Anar Map

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Anar Map

Post by Yakima »

Been working on the fine tuning for Anar (which might have a 'full' name of soemthing along the lines of Anarendor/Anarendeor or something long like that - there's a story/reason for it...blame the elves) and that includes the map. I extended it, and even added a new country (Narda). :P Below is the map in an uncomplete (have to add mountains and forests and cities though I'm making the world itself a bit bigger or whatever...slight changes, nothing major):


The Wilderlands are uninhabited by any race though the dwarves and elves are the only ones to ever venture into it. The WarWastes are that dividing land I think I mention 'eons' ago in which the world is actually divided and the threat that will/is threatening Anar is coming from - enough of a threat to bring the Dragonry to full power once again. Yeah, lots of magic and stuff going to be happening in Anar! :P

Narda is another realm for humans. The Treval humans kinda orgininated from them thousands of years ago so culturlry they are simular but Treval is still far better in terms of government and stuff like that. :P Narda is still very 'old fashioned'.

There will actually be four Dragonries in Anar - Treval is the only one I'm using for adoptions. Narda, Amkal, and Kilbranra are the other three countries with Dragonries. I'm still trying to name the others which is hard for some reason...grr....

Also, side note for later referance, the Ortari (those Element Dragons that are the primary draconic species on Anar) have had a slight makeover to save my poor, failing sanity. :P I intended to have six types with each type have special features (feathers, fur, horns, fins, etc) but that would drive me nuts and I wasn't to pleased with the designs for a few of them. Sooooo....I'm thinking about using the same design/template for them all and just change the colors/eyes/horns and plate colorations and call it good. With the new breeding style I have thought of, it makes more sense. :P

Anyway, not to confuse people but had to show off the map and make sure people know that Anar/Treval Dragonry is still alive if not stuggling to breath as I redo it's face! Mwahaah...*gets bricked by Segs*

Yes, this is the reason some/most of my Trevalian characters are not up yet. *winches* With the full return of a fighting Dragonry, I have some reorganizing to do....urg...but it will be cool when I get done. This kind of stuff is fun. heh
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

Your maps are always really nice.
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Post by Yakima »

:D Thanks...despite the cink I get in my hands (as I only have a mouse, not a fancy tablet...okay, well, I have a tablet but i lost the pen year ago...*facepalm*), they're rather fun. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Yakima »

Been working on this again. I couldn't find the psp of the one I was working on so I started the shading all over again...:P


The forests are going to be fun. I'm not going to mess around with those until I'm done with all the shading, though.

Just wanted to put up an update. :D (if anything to show that I'm not dead...)
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

So... freaking... gorgeous... The best I can ever do is to like, recolor with textures so it *looks* like I put a little work into it lol.

Are you going to be using that font on the finished map? Because it's kinda... flat and square looking compared to the first one's "mappish" font.
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Post by Yakima »

probably not. It's just a font I threw up to show where things are. I'll probably use the same font that the rest of the site uses, which is the font on the first map. :P

And thanks, Shard, glad you like. I have to do all this really big so that when I get to the close-ups of the individual countries it doesn't look stupid. :P I loved my first map, the one I drew by hand, but Treval is evolvoing into something a bit more simple then that. i have history forming and everything mostly because of the change of function for the Dragonry. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Yakima »

Tada! A finished map, complete with shading, water, and the whole caboodle. :P PSP officially hates me for this, though. It crashed on me when I started to play around with stuff at the end - thankfully I have a habit of saving constantly when working with huge files like that. PSP can be evil.


*plots what other world she can make a map like this for...* Hmmm...Rerir needs a new one...I should make a cool one of LSI which will be easy considering LSI already has a map that tells me mountain height and whatnot. :P

Well, enjoy for whatever reasons. I would really love Falas/FGPC and Treval to be my main sites but Treval is having a hard time getting going...*kicks the ortari adult image in the butt...I need you!* :D
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

Maps always make me inanely jealous. :D I have no cartographical skill at all. ^^;

Looks really pretty! <3
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Post by Shard »

Absolutely lovely! What size is it that psp has trouble? Maybe you need more ram. :)
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Post by Dray »

Very nifty! :D Any chance of a tutorial on map-making in general?
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Post by Yakima »

@Shard: Well, this map is originally 2618x1782. It really doesn't start giving me trouble until I start doing a lot of copy/paste. *shrug* It's weird. Sometimes I'll be working on something, undo a few things (even on my dragon templates which are about 20% that size) and it will start doing weird things like have boxes appear on a layer of the whole image and other weird stuff I really can't explain. I know I have a hard drive on my computer I don't/can't use because it's corrupted and has already tried to kill my computer when it was linked to the other one in a RAID configuration. it's still their, i just can't use it. Though, I don't think Ram has anything to do with hard drive...I think. :P

@Ixris: That's okay. I'm pretty sure my 10th grade geography teacher could find a million things wrong with it. Like were the desert-like regions are and whatnot. :P I don't care, it's fantasy and magic. Like the WarWastes (that plateau like thinking on the very top) was formed because of magic and a huge war (thus why it's got a reddish-hue to it). *shrug* :P

@Dray: hee...yeah, I'll try to make a tutorial when I do my LSI one ('cause now I really want to do that one since I'm on a role...I finished this one too quickly...) I have no idea how to really make a tutorial but I will try. :D

Glad you all like. :)
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

If your other hard drive is corrupted you should remove it entirely and replace it... o.o But yes, the issues you're having are because your program is taking up more memory than the ram can handle. How much do you have running?
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Post by Yakima »

It's corrupt but not connected to the computer's system at all. I was told that I can't save any valuable data on it. The guy who fixed it said he undid the RAID thing and made them into two seperate drives so everything runs off the good one. I also have an external hard drive that is some 500GB which is where all my music, pictures, and website stuff is stored. ;)

I don't know how to check that. I usually have iTunes and Mozila running that I know of but I don't know what is running in the background. I know I can get a program that will tell me stuff like that but since I never really understood all the numbers and such, I deleted it. :P

Maybe my poor computer is getting old...even if it's only three or four years old. Heh...
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

Click on "start" and find your "control panel". Select "system" and look at the General tab where it shows the model of your computer, the system it's running, who it's registered to, and the specs. :) Down at the bottom it should show you how much ram is on it. That's assuming you're running XP, if you're not, I can't help ya. :)
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Post by Yakima »

Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
3.19 CHz, 1.00 GB of RAM


Not that much of that means anything to me. I'm sure it's out of date. I got this thing in my 2nd year of collage (so '04/'05) and it was refurnished.
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

Oooh yah, you could use another gig or so of ram. I'm assuming you're using windows xp, it can handle another full gig but not much more than that. You would be absolutely stunned at the difference in performance, .... I highly recommend it.
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