, I found photos of my Mariah (who died two or three years ago), and I found looking at them and thinking back a strangely reassuring experience. If you have photos of your cat, I'd recommend gathering and storing them someplace easily accessed if you don't already. Even when the fuzzy friends are alive and well, it really helps sometimes.

Post by Guest »

Thank you all for your kind words. :) It sounds weird, but it makes me feel better hearing sympathy. The unfortunate thing is that right now, my whole immediate family is busy with Grandpa, so we're all sort of there and supporting one another isn't really going over so well. ;)

I do feel a little better this week, now that I've gotten into the routine with Grandpa a bit. Getting up early was hard at first, but I've got it now, and I followed Shard's advice and got a monitor (fun fact about my Grandpa, he's hard of hearing and also doesn't like to ask for help. So the monitor is basically a flood of news channel chat all day long from the TV in his room that's very loud, and I have to pay attention and listen for the sounds of movement that isn't TV. It took some practice, LOL!) But it's definitely bought me some chill-time alone in my room, and so it's been a huge help!

About the kitty though, well, no good news there. I spoke with the specialist and an etymologist and they said surgery wouldn't be possible (the tumor mass is too close to her spine to safely extract). So she has about 4-5 months, during which I'll be spoiling her like hell and giving her pain medication.

Even more icing on the lovely cake that has been my week, my OTHER cat got attacked got attacked by another cat, then was chased up into the barn rafters and couldn't get down. (I have three cats that live with me, and two who used to belong to my Grandmother who still live at her farm, which is Diva, the one with cancer, and Michelle, the one I'm talking about now). So, even though there's a guy who comes out to the farm every day to take care of them... I guess he missed her. I just by random accident found Michelle dehydrated and bleeding from her ear up in the rafters, and had to climb up there to get her out. She's spending another night at the vet on IV, but they tell me she'll be just fine. Still, it's been a shitty week for cats. XD

I will definitely be taking Keilin's advice and taking some chill time for myself more often. ;) After this past week I feel like a gentle breeze could knock me over, LOL!
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Post by StarFyre »

*hugs* At least you found the second cat in time!

*sends love and feel-good vibes your way*
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Post by Dray »

Yowch, it's a trio of bad news! Hopefully that's over. Glad your other cat was found in time. Take care!
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