DNS is scarce

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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DNS is scarce

Post by DNS »

Yeah, you might've noticed. D: dNS has been quite scarce, of late.

buh. Right now, lfie is crazy-- but not as much as it was. Getting everything together for graduation, taking care of a lot of last-minute shit, and doing finals. yay finals.

Also, I'm moving soon. I don't know when exactly, which is part of the trouble. if all goes well, that is. D: and i likely won't know until a few days beforehand. so. Crazy.

Tentatively, I'm hanging everything by june tenth. But I'm not entirely sure.

ALSO, this is a computer issue-- nexus and my computer aren't getting along. It makes it freeze [more than usual], which is so insanely frustrating. I dunno why. possibly because it's old. butthe point is-- i can't be on here for more than a few minutes, before it freezes. D: if this actually submits, I will be more than surprised.

so, basically, I'm MIA for awhile.

For any deadlines coming up! Please afford me with an extention. I have no idea for how long. If you're unwilling to do that, then just drop my characters right out? ;-;
[also, if i owe you anything, please email me or post about it here]

Much love for all of you. <3 hope to be back soon.
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Post by Shard »

Yikes, have you run a virus and adware scan? Might wanna make sure you don't have a memory leak or something else.
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Post by Fuzzy »

^^ *HUGS* Best of luck- hope yours is better than mine. ;)

[hughughugs you and gives you a care package of junk food] ^^
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Post by DNS »

Some concrete stuff-
If I'm not moving soon, I'm definitely going out of town soon. :D and i should know if i'm moving or not in th enext few days, for sure.
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Are you aware that your http://mindspace.sitesled.com/ site is down? I was trying to check on your gryphydras and...pages seem to be poofed. o.o Since you're scarce and hiatusy-like, I won't abandon them (good thing it occured to me to check here!), but just wanted to point that out in case you've been busy enough that you didn't notice!
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Post by DNS »

Sort of- Sitesled experiences downtime more frequently, and lately they've been having trouble with their servers. :3 they keep mailing all their members. Last message was this:

"An out of control backup process resulted in Sitesled's services being offline for roughly 4 hours
this morning (6:30am EST - 10:30am EST) while the issue was being diagnosed and resolved.

We do not expect any further fallout from this incident."

apparently not.

Sitesled has been wonky all through my using it. D: but if i give you links, things are up. X.x It's not like i can control this server. :/ if i wasn't so busy, I'd look for a different host.

Speaking of which- updates on my status! :D
Moving soon! so with any luck, i'll be sort-of back soon.

of course, i have to come back here to take my driving test. D: because the MVA neglected to mention that i needed a driving certificate from my class, and my class neglected to give me said certificate. So, things might be a little back-and-forth all the way up to july.

oy, life. you be so crazay~

Post by Guest »

Ok, so this is off topic and all.. but.. am i the only one that noticed the topic name rhymed?

DNS is scarce
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Ancient Dragon
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Post by DNS »

I found out why sitesled isn't working- they dropped one of my accounts. ._. :/ for no reason. possibly because of the bullcrap index.

anyway, I don't really have time to upload anything right now [rather literally], and i'm going to be away from my comptuer for awhile, so.. bear with me. D: sorry.

and yeah, it does rhyme. XP
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