Looking for a Weyr...Yenna

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Looking for a Weyr...Yenna

Post by Yakima »

I have a girl I want to send in to try for a queen's egg but don't know which clutches out there are available. I know Dragonhope still has that one - but she's not a YWIAW type candidate. Just wondering - still writing her story. Keep getting distracted or run out of time. This was just to see who has a clutch.

Otherwise she'll Impress at Falas (or some cannon Weyr or something like that...not sure) though I prefer she do some time traveling and come back on a mature dragon. As I only have two queens I can use for clutches at Falas - the other two are small mutant queens who have small clutches and don't always clutch after a flight. They're unpredictable/reliable. That is why I want her on a gold. Heh...When her story is done, I'll post it but there are spoilers in it for those of you who are wondering what's going on at Falas. >.<

I don't want to be a pain about this (or maybe I feel like I am because I tried to post this a dozen times while the board was eating everyone's posts...*shrug*) Just not sure what's out there right now. :P
Last edited by Yakima on Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Astra »

Rukbat Rising Weyr doesn't have a clutch right now, but I could make one if you'd like. I was going to do it on a first come first serve basis (you send in a candidate, then I give you a dragon quickly thereafter based on preference, quality, and personality, rather than waiting for the clutch to fill) but if you don't have a problem with the clutch being run that way, then I don't see any reason why your character couldn't bond a gold.

An example image is here: http://www.geocities.com/rukbat_rising/dvan.html although I may re-draw to make it look nicer, it will be the same basic pose. The "official" dragons will also have hatchling and weyrling stages.

Let me know what you think. I am going to do a clutch sooner or later but I can make it sooner rather than later if you're interested.

Post by Guest »

i'm also interested in where there are available clutches- ive been writing up a storm. not necessarily GOOD writings, but theyre there in any case. :)
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Post by Yakima »

Hmm...that would work very well. Though, I've been thinking of doing a cannon type thing with her - and sending her back in time to an unrecorded last clutch at Dark Moon Weyr.

Why, after all this fuss in looking for a Weyr for her to stand at?

'cause I don't feel like saddling someone with a 50+ paged story which is probably 1/3 to 3/4 completed. *facepalm* I know if I got a story that long I would be a little overwhelmed. *shrug* She's a pivitol character for the plot at Falas and though I want her to Impress under someone elses influence, the last queen hatched out of Dark Moon Weyr, daughter of (does anyone remember the name of the weyrwoman's (Azala....who had stepped down before the Weyr closed) dragon) and bronze Narth, a former Falasian, is rather appleaing if not amusing. *shrug*

Though, I may be able to create another character for you, Astra, which isn't so long and complicated and, dare I say, less 'mary-sue-ish' then Yenna. (She has faults, big ones, but she's the type that 'does everythning right' in some people's eyes. Until the plot ends then it changes a little.) Maybe even someone for a queen. I like more blood in the Weyr. :P Makes clutches easier to plan. Heh...

OKay, so that said, thanks Astra! Maybe when I post her story you'll see why, but I'm still far away from her actuall search. I have things to set up for later with her. Heh...

*scampers off to B-E-D* Oh, pillow! I missed you!
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Astra »

LOL no worries, I understand :) Although, for future reference, complicated stories and Mary Sues do not bother me in the least. Gods know I write a lot of those myself :lol:
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Post by Yakima »

Yeah, I'm rethinking that Dark Moon plan because...well, I already have a daughter of Zyranth at Falas and anouther would be...well, annoying for pedigrees. *jabs Flynnth in the shoulder*

We'll see. I'm almost to her actuall Search *headdesk* I'll post her when I'm done. :P Though, I've decided on her dragon's name...Kiranath (means 'ray of light' in Sanskrit...which fits the rider perfectly)
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Dray »

XD It's not a Weyr, but I'm planning on having light gold Gahoth breed eventually!
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Post by TyGryph »

I do still plan on running a girl-candidate-only truebreed Pernese clutch at Ryslen; I don't remember who the mother is going to be, offhand, but I think the father I chose is one of the bronzes from Talor Cliff Weyr's last big fling.

And while I've shifted Ryslen's focus and refer to it as a "Nidus" -- It's still Ryslen. Any dragon that knows/knew how to get to Ryslen Weyr can still get to Ryslen if they go there Between, because it's the same place. And, oddly enough, someone riding a horse... I mean runnerbeast from Pern can just ride up to Ryslen. (It's on the Southern Continent, east of the Black Rock River, not too far from Talor Cliff, which wasn't intentional on my part. I should see if that map still exists... *ponder*) I love the Nexus... >.>

And I don't mind long stories either.
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Post by Dray »

XD If you're still looking for an all-girl-clutch mother, I'd love to volunteer mine. :3 The last clutch that a Fa-bond had was all female dragons... but all-female-candidates would totally fit the bill.
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Post by Shard »

You mean this one?


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Post by Dray »

Dude, that's so cool! To be able to have everything on one planet so that you could quickly see the relationship... XD I wish we could do that with a Spore-style galax(ies) map for the Nexus!
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Post by TyGryph »

That's the one, Shard.

The red dot to the right of the G is Ryslen. The smaller red dot on the river is Vallen Cove/Vallen's Cove (analog to my Alskyrian Seadragon place.), and the one on the coast (I think) is Kiern/Dehsa, which was an RP weyr that I adopted into East Rock because I liked playing there. Coastal Weyr with a waterfall. *nod* All the little green dots are my holdings... and I can't immediately remember what they all are. Note that the lake at the bottom right and bottom left are the same lake.

Does Fa have a full-blood Pernese bond? It's important to the idea.

Edit. The coastal red dot is probably the Dolphineer's Hall. K/D is probably further East on the coast, diagonal from Ryslen through the two green dots that are side by side. But then again... This map is Pre-Alskyr.

(And we've stolen Yakima's thread, even though we're still more or less on topic.)
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Post by Dray »

Gahoth She's from the All Earth Frenzy -- I don't know if the Healing Den parentage line is Pernese or not, but I'm guessing it is!
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Post by Shard »

Yup, Lurineth and the others are all from the old-world Healing Den before it even left Pern. First clutch, actually. :) Of course, there were only like 4... lol.

Didn't I have donations for the thing, I know I sent my bronze from Talos or at least suggested him (Churana's dragon) and probably one or two big browns with female riders too. T'ver's comes to mind. (And yes, she elided her name. what, you gonna stop her?)
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Post by Yakima »

:P And just to let everyone know, Falas is in the same spot as KP - that was not ever intentional but it is a well known fact between Shard and I that Falas is built on the ruins of her own Weyr. LOL.

Thanks for all the ideas, guys...er...gals. I'll keep them in mind. M'len is officially going to Search her and then help find her a clutch. I'll post her when I get done then decide depending on which cluthes are up and running. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

Yup, and what's odd about that map is I have no clue what the numbers are, any more.I think I have a list of them, they may be mine, but I have no clue. The whole Falas/Kshau Isle thing rocked my socks. :)
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Post by dracosinfernoweyr »

That's awesome! I wish we could update it. I know exactly where Draco's Inferno is, that backwards s-shaped island in the chain to the left of the P. It's sad to see all of those weyrs that are inactive though. I got my first dragon from Dawn Sisters. Nostalgia~ XD
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Post by Astra »

Awesome. Rukbat Rising is pretty far South, possibly somewhere along that river where #3 is. I wanted it to be located in the Southern continent, but far South enough that it has seasons and fairly harsh winters.
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Post by Yakima »

TyGryph wrote:I do still plan on running a girl-candidate-only truebreed Pernese clutch at Ryslen; I don't remember who the mother is going to be, offhand, but I think the father I chose is one of the bronzes from Talor Cliff Weyr's last big fling.

And I don't mind long stories either.
Ty, I actually might take you up just to be silly and cliche about the whole thing. You might find out why with her story, which I finally reached the actually - you have been searched for such-and-such place. *headdesk* HOnestly, if I was in NaNoWriMo right now, I would win hands down! :P I'm only 10K short at the moment but still. :P

Just let me know when you run that so I can send her. :D Heh...I'm having to much fun with this!
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Astra »

Yakima wrote:
TyGryph wrote:I do still plan on running a girl-candidate-only truebreed Pernese clutch at Ryslen; I don't remember who the mother is going to be, offhand, but I think the father I chose is one of the bronzes from Talor Cliff Weyr's last big fling.

And I don't mind long stories either.
Ty, I actually might take you up just to be silly and cliche about the whole thing. You might find out why with her story, which I finally reached the actually - you have been searched for such-and-such place. *headdesk* HOnestly, if I was in NaNoWriMo right now, I would win hands down! :P I'm only 10K short at the moment but still. :P

Just let me know when you run that so I can send her. :D Heh...I'm having to much fun with this!
Haha awesome. My favorite Gary-Stu's story was 50k words by the time I was done with it. Of course that was including the hatchling, weyrling, and adult stories, but yeah. Of course I later ended up taking the story down because it was stupider than bad fanfic, but I have the whole thing in a word document somewhere. Yakima, I'm actually looking forward to reading this story once it's up :D
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Post by Yakima »

Alrighty, for anyone who wanted to or wants to, you can now read Yenna's story: http://www.falas-weyr.wolf-mage.com/rider/yenna.html It is very long - I had to divide the pre-serach and both were still very long. Her story probably beats mine for length. Heh...Well it does, actually, 'cause my pre-search only had one page, Yenna had two...urg...

Anyway, I should warn that I rate her story somewhere within the PG-13 range. If anyone has read the Twilight Saga, that is where my inspiration came from for the style and how much I explained. This said, I read your rules at Ryslen, Ty, and realized that her story might disqualify her unless you deem what I have accepetable. It's vage but, yeah...up to you.

*can't wait till she can write the Impression story* Oh, this is going to be fun!
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Yakima »

OH, I also ran through it for spell check and fixed what little errors (like it's versus its) that I found. I apologize if there are more. *headdesk*
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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