whee, pernese draggies. <3 - Closed!

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whee, pernese draggies. <3 - Closed!

Post by Samber »

so last night I stayed up till 11:30 making this -awesome- (in my opinion, anyway) pernese template...it's adult only, one size fits all, but I looove how the shading works with the colors underneath. 'specially on the wings.

the thing is, though, I don't really have time to run a clutch (heck, I haven't even managed to get all the colored arts pulled together for the valentines thing). but I feel bad because I keep drawing dragons and then nobody gets any. which is sad.

so, post as many copies of the following form as you like (reasonable amount, I will NOT provide a full freakin' weyr of 400 dragons for you! XD), and I'll color up some pretty pernies for y'all when I get the chance. tonight, probably, since tomorrow is the junior prom and I'm going with some of my younger friends despite me being a senior.

yes, you just make up the bond information for the form. you can make it as short or long as you like. this is mainly so I know there's a rider for the dragon, and that you have a character so these can be paged quickly. =)

sections marked with a * are optional.

Your name:
Candidate's name:
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc):

so basically it's a very, very simple stats sheet, that you can use later when you page your dragon. it shouldn't take more than a minute or two to fill out. =)

filled-out example:

Your name: Samber
Candidate's name: Kewanna
Gender: Female
*Age: 14
*Origin: Ista Weyr
*Training/Skills: cooking (very good), embroidery, mending
Personality: chipper, eager, annoying. afraid of the dark.
*History/Family: daughter of two green riders.

of course you can use more detail, if you really want, but it's all up to you. =)
Last edited by Samber on Mon May 14, 2007 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Asha Wermyst »

Sounds cool t' me...

Your name: Asha/Stormsight
Candidate's name: Akrien
Gender: Male
*Age: 16
*Origin: Argen Hold
*Training/Skills: writing, copying, scribe work.
Personality: quiet, unassuming, calm
*History/Family: The son of a scribe, was originally going to take over his father's work.
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Post by Shard »

Wheeeeee! I always want more Pernese for Dragonhope! :D

Is it okay if I just wait for some dragons, and use my generator to produce the riders? That's what I use for all of my current ones anyway... :)
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Post by Samber »

well...I kinda wanted to assign colors based on personality snippets, because I like doing that. Maybe you can use your generator for the characters, and then I'll do the dragons for you? =)
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Post by Shard »

Will do! :D

How many is a limit? I mean, I'll probably want ... like 10? If they're stock Pernese (like 3 green, 3 blue, 2 brown, 1 bronze, 1 gold)?
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Post by Samber »

10 would be fine, any more and you'd better be putting at least a little work into those forms, lol!
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Post by Samber »


A'rien's Blue Trenth

*dragonpoke* I looove this pose....
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Post by DragonFlight »

Samber? Do the characters have to originate from Pern or a Pern-like environment?
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'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
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Post by DNS »

Edit- DF beat me to it., XP

i ask if they have to be human, then, or if they can be anthro. -has anthros on her M!pern-
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Post by Samber »

I'd rather have them be Pernese humans, or human at the very least. No half-illithid lizardfolk, or anything like that. =)
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Post by DNS »

mm, in that case, I'll hold off on this. :3 I'm not much one for human characters, though these are luffly and enticing dragons. ^^ I'll jump on i tif you ever do a clutch of these, though, in the future. <3 Presumably when I have more time, what with not-graduating then, and all.

Post by Guest »

I used a generator~ because my current characters are crying for attention. ;~; I'll answer them soon, I swear. But for now, I would like 2, if that's not too much.

Your name: Timelapse/Eiji
Candidate's name: Eyrion
Gender: Female
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Womutan Valley (my pseudo-Weyr)
Personality: Focused; loves to be generous, but only with people she trusts; moody, but reliable

Candidate's Name: Ethron
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Origin: Womutan Valley
Personality: Selfish among friends, obedient among superiors; Focused; active; possessive; popular
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Post by Samber »


Eyrion's Gold Whyrith

E'ron's Brown Mithgath

Post by Guest »

Oh, they're pretty~ I'll get them up soon~~
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Post by Shard »

ooookey! I have 10 folks. :)

http://www.geocities.com/dragonhope_wey ... spring.htm

Yes, I did some work. :) Those are gorgeous dragons!! :D

Your name: Shard

Candidate's name: Talbent
Gender: Male
*Age: 20
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): crafter
*Training/Skills: harper/flute, tailor
Personality: soft spoken, polite, shy, but desperately wants to succeed and not be mocked
*History: after father died, was fostered into a craft hall where he learned harper trade, as well as tailoring from his foster folks. because he's a bit pudgy he's always had to fight for respect, and literally fight he has: he's good with swords. Though he's never met his mother, he wants to meet his other siblings and have a true family some day, but he has no clue where to start looking for them.

Candidate's name: Yiorn
Gender: Female
*Age: 19
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): crafter
*Training/Skills: Harper/balladeer, sea craft, horse riding
Personality: kinda 'hermione'ish. Willing to learn, willing to be scolded, but very willing to put herself on the line when she feels she's right.
*History: sent to craft hall from her mountain home, and immediately caught onto every singing role she could handle. her journeyman years were spent on a ship traveling far and wide, where she also learned more dirty ditties than most sailors...

Candidate's name: Del
Gender: Female
*Age: 18
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): commoner
*Training/Skills: in training for house servant duties, but high-level, not drudge work. She's much too pretty for that.
Personality: fearful of men, she's been able to keep randy or drunk House visitors at bay but only with the help of a few sharp items in her posession, she'd rather be wandering or surveying an area, or just relaxing from a hard work atmosphere.
*History: born in the foothills, and as a gorgeous young girl she caught the eye of one of the local lords. His wife put a stop to any advances he might make, but that didn't stop his brother, cousin or anyone else... but she dutifully did her work in their Hold until being called for. Searched long before then, but with the paperwork to go with it...

Candidate's name: Zun
Gender: Female
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Commoner
*Training/Skills: because she's very bright, Zun was given training in literacy and always expressed interest in buildings and architecture.
Personality: curious, happy, polite and charming, but also good with pet animals (as well as dragons but she doesnt' know that yet)
*History: pretty idylic. raised in a group, more with her friends and peers than family.

Candidate's name: Balshi
Gender: female
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): mixed (weyr, fostered out)
*Training/Skills: weaponsmith, kickboxing, fashion hounding, cloud watching... anything but what someone else wants her to see
Personality: captivating, deferential, slightly selfish, and extremely practical in ways that her love of cloud-chasing can't possibly capture...
*History: born in a weyr far to the south, but fostered away because of course most weyr born brats either become underfoot or fostered. She was fostered, and lost any chance of really being taught to be focused. It was a done deal that she was Searched almost directly after birth, so her foster parents knew that at any time she'd be gone. They indulged her, but also allowed her to challenge the older boys to duels, learn from whoever would teach, and generally absorb whatever she felt she needed to. She's also ... astonishingly pretty. Really, really freaking hot. The kind of hot that Weyrleader S'xon drools over, and his wife smacks him for.

Candidate's name: Gunter
Gender: Male
*Age: 16
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): crafter
*Training/Skills: vintner, seamanship, mathematics
Personality: rude, stiff, focused but when asked to give up something he's got, he eagerly gives it away. He has a superior attitude that's hard to crack, because he really is quite smart, if too pretentious for his own good.
*History: though he was born in a heavily populated Hold, the few people who got away from the disease that was spreading like a fire there managed to get him into a winery for safe keeping, where he'd learned everything he needed to since. His foster home was very well off, producing quite good wines (excellent, actually, but limited in their distribution), so he always has had the fine things in life.

Candidate's name: Fentra
Gender: Female
*Age: 16
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Hold, Lord's daughter
*Training/Skills: Though insanely polite, Fentra hardly has ever been asked to do anything like work. feh work.
Personality: idealistic, headstrong, smart, and fluffy. she's the girl that speaks in poetry and actually understands what the adults are talking about when they think kids won't know. But she's sort of ivory-towered, too, and will be in for a rude awakening. She's up for it though.
*History: Always has lived on an island with a lot of other kids around. As the second child and first girl, she was expected to marry and provide the family with more financial security. However she was Searched, and that merely meant that her younger sister will have that role. There are a lot of kids on that Hold. A lot. She's nervous when she's alone, actually...

Candidate's name: Khynlieu (kyyn-lee oo)
Gender: Male
*Age: 15
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Crafter
*Training/Skills: Minecrafter, gem extraction and cutting (hates it), archery, animal / caravan work
Personality: Serious, but friendly, feels put upon by his family and their expectations. He'd much rather be out and about than captive in a dingy mine.
*History: born near a mine where precious stones were plentiful, and expected to take up the trade. However there are plenty more kids where they came from, so he doesn't feel so bad when he was searched and finally claimed by the riders. He spent most of his life underground, and hated every minute of it.

Candidate's name: Llandra
Gender: Female
*Age: 14
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Commoner
*Training/Skills: fishing, fighting, collecting things
Personality: easy to anger, at least by her peers. She's not quite afraid of older folks, but she certainly has something more going on in her. She has indeed 'been altered like dragons' - she was part of some bizarre experiment, and though her siblings don't know why, she was removed as an infant, and returned to their home at around age 5... different. She really does fight better than anyone else around - her reflexes are heightened, as are her sense of smell and taste.
*History: as above, she was taken by someone, experimented upon with chemicals (don't tell Kalkin this, but this was a time-skipping Renaud doing the same things they'd done to him...) and returned after being trained to fight. Her temper is something that no one expected to be tamed. But she does do a reasonable job of keeping herself 'normal'. When she was searched a few weeks before being taken away now, her family worried whether that would be okay with the people doing their experiments... but what those guys don't know won't kill em. Or maybe it will... maybe she will. Later.

Candidate's name: Challie
Gender: Female
*Age: 12
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Mixed hold/weyr born
*Training/Skills: she throws rocks, sticks and small weapons with deadly accuracy, and dances very well
Personality: Afraid to allow anyone really close, especially men (she doesn't much care for their smell or the way they look at her and her sisters) but cavalier with her own posessions and friendship toward her peers. She seems a little oblivious to authority at times.
*History: Her rider father was in the hold only a few days with an injury to his arm. But that was all it took, her mother gave birth to her while her husband was still away at a long trade journey... Challie knows she's not pretty enough to marry off - but men look at ugly women all the time too. she's determined not to be one of those young women who sit and embroider and gossip all day long, she'd rather be outside and enjoying the waves or the sand of a beach. Being searched made her quite happy, though she's not sure now whether a green or a blue dragon would find her most appropriate... a boy dragon would keep the men away wouldn't he? :)

And that's them. :) enjoy! I can't wait to see what they get... I'm hoping for a kind of balanced group like I mentioned, but I'm not certain which ones you might consider for what rank :)
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Post by Yakima »

Those are gourgeous, Samber. Are you going to use them for clutches or just for the giveaway?
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shadow »

I'll apply when I get the chance *love teh draggies*
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Post by Samber »

Yakima -- I'm not sure. I'd love to use 'em for clutches, but I have no time and by the time I do I will most likely have drawn something even better. XD
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Post by Samber »


T'bent's Bronze Brith

Yiorn's Blue Eshubiath

Del's Green Shallth

Zun's Gold Ykauth

Balshi's Green Fuegath

G'ter's Bronze Gormalth

Fentra's Green Raisth

K'lieu's Brown Khalth

Llandra's Blue Myeroth (y is consonant, not vowel)

Challie's Blue Tsith


Sort of balanced, anyway. XD
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Post by Shard »

ooooOOoooh I love Challie's blue!! :D Well I love all of em!! :D hee Zun got a gold! :D Nice, I'll have them up shortly and they'll be on their linked pages.
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Post by Samber »

hehe, that blue was one of my favorites. :D
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Post by Kitsuneko »

Man, I know I'm on an unofficial hiatus, but those are too cool to pass up. Time for some generator clicking.

Your name: Kitsuneko
Candidate's name: Worton
Gender: Male
*Age: 10
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Trader-born on Pern, travels with family
*Training/Skills: Sailing, knife-fighting
Personality: Shy around strangers but remarkably outspoken around his family and anyone else he's comfortable with. He has a sharp tongue and tends to mouth off to others, and he's known for being rather selfish, but he likes to daydream and is fond of ships and the open ocean.
*History: The youngest of a family of traders, he grew up traveling around Pern, and he was rather spoiled by his parents. His parents died in an accident while they were visiting a weyr, and the weyrfolk took them in. He and his older siblings all decided to try and Impress dragons.

Your name: Kitsuneko
Candidate's name: Beltur
Gender: Male
*Age: 13
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Trader-born on Pern, travels with family
*Training/Skills: Reading and uncovering information
Personality: A reclusive bookworm, he doesn't like strangers, but he also doesn't like to be alone, so is often hanging around with one sibling or another. He's very intelligent and knows lots of things, both pertinent and irrelevant. He is good-tempered and kind, but not outgoing.
*History: Second youngest in a family of traders. He grew up moving all over Pern, but once his parents died, he suggested to his siblings that they to Impress.

Your name: Kitsuneko
Candidate's name: Rinna
Gender: Female
*Age: 15
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Trader-born on Pern, travels with family
*Training/Skills: Animal husbandry and training
Personality: Has a rude mouth, but she has a kinder heart than she'd like to admit. She gets distracted easily and doesn't like to work. She is good with animals, and has talked before about going to the BeastcraftHall, though nothing came of it.
*History: She and her twin sister Ereri were born to a family of traders. She didn't reallly like the lifestyle and wanted to go to the Beastcrafthall, but her parents weren't able to send her. They died while visiting a Weyr, and she and her siblings decided to try to Impress dragons.

Your name: Kitsuneko
Candidate's name: Ereri
Gender: Female
*Age: 15
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Trader-born on Pern, travels with family
*Training/Skills: Sailing and cooking
Personality: She is very rude and sometimes cruel towards others, she doesn't like authority figures and tends to be rebellious. Of all her siblings, she is closest to Worton, as they share an interest in sailing.
*History: She and her twin were born to a family of traders. She was more or less content with the lifestyle, and didn't have any noteable ambitions, but once the others decided to Impress dragons, she went along for lack of anything better to do.

Your name: Kitsuneko
Candidate's name: Rayashan
Gender: Male
*Age: 19
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Trader-born on Pern, travels with family
*Training/Skills: Eavesdropping and spycraft
Personality: Though he enjoys traveling, he's never really known what he wanted to do with his life. He is somewhat insecure and has a tendency to be rude; but he is not intentionally malicious. He's quite intelligent, but not in the same way Beltur is; he watches other people and can read their intentions pretty well.
*History: He was born before his parents were married, but that was fixed sometime after he was born and he has grown up in a loving family with many younger siblings. He had thought about riding a dragon before, but never really considered it a viable option until his parents' death.
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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Post by Dray »

I'm always amazed at your sleek curves, Samber. X3 Your art is aesthetically pleasing and gorgeous as always!
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Post by jess d »

I want one, or maybe a few, but I need to come up with a few candidates for you!
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Post by Samber »

Kitsuneko--I really, really have to go get dressed for prom right now--a friend has the dress--so I'll get yours done on Monday, okay? :)

Dray--hehe, thankyou.^^ I can't draw with a mouse to save my life, but the curve tool does work wonders. :D

Post by Guest »

So adorable<3 I'll take a few, then? :D Take as much time as you need/want!

Your name: Birdie
Candidate's name: Ainei
Gender: Female
*Age: 15
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Hold
*Training/Skills: Weaving, some music
Personality: Quiet to most, but knows when to step up and take charge of the situation.
*History: Born into a small family with only an older brother, she lived a fairly normal life up until she was searched.

Candidate's name: Reike (R'ke)
Gender: Male
*Age: 16
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Weyr
*Training/Skills: Can fight with a dagger well
Personality: Quiet and careful with what he says, he makes female friends mostly due to the fact that he just don't fit in with the boys.

Candidate's name: Tetcha (T'cha)
Gender: Male
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Crafthall
*Training/Skills: Sings very well
Personality: Loud and spontaneous, he would never pass up a good time or a chance to cause mischief.
*History: Having been sent to the crafthall at a young age, he never really got to know his parents or siblings.
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Post by DragonFlight »

Your name: DragonFlight
Candidate's name: Dahru
Gender: Male
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Commoner
*Training/Skills: hunting, fishing
Personality: idealistic and witty, hates enclosed spaces
*History: youngest of three siblings, was taught a bit by his older brother, relatively normal until searched.

Your name: DragonFlight
Candidate's name: Turaac
Gender: Male
*Age: 16
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Crafthall
*Training/Skills: literate, apprentice harper standing
Personality: serious, sensitive
*History: does not much like being a harper, failed to advance through the ranks several times, has essentially given up on it and ran off to see how he'd fair with dragons

Your name: DragonFlight
Candidate's name: Arsihn
Gender: Male
*Age: 16
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Weyr
*Training/Skills: knows his way around dragons, skilled at treating injuries (dragon only)
Personality: calm, understanding, fun-loving
*History: the result of a dragonrider fling (green's mating), lived normal weyrbred life, met Dahru and gets along with him

Your name: DragonFlight
Candidate's name: Lariah
Gender: Female
*Age: 15
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Commoner
*Training/Skills: animal husbandry
Personality: curious, active
*History: always tended to get along better with animals than humans, left home instead of being searched

Your name: DragonFlight
Candidate's name: Gihii
Gender: Female
*Age: 17
*Origin (hold, weyr, crafthall, etc): Commoner
*Training/Skills: shows a knack for strategy
Personality: melancholy, intelligent
*History: relatively normal life until searched, was known to vex even the local harper when it came to puzzles and logic
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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Post by Yakima »

Your name: Yakima
Candidate's name: Amari
Gender: female
*Age: 13 Turns
*Origin: Southern Weyr ©/Anavin Hold
*Training/Skills: none/holder child
Personality: Practical with a good brain for thinking, Aran is often taking after his father for the love of the stars and the more modern aspects of Pern unlike his half-brother and foster sisters. He adors Amari, despite her flamboyant, boyish nature and loves to tourture her by treating her like a girl; even if he knows he's going to get his butt kicked by a girl for doing it. Aran is quite and caring over all, yet he harbors a bitterness to his father who abandon him and never stayed to know his son. Those that know him best know not to mention his father.
Candidate's name: Cenarahan (C'nar)
Gender: male
*Age: 11 Turns
*Origin: Anavin Hold
*Training/Skills: none
Personality: bit of a rebel, much like his father who left and never returned, Cen tends to cause more trouble then good. He's a bit lazy, hates to do work that is really hard, and compalins at just about every little ache and pain. Still, his mother appoved of his Search in hopes that a dragon could make a man out of her eldest son.
Candidate's name: Aranaton (T'nan)
Gender: male
*Age: 13 Turns
*Origin: Anavin Hold
*Training/Skills: none
Personality: Practical with a good brain for thinking, Aran is often taking after his father for the love of the stars and the more modern aspects of Pern unlike his half-brother and foster sisters. He adors Amari, despite her flamboyant, boyish nature and loves to tourture her by treating her like a girl; even if he knows he's going to get his butt kicked by a girl for doing it. Aran is quite and caring over all, yet he harbors a bitterness to his father who abandon him and never stayed to know his son. Those that know him best know not to mention his father.
Candidate's name: Teyaris
Gender: female
*Age: 19 Turns
*Origin: Dark Moon Hold/Anavin Hold
*Training/Skills: apprentice healer
Personality: Born in Dark Moon Hold and left in Anavin Hold to be raised while her parents continued to work on there craft, Teya has always been the perfect daughter to her foster-mother. She is a natural healer though has only recently took up lessons with the Hold's Journeyman Healer. Her firelizard was a gift from her parents from the FGPC though Kyaj's egg was one of those misshaps of the genetic world and what was suppose to be a rare, beautiful color was only a male green. Still, Kyaj is well loved and cared for.
Candidate's name: Miyasa
Gender: female
*Age: 15 Turns
*Origin: Arnor Hold
*Training/Skills: none
Personality: Miya is a quite, timid girl who often has her head in the clouds. She is kind, however, and tries to help out whenever she can. Miya has a fear of being rejected or turned away that may come from the way she is treated by her foster parents. Though she is quite loved and cared for, she wishes to be free, like a dragon, and fly away. Harboring a secret dream to Impress, Miyasa often steals moments to watch the firelizards off the cliffs of the Hold and always is present when a dragon comes to visit.

These five will be up shortly. Arguing with finding a FTP (they work then they don't for me...I don't get it...grrr) that will let me upload all the riders I have now and the Weyr's site so I can work on getting Mardanith's clutch hatched as her clutch hatches around the same time the Shimmer Frenzy does...heh...here are the links they will be at:


*growls at photobucket* Amari's cream-green firelizard, Telar, isn't working because photobucket isn't letting me get on. In case you're wondering...
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

Isla Weyr: http://www.isla.mage-circle.com
Velare Isle: http://www.velare.mage-circle.com
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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:55 am
Location: Milliways, eating breakfast.

Post by Samber »


W'ton's Green Lusith

B'tur's Brown Gynth

Rinna's Blue Amichath

Ereri's Green Woth

R'shan's Bronze Argaeth


Ainei's Green Kintphath

R'ke's Green Tarith

T'cha's Blue Darrth


D'ru's Blue Aeilith

T'raac's Green Lysabeth

A'sihn's Brown Truth
**I LOVE that color of brown! :)

Lariah's Green Shamath

Gihii's Bronze Knurath


Amari's Green Bistath

C'nar's Green Treth

T'nan's Brown Rolth

Teyaris's Green Lasath

Miyasa's Green Hannath

Post by Guest »

They are beautiful, as expected. x33

R'ke and T'cha were both pre-existing characters and they bonded to the same colors that they had before! xD Go figure. <3

I'll be paging these soon.. and I'm tempted to request a few more, but I'll hold off for now. ;D
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