Sometimes. . . continuing is just too much to ask.

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Sometimes. . . continuing is just too much to ask.

Post by StarFyre »

Please note, this is a work in progress. A friend of mine asked me to keep a "record" of my steps as I colored this image, so I thought others might be interested as well.

If there's anything you'd like to suggest, go ahead - be aware, though, that because this is a record of "stage by stage" art, another stage could correct or hide an issue in a previous stage.

this is the base art

Pulling out the main tree.

MMm... mossy!

That's what I have for now, further updates later.
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Post by Shard »

Nice mossy!

*camps thread waiting*
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Post by Dray »

Ooooh, I love these kinds of threads! :D Can't wait for the next installment!
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Post by Astra »

Nice, I'm liking the detail on that tree.
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Post by StarFyre »

Continuing the fun...

The figure gets fleshed out. The strange gradient is there to give me some contrast with the pale color of the person.. I went with such a pale color because I wanted a contrast to the tree...

Small change... welcome to pants, boy

I start on the shirt...

And decide I hate the color I was using for the guy. Besides, the color change means that this character is who I originally wanted it to be. Kysan A'vredon , son of Naal. The paws are actually wrong, they need to be paler, but I can't get it to look right if I do that.

More later. Time to go to a discussion on the Internet and what it means to us.
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Post by StarFyre »

Reviving this, because the sketch creature I just did made me start thinking about finishing other pieces. (In other words, it remotivated me. Yay.)

This is, without a doubt, a flipping MASSIVE jump from the last one. It's the culmination of months of "I need something to do for ten/twenty minutes." The shirt changed color and was shaded. Claws were added and shaded. I added the arrow shafts in, and blood. And then I dropped Kysan's hair in place, which was fun. Ah blue-white goodness, how I love thee. This is a variation of a color that Rothkalians call "Lanet White" (this particular variation being "Purest Lanet White") after the small moon Lanet which shines a blue-ish white. You'll also notice a rather odd looking thing above his head and to the left -- that's a hilt that I started coloring in, then just left because I couldn't get it looking right.

All of this was done today. I got fed up with calling this Kysan without having Kysan's markings in place. So! I changed the paw color (and in the process tweaked the paws, because they were bothering me. The one extended towards the viewer still bothers me.. I might need to completely redo that one, or at least the claws.) and called it good. This shade of blue-white is plain "Lanet White" -- Kysan shares these markings with his father, actually, along with the blue-black fur color on the rest of his body and the "Purest Lanet White" hair (though Naal's starts to change to black around the time Kysan is born, because of specific changes in nature and demeanor, coupled with near-constant immersion in pure energy in his search for his dead twin's soul. Silly OCD boy.) I'm actually thinking of making small changes to the coloration of the main fur, because TECHNICALLY it's not supposed to have that great of a blue-cast to it. (Naal being described as midnight hued in color, which I'm debating might be a bit deeper a color than what I currently have in place).

About two minutes later, I realized "HURK! Kysan has a star on his forehead!" the star marking being the only thing (besides eye color) that differentiates Kysan from his father. So I jump back in and add the marking. Then I realize "Well bleh. Adding that alters how the face looks... I need to add eyes." So I added eyes. Again, a bit of playing with the paw colors. Still debating on changing main body fur coloration.

And, because you can't see jack in the small images I've got up. Here's a closeup of Kysan, where you can actually see the eyes and relatively fine details. Nothing's changed between this image and the image just above.
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