I'm out.

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

Moderators: Mystic Dragon, Xalia, Shard

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Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:19 pm
Location: Yuma, Arizona

I'm out.

Post by Swift »

I have the list of whose giveaways I still owe stories to. Those will be up in the near future, which I think is very reasonable since there's only one or two giveaways that actually got stories at all. I'll send emails to those I owe.

Trandiok cyberpets are pretty much click and take, at this point. Request and you receive. Nobody's requested in six months. Trandiok stories are going out on a mailing list that consists of about four people. I've written some bits into stories for giveaways that no one noticed or commented on.

So I'm definitely not a part of this community any longer. I won't read the forum and I'm going to turn my extra time to improving my PFT and making meritorious corporal.

On that note, for the record, I've had a very disturbing conversation last week about my being a Marine being some sort of attention-grabbing ploy, much like Dark's going off to hike and Sarai's going off to college. Feel free to believe it. It's not as if real young men and women don't get into service academies, hike the Pacific Crest Trail, or sign their lives over to the Marine Corps. God forbid you do what you want, with no regard for what other people say about it.

None of you know me in real life so all you who get upset are getting upset about is some name on a bulletin board deciding there are more important things to do in life. I'll never understand why that means I must hate you, because I don't.

If you're interested in getting on that email list for stories, for doing some random RPs or drabble plays, or just chatting about whatever, feel free to email me. I'll add you to the list.


It was entertaining while it lasted.
Trandiok Glacier
Adoptions and stories. Not in that order.
I crave feedback like salt craves a slug. Gimme.
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