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Post by Shard »

If it's a party, I'm gonna want to send my Galactirock people - all of them will be there, but only a couple might turn out to be important. They can provide music? :)
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Post by Dray »

The Star City Crisis Aftermath

Several weeks have passed since the dethroning of the xenodragon Queen, but the station is still in chaos despite the best efforts of all of the Ministry boards and Security to restore order. Over three million persons left homeless, stranded in Driolo when citizens were forced to evacuate... however, this couldn't have come at a worse time, as the city was undergoing its annual monsoons; eight were drowned as massive flooding broke the shores of the West Mamtu river, several dozen are still unaccounted for. Even beyond the bad timing, the death toll of those who were captured and made hosts by the invading hive has not been completed, yet, as new, grisly discoveries are made each day by repair crews who have since been plumbing the depths of the station's back-ways and crawl-spaces.

The station, damaged by the blast from a re-purposed terrorist bomb and listing on its support cable, was through mammoth effort pushed back into a stable orbit, but the damage to the hatching deck will take months to repair; Housing and Life Support on either side suffered damage as well and the repercussions of this are yet to be fully realized. Throughout the station, property damage caused by looters and street-side battles is estimated to be in the millions of credits; some citizens may not have much of a home to come back to.

The Ministry of Security has come under heavy fire from all political standpoints and economic lobbiers; for the invasion in the first place, for the damage, and for what, exactly, it will be able to do to make the station safe once again. Even now, teams are working through the station and eradicating xenodragons left in the wake of the Queen, for fear that one of her facehugging progeny will give rise to another egg-laying caste. There are many demands made of the Minister himself, many laying blame across his shoulders despite several eye-witness accounts of his heroic efforts in battle. Several xenodragons unrelated to the invading hive have been targeted by hate groups, and picketers have set up what seems to be a permanent camp in the Ministry halls, their holo-banners and crudely painted posters scrawled with hateful slogans.

A bill to add xenodragons to the 'Red Group' has gained momentum and support from the general public, and is already moving through hearings in the parliament to be passed into law. Bill 47X would see that xenodragons be labeled as a unanimously hostile species, barred even partial citizenship and banned from entering Station space. This extremely limited list -- including the Siisakoo and other invasive, untenable species -- would require that all xenodragon citizens currently occupying the station be deported immediately to Nexus space. To give comparison, in the Station's Citizenship Bylaws and Annals, xenodragons as a whole were placed within the Amber Group along with Balespawn, two species of Hydra-kin, and Thorian-kin, denoting careful monitoring and strict laws restricting reproduction or expansion, or interaction with other citizens of the station.

While repairs are still heavily under way, the public has begun to be allowed to return to the station, though steep fines for disobeying curfews have been put into place, and it will be some time before business returns to full swing. Station space is under heavy patrol by its small fleet of cruisers: pirate activity surrounding Star City has shot up by 35% since the evacuations began. An advisory has been placed in travel logs to exercise caution upon entering station space, and intra-Nexus aid funds have thus far begun to make a dent in the great losses that the station's economy has suffered due to the loss of business and lives.

It will be quite some time before things return to normal, if ever they do again...

(If you have any questions relating to your Star City-based characters, feel free to ask! The station managed to survive, but its carefree days may be at an end... who knows for certain what direction it will take from here?)

The Loot!

First of all, thank you to everyone who played and/or participated! I have a feeling that this particular game could have gone on for another week and not been stretched too thin... but you live and you learn. The last night was particularly action packed and I may have missed a thing or two, but I was psyched to see everyone bring such a near disaster to a successful close. Y'all did a great job, and I had a lot of fun reading your posts and responding to them!

Now, points breakdown:

Participation: For those of you who were able to attend the last couple of nights, you've earned 5 points that you can divvy up any which way between characters; if you would like to save them for later, you may do that also!
-Yakima (you weren't able to play due to a glitch the first night, but I really appreciated your coming back to keep us company!)
-Cacopheny (hey, you showed up and I want to give you something for hanging out! XD)

Praetorian Smackdown: Some of you kicked some spiny alien ass, each in your own way. The following points are for getting a hit in on the Praetorian Guard.
-StarFyre (Penopir): 7 points
-Phoenix (Rhakarndi): 7 points
-Jess (Omon): 10 points for the killing blow!
-JKatkina (Neisan): 7 points
-StarFyre (Rohegukess): 7 points
-Xalia (Rifan): 10 points for the killing blow!

The Motherload: Everyone managed to do the Queen some damage... well, almost everyone. This is for getting the first round of damage in on the Queen before her frantic escape.
JKatkina (Lahan): 10 points
JKatkina (Neisan): 10 points
StarFyre (Rohegukess): 10 points
Phoenix (Rhakarndi): 10 points
Jess (Sel): 10 points
StarFyre (Snaedis): 10 points

Everyone: 5 points (for the teamwork required to cripple the Queen towards the end)
For the last, desperate struggle to push the Queen from the Airlock and save everyone from certain death:
Phoenix (Gavin): 10 points
Phoenix (Gavess): 10 points
JKatkina (Neisan): 10 points
Xalia (Rifan): 10 points
StarFyre (Snaedis): 10 points

Player Of The Night:
(Night One): StarFyre, for The Song That Never Ends: 5 points
(Night Two): Phoenix, for the Battle of the Queens: 5 points

Nightly Kill Points
These points tally the number of points each character snagged simply from destroying xenodragons over the last couple of nights!

Kesukiath: .6 points
Aenon: .6 points
Jarel: .6 points

Snaedis: 1.3 points
Rohegukess: 1.3 points
Penopir: 1.3 points

Shaine: 3.3 points
Vir: 3.3 points
Haroruu: 3.3 points

Magdenai: 3.6 points
Omon: 3.6 points
Selien: 3.6 points

Gavin: 4 points
Gavess: 4 points
Rhakarndi: 4 points

Terra: 7 points
Neisan: 7 points
Lahan: 7 points

Garskit: 10 points
Rifan: 20 points

Tag & Bag
Below is a list of who earned what xenodragons over the last two nights. Those without images are forthcoming depending on when I can get them all coloured up -- I'll edit this post and make a new one once they're done! The number next to the caste is a hex code for what colour its armor will be, if you want a quick preview. Items can be brought on other quests; heck, if you have enough points, you could have them added onto your dragon's image, if you'd like!

Face Hugger: 553d2c
Face Hugger: 215111
Baeris: Battle-Ready Skinsuit (+2 to resist damage)
Kalkin: High Tech Map (+2 to detecting enemies/treats)

Face Hugger: 134337
Burstling | Drone
Burstling | Warrior
Penopir: Chain with magic-reflecting globe (+2 to magic damage)
Rohegukess: Claw-Sheathes that burst into flame on contact with enemy (+2 magic damage, fire type)

Face Hugger: 465630
Shaine: Ether Cartridge for Plasma Rifle (+2 magic damage, ether/spirit/soul type)

Face Hugger: 082812

Burstling | Drone
Burstling | Drone
Burstling | Warrior
Rhakarndi: Yautja Throwing Star (+2 to succeed at attacks)

Neisan: Stone-Skin Armor (+2 to defense against physical attacks)

Garskit: Magic Red Cross Arm Brace (Heals 1d6 damage per use)
The Case of the Mysterious Yautjadragon NPC's

A band of five Yautjadragon brothers stumbled upon your party as you harried the Queen of the hive. Born of Adende Mei'Rhakarndi and an unnamed Star City Mutt, they are mongrels themselves and do not feel comfortable on the station, having only recently come up to join the battle. Several of them have decided to follow your characters, whether or not they stay on the station or go out to explore the Nexus!

Vadan Mei'Adende
(Image to come!)
Name: Vadan Mei'Adende
Gender: Male
Species: Yautjdragon Mutt
Colour: White-Speckled Grey
Size: 20' at the shoulder, Large
Personality: The unofficial leader of the clutch, level-headed for the most part if not emotionally invested in what he believes in, Vadan has a strict code of honor that combines Yautja conduct with human sensibilities. He has experienced life as a constant trial-by-fire, leading his clutch-mates through many and desperate battles, the latest of which is only the crowning achievement. He is protective of his bond and those who choose to ride with him.
Bond: William Laurama
Info: A human male in his late forties, Laurama happened to be in the right place at the right time for Vadan's hatching, which in itself was a momentous occasion. He is a gruff man who reveals little of his emotions to the world, choosing to keep those behind strict codes of conduct.
Riders: [Calamity] Jane Rawlin
Info: A sometimes bawdy, emotional woman, Jane can never the less rationalize when need be, and is pragmatic throughout the worst situations. She is extremely intelligent, fearless, and when push comes to shove, ruthless to the extreme

Fumen Mei'Adende
(Image to come!)
Name: Fumen Mei'Adende
Gender: Male
Species: Yautjdragon Mutt
Colour: Black-Speckled Grey
Size: 19' at the shoulder, Large
Personality: A rough-shod Yautjadragon with a xenophobic sense of the world, Fumen never the less can respect true authority and courage, and is extremely loyal to the very end. He will never question his superiors, though he may question himself on a regular basis. Gavin's demonstration of power and determination opened Fumen's eyes past his automatic disgust for xenodragons and their kin; though he may dislike the idea of a man controlling a hive of creatures, he will fight for and stand behind Gavin through hell and back.
Bond: Jonny Tighnby
Info: A younger man with a smarmy grin and a missing eye, Johnny never the less is a genuinely convivial man who takes orders without a fight and is willing to throw himself before his superiors, in the most dire of situations. He has something of a drinking problem and has some difficulty controlling himself, which might be why he respects Gavin's ability to survive the past ordeal.

Moren Mei'Adende
(Image to come!)
Name: Moren Mei'Adende
Gender: Male
Species: Yautjdragon Mutt
Colour: White-Speckled Brown
Size: 19' at the shoulder, Large
Personality: A practical creature who has become so used to tearing fighting allies apart that it has become second nature, Moren is as adept with a special issue handcannon as he is with first aid. Partially this comes from his bond's knowledge, partially from his own nature, but Moren is blind to the different species of the world save for when it comes to patching them up. He can be harsh with his words, but feels that sugar-coating the truth is a disservice to those he is helping. He follows his own code of justice that sometimes works counter to the wills of superiors.
Bond: Sherman Keytle
Info: An older man who was attending the yautjadragon clutch to monitor their hatching, rather than in an attempt to bond, himself, Keytle has taken to his new lot in life with a surgeon's grumbling acceptance of things that have gotten out of his hands. He is observant and seems to make uncanny observations about those around him, whether or not they are willing to wear their hearts (figuratively) on their sleeves. Sherman is a smoker, despite the risks, and has already had a lung transplant due to cancer. His sense of humor is often sinister or dark, though he is not a dark-hearted man.

Rutan Mei'Adende
(Image to come!)
Name: Rutan Mei'Adende
Gender: Male
Species: Yautjdragon Mutt
Colour: Black-Speckled Brown
Size: 20' at the shoulder, Large
Personality: Hot-headed and impractical -- or perhaps he simply thinks too far outside the box for most people to follow, Rutan holds dear a code of honor and is perfectly willing to scuffle with anyone who should cross him. He loves to goad others to violence simply to prove their worthiness, and is always challenging authority. The problem with disciplining Rutan is that he is very often right, once one strips away the insults and haughty challenges.
Bond: Emilé Yoland
Info: A freckled blonde woman in her late twenties, Emilé is just as wild as her bond, and just as intelligent. She lives life on a self-erected pedestal, talking down on anyone who gets too close to her, getting into scuffles with superiors at nearly every twist and turn. There are few that she truly respects, and even those she will bait from time to time, just to keep them on their toes. Reckless as she is, it's not surprising that she finds Selien and Omon respectable folk with their displays of courage on the battlefield.

Chavan Mei'Adende
(Image to come!)
Name: Chavan Mei'Adende
Gender: Male
Species: Yautjdragon Mutt
Colour: White-Speckled Black
Size: 19' at the shoulder, Large
Personality: Chavan is somewhat reserved, compared to his brothers. He is a heartfelt, emotional creature who strives to find justice -- real justice -- in the world, whether that means destroying criminals, or rooting out the wrongs done by otherwise respectable people. Sometimes his heart can cloud his judgment, but he does try his best and is earnest to the very last.
Bond: Leonard Adams
Info: A stiff-necked man with some qualms about how the universe currently works, Leonard respects the chain of command for the most part, but sometimes feels the need to go beyond that authority to see what is right to fruition. He is something of a romantic, under his stodginess, and has some difficulty seeing the world through practical lenses.

Total Points
'Free-Floating' points are ones that can be attached to any character who has participated in past or future RP nights.

Characters who have a red asterisks (*) next to their name can not spend points to modify their image because their current image does not have permission and so can be transferred to other characters just like free-floating points.

Characters with a gold asterisks next to their name (*) do not have images to be altered, however if they have enough points, can snag a new image drawn by me, which can then receive alterations in the future.

Free-Floating: 5 points
Kesukiath: .6 points
*Aenon: .6 points
*Jarel: .6 points

Free-Floating: 5 points
*Baeris: 0 points
*Kalkin: 0 points
*Atrocity: 0 points

Free-Floating: 15 points
*Snaedis: 11.3 points
*Rohegukess: 18.3 points
Penopir: 8.3 points

Free-Floating: 5 points
*Shaine: 3.3 points
*Vir: 3.3 points
*Haroruu: 3.3 points

Free-Floating: 10 points
*Magdenai: 3.6 points
*Omon: 13.6 points
*Selien: 13.6 points

Free-Floating: 15 points
*Gavin: 14 points
*Gavess: 14 points
*Rhakarndi: 21 points

Free-Floating: 10 points
*Terra: 7 points
*Neisan: 24 points
*Lahan: 17 points

Free-Floating: 10 points
*Garskit: 10 points
*Rifan: 17 points

Free-Floating: 5 points

Spending Points

The below is the final breakdown of points in exchange for Star City-based modifications. If you have questions, please ask!

Basic Tokens
5 Points: Smaller tattoos, small jewelry like bracelets or necklaces, and other little changes to a template.

Moderate Tokens
10 points each: Larger tattoos, metallic filigree attached to the body (metallic tattoos), glowing wire attached to the body (glowing tattoos), more complicated jewelry, cosmetic changes such as horns, spikes, piercings, claws, fangs, etc. Custom cyborware or alterations to an image may be offered, including be-spelled alterations that will offer a boost to stats for future dungeon crawls.

Major Tokens
20 points each: Heavy tattoos in the regular fashion, glowing wire or metallic filigree; armor in silver, gold, white or black; cybornetic body additions such as tail extensions/additions, hover packs, extra limbs (all in the same colours as the armor!); Bespelled, stats-boosting armor in silver; A redrawn image by Dray of one of the participating characters (dragon or human) without other modifications; a dragon template image of your choice; Other heavily modified alterations (ask!)

OMG Tokes
35 points each: A redrawn image by Dray including a Major Token prize; a template of your choice in .psd format including shading and 2 patterns (these may be a redraw of your species, or a mated pair's offspring)
Last edited by Dray on Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Blooding the True Hunters

Although the Abstract Destiny detached from Star City for the duration of the xenodragon infestation, it maintained a close orbit and sent all the help it could in the form of its own security teams -- including the whole of its yautjadragon and yautja-hybrid force and the mother of the species itself, Rhakarndi. Present practically from the first station-organized battle of resistance to the very last against the monstrous queen herself, the yautja huntress was not unaware of the achievements of her kin -- both those who already called the station home, and those who had reappeared from wherever into the Nexus they had gone after their hatchings. What she did not witness firsthand, she learned from those connected to the Huntermind, and ultimately came to a decision.

There were many who had pleased her and lived up to their bloodlines, even exceeding them when dilution cast a taint, but on some things the yautja could still not be swayed. That very day of the final battle, she called Rifan, Lahan, and Neisan Mei'Rhakarndi to her side. From the nearest xenodragon corpse she tore a claw, which she dipped in the beast's own blood and used as a tool to put her mark upon them. When they left her presence then, they bore new names: Rifande, Lahande, Neisande.

A few days afterwards, after the Destiny had re-docked, she called them to the ship. There the three met a fourth: Vironde Mei'Rhakarndi, parted from the bond he had chosen at birth and drawn back home to fight for its freedom. Though he had not been able to fight his way to the queen's chamber as they had, countless lesser servants had fallen at his claws and his honor was no less than theirs. With pride and ritual formality their measurements were taken.

By the end of the week, they were clad in the garb and weapons of true warriors: Blooded at long last, not in the safe facsimile of a Hunt within the Destiny's bays, but out in the battlefield against their greatest foes.

Rifande Mei'Rhakarndi: Blooded, Armored
Lahande Mei'Rhakarndi: Blooded, Armored
Neisande Mei'Rhakarndi: Blooded, Armored

Unknown Warriors

And now a sur-prize straight from me. When Dray told me about her yautjadragon mutt sur-prizes, I saw a grand opportunity to re-home a few yauties, myself. One of them is a pureblood abandonment from the way back clutch of Genesis One. The others are a couple hybrids from Genesis Two, leftovers that I kept as filler characters but am now glad to hand off to new owners!

Vironde Mei'Rhakarndi
Blooded, Armored
Gender: Male
Breed: Yautjadragon
Rank: Blooded
Height: 13'4" at shoulder
Color: Mottled Black
Abilities: Acid Immunity, Huntermind Communication, Telepathy, Teleportation
Viron left his old bond by choice but without bitterness. As a person, he liked her just fine, but she lived a dull and quiet lifestyle that ultimately a yautjadragon just couldn't fit into. He's been a vigilante ever since and was called back to Star City through the Huntermind to battle the xenodragon infestation. He's good-humored but not irreverent, never inappropriate with his jokes and jibes but still able to lighten hearts in dark situations. He possesses a level-headed confidence and is often a reassuring presence to be around.

Lozain Mei'Lerlande
Hatchling, Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Koha Riihan / Yautjadragon
Height: 14'9" at shoulder
Color: Cream
Element: Light
Abilities: Acid Immunity. Balefire Immunity. Breath Weapon (Light). Corruption Immunity. Elemental Immunity (Light). Healing Powers. Huntermind Communication. Purification Powers. Telepathy. Teleportation.
Personality: Perceptive of the individual Matne is behind its protective antisocial wall, Lozain gets along with the sotiel without having to say much. They understand one another with the intimacy that only comes from being bonded and make a surprisingly good team. Lozain is the muscle to Matne's powerful mind, but also tends to act as its "translator", voicing the complex thoughts that Matne can psi only simply to restrain its own strength. Lozain is not particularly social and doesn't like to talk, himself, though he takes orders very well.
Lozain's bond, Matne-sireva
Age: 56
Gender: Neuter
Species: Sotiel
Height: 3'
Residence & Occupation: Star City, Security Officer
Description: Middling in size for a sotiel, Matne is a more brightly-colored individual. Its skin and carapace are traffic-light red and the blues of its eyes are deep and rich. Like any sotiel it is thin and wiry, though it has the steady, measured way of moving usually reserved for large creatures.
Personality: Matne is a walking weapon. Its sole purpose in its squadron is as a living psychic battery, both for reconnaissance and attack. The precision of its movements translates into its demeanor, as it is so powerful a psychic that it could actually hurt someone by accident if it let its mind wander. It is relaxed among its own kind, who are all natural psionics and so in little danger, but among the common species of Star City Matne has to act with care and is always very conscious of itself. This leaves it rather on the antisocial side, since it just doesn't have the attention to spare for socialization with non-psionics. This is also why it remains a grunt officer and has turned down several promotions, even after surviving the xenodragon infestation, in which it was a lethal participant.

Kasin Mei'Lerlande
Hatchling, Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Koha Riihan / Yautjadragon
Height: 16'6" at shoulder
Color: Mottled Black
Element: Electricity
Abilities: Acid Immunity. Balefire Immunity. Breath Weapon (Electricity). Corruption Immunity. Elemental Immunity (Electricity). Healing Powers. Huntermind Communication. Purification Powers. Telepathy. Teleportation.
Personality: Humble for a yautjadragon, Kasin is deferential to her elders and superiors, and hates preferential treatment of any sort. She has no desires to lead, herself, and is happiest among the rank and file. That doesn't mean she can't take the initiative and act on her own when it strikes her as necessary, but she's more comfortable supporting a squad than going solo.
She was previously bonded to Captain Luther Vallejo of Star City Security, who sadly is listed among those who died attempting to purge the city of the xenodragon infestation. The griffin anthropomorph is fondly remembered by his troops as a noble military man, equally as liked as he was respected, and he is sorely missed. The shock of losing him has yet to truly hit poor Kasin, but it seems likely that with the fighting now over, Star City will be too painful a place for her to remain.
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Post by Yakima »

:) Thanks, Dray. I still wished I could have played. I was going to learn from yours so I know how to run mine but I'm going to have to wait for another one similar to this shows up to learn stuff. (Or bug the heck out of you in chat someday lol)

I was wondering, about the points, couldn't we use them to update the stats? Like level them up or something? I don't have any need for doing stuff to their images (though images of Jarel and Aenon would be nice...I just wanna try myself first. :P). But yeah, I've been wondering about that, expecially if we do other RPG's that are battle-related. Obviously StarFyre's party isn't gonna need them. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by StarFyre »

Yakima: Hahaha. My party was pretty retarded, wasn't it? Almost as good as a party of Yautties. I still feel sorry for poor Pen, though -- there's going to be some changes going on in the hive, I think, and Pen's page needs to be changed a bit now.

Phe: o.o .... I love you to death. Words cannot describe the love right now. *squees and hugs Lozain*

Dray: Muahahahaha, 5 warriors for Snaedis! *prances* Also, Lozain and Matne will be sticking around StarCity in their current position as Security. Figured you might need em, neh? =P

Shard: Large 'background' groups (that I don't have to deal with continuously) are cool by me. Music is cool too, though I'm not sure how they'd set up -- if they need power for their stuff, they're going to need to bring a generator with them to do so.

Also, logs are now updated.
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Post by Shard »

They have a starship. :) They would be able to use that, if allowed to set it down. ... tirock.htm
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Post by JKatkina »

.....AIIEEE *dead from awesome!!*

Phe, Dray, thank you guys SO much! For a great RP, for great and unexpected prizes -- for character development! (Neisande is walking on SUNSHINE!) For whole new characters! Vironde is going to be a great addition to their little group, and Vadan and his two ( XD! ) riders are going to be GREAT fun...

Happy happy happy happy! You made my month!
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Post by Dray »

Phe: awesomeness, purely! Glad that you got them sorted out. Those blooded images look great... Vironde is GORGEOUS!

StarFyre: Going to re-page Isuan from waaay back in the day... she used to have a partner that Sil played, but since Sil has gone poof, perhaps she'll go back to her roots.

If we can bring three characters, was thinking of including my doppleganger, for the sake of opening some relations between Nidus and other worlds...?

Lastly, I was chatting with StarFyre in the room today and was thinking of Halloween-based things: the nearest Monday around Halloween this year, do you guys want to have a freestyle get together for our shady, villainous, otherwise baddie characters? Perhaps if we get them together, they can stir up some trouble for later! :P
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Post by Xenoqueen »

And now some gushing of my own: GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAUTIEMUTT! And they're both in support of Gavin, d'aaaaaaw, I loves them already. ;_; Thankee Dray!

One question: shouldn't Gavin and Gavess have 14 points apiece? 4 kill points plus the extra 10 for the queen-rush? Not that I even know what to do with any of my points right now, but hey, carrying them over to future RPs works, right? XD

I find it lulzy as hell that I get to be Player of the Night #2. XD StarFyre came up with her Song nonsense all on her own; I just ran along with the terrorist-device TWEEST that Dray spoonfed me through the Hivemind room! XDDD Nevertheless, I am flattered.

Also, people, everyone, again: sure it's just an RP and I almost feel silly as hell about it, but I love you all for the support you gave my poor Gavins in that final fight, both IC and OOC! Because of you I neither had to let him sacrifice himself nor pull a Commander Shepherd style or merge-with-the-alter-self resurrection; I don't think he's quite xeno enough yet to survive deep space vaccuum. ;) And also because of the OOC support, I'm not forcing myself to feel like the "realistic" thing to do with him now is force him into retirement. The man needs a nice long working vacation, so don't be too surprised if he starts showing up in future games!

JKat, Star, Jess: hope you enjoy your surprise yauties! I know they're in good hands now. :D Plz to be posting me links when you have then paged so I can change my records and delete my own filler-pages where applicable!

And Star, if you want to see some more examples of sotiel (a favorite minirace of mine), I've got some more characters of the kind, here: Satena-mekoze, Jasri-ronija, Rodato-ronija. You get to be the first person outside myself with a sotiel character! X3

Finally, Halloween baddies sound fun to me! :D
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Post by Yakima »

Ha, the only one I can think of for a Halloween event is Kesukiath - or Philippe as Amarion Ashfalcon, Sentra's most feared Necromancer (due to misunderstanding but the fear is legible). Imagine that. *facepalm* Though I really don't have any 'evil-bad' characters. *sigh* I think I may bring Philippe and M'len to Star's thing...they're the first party-goers I can think of...and Phillipe has connections to all parts of the Nexus so he'll have heard of it...even if he has to time it on account he's dead, he'll show up. :P

*baps Dray* You didn't answer my question! (at least I don't think you did....) :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Dray »

Re: Gavin and Gavess -- you're right, Phe! Fixed that in both threads!

Re: using points to boost stats, I was thinking about this, but I think that these points have to remain separate -- they're too easy to obtain to warrant spending them on stats; if anything, I would say that it would take a moderate token to enhance HP by 1 and a major token to enhance any other stat, or to increase damage by 1. This way if new characters or players show up, they won't be immediately outclassed by the veterans.

What I was going to suggest (but forgot, due to that last post being huge!) was that maybe everybody who participated could allocate 1 or 2 upgrades to their stats, which they could place anywhere. I don't know, what do you guys think? You seemed to be kicking some serious butt all night in any case, and if anything it was just that I was stop-gapping the flow of the RP by having to type everything up, more than that characters were too weak to plow through dozens of enemies.

Re: Help with stats for future crawls, I would love to help! I'm working closing shifts for the next couple of nights so I may not be immediately available, but I can send you a PM or post a tutorial here or something, if that helps!

Re: Halloween baddies, Yakima, if you wanted to have a dungeon crawl, you could invent a character who's behind all of the evil to show up, if you wanted? Just trying to think of alternatives for folks who don't necessarily have any baddies. Any paged halloween dragons, or for example, Balespawn and other baddies?
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Post by Yakima »

I wouldn't know how well the system was working, actually, for obvious reasons. I'll have to participate in another one to realize it. I just remember Kesu getting -5 right off the bat so yeah...Well, whatever. :P I just thought of that since that's how most games kinda work :P For the Halloween one I can try to think of something...maybe I'll bring a couple of demon wolves. :P *wishes she could find the stats for her Canese demons from the old RPG...grrrr*

I work night/closing shifts, too, this week.
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Post by jess d »

Phe - I am thrilled to pieces with my new yautie! I'll give you her link, and Omon's new one, as I noticed all my critters still have their geocities pages on your records pages (I'm slowly repaging them all, so I'll get you the links as I page them). Kasin will be joining her brother's little adventuring group :)

Dray - Rutan and Emilé are awesome! And I ended up with quite a few more points than I expected, now I get to figure out what to do with them O.o
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Post by Dray »

I think that, since we're using a new system and still all have to get comfortable with it (at least, for folks who want to DM using it!) we should stick to the basics... maybe after some games have passed and if characters have stuck around, we could give 'em veteran boosts or something. XD Kesukiath's hit was probably just an unlucky roll of the dice; seeing as how your other characters had medpacks and... I think Jarel had healing powers? you could have easily spent one of their turns patching him up! I was keeping an eye on people and trying not to get anyone KO'd (though poor Sel getting stomped by the Queen. :o I think she was the only one to suffer that fate!)

Feel free to hold on to points for later. I have no idea of other DM's will want to offer them or offer prizes for 'em. XD Yakima, if you wanted, you could probably offer stats boosts as your prizes, for example!
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Post by Yakima »

:P I know, I probably would have, too, but I backed out because it wasn't fun by myself and not being able to see the rest of the action. Though, come to think of it, I was tagging with Shard's group so we probably woudln't have been near the Queen action anyway. lol

The DM can always 'moniter' the creatures/bad-guys sent toward the higher levels, or something...or higher levels can't get points/have a stat reduction if they're with a lower-level character (kinda like CoH does it..Shard will know what I talk about. :P) But yeah, I indend to keep it simple. :P
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Post by Yakima »

Okay, I'm heading off to work but I want to show you what I'll be finalizing in the next few days/weeks. This is the list of creatures I'm using for my Treval RPG. I am, currently, using the names of the D&D creatures. I'll be changing them. Also, you can look up what these things look like (I got them all from the monster manual) for an idea of what they'll look like. Almost. I'm using them as a base of what I want. AND, the HP WILL CHANGE! :P Well, some will remain close but as some are Super high in HP, things have to change. As well as their damage stats. I'm sticking with Dray's method since we've (well, you all lol) have played with it before. *nods*
Low Level
These are the creatures that roam the hillsides, mostly goblins (orcs). The other two are scavengers. They are not controlled by the Demons.
Goblin - 5
Ghoul - 13
Golum - 79

Medium Level (guard Beasts)
These are the creatures that have been set lose on the mountains to guard the location of their mountain fortress. They answer to the Demons but the demons have a hard time controlling them as they are full of animal insticts. They are dog/wolf in shape and have little or no magical attacks.
Blink Hound – 22
Howler - 39
'Barghest' – 33

High Level (Beast)
These are the Demons' pets thus there is more control. They guard things but also protect and prowl. They have magical attacks.
Hell Cat – 60
'Dragonne' – 76

Demons (3 types to be used/seen)
Demons are the forefront of this to-be-war and I'm only going to use three of the 'types'. the 'Babau' are the elite in this case, but not the strongest. The 'Succubus' are like the ants of a an ant nest, workers, messengers and a bit more smarter. The 'Dretch' are numerous ones that are the warriors and fighters. All Demons have magic.
'Dretch' – 13
'Succubus' – 33
'Babau' - 66
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Post by Yakima »

...okay, I actually manged to get some stats made up. I'll want to test them first.

HP: 2
Attack: 1
Magic: 0
Resist: 1
Evade: 2
Damage: 2
Points: 1

HP: 3
Attack: 1
Magic: 0
Resist: 0
Evade: 3
Damage: 1d2
Points: 1

HP: 3
Attack: 2
Magic: 0
Resist: 0
Evade: 3
Damage: 1d3
Points: 2

HP: 4
Attack: 2
Magic: 0
Resist: 0
Evade: 2
Damage: 1d3
Points: 3

HP: 5
Attack: 2
Magic: 0
Resist: 0
Evade: 1
Damage: 1d3
Points: 3

"Blink Hound"
HP: 5
Attack: 2
Magic: 0
Resist: 1
Evade: 2
Damage: 1d3
Points: 3

HP: 8
Attack: 2
Magic: 1
Resist: 1
Evade: 1
Damage: 1d3 + 1
Points: 5

"Hell Cat"
HP: 9
Attack: 2
Magic: 1
Resist: 1
Evade: 1
Damage: 1d3 + 1
Points: 5

"Barbau" (1st Class Demon)
HP: 15
Attack: 1
Magic: 2
Resist: 1
Evade: 1
Damage: 1d4 + 2
Points: 8

"Succubus" (2nd Class Demon)
HP: 12
Attack: 1
Magic: 1
Resist: 0
Evade: 2
Damage: 1d4 +1
Points: 6

"Dretch" (Lower Class Demon)
HP: 10
Attack: 1
Magic: 1
Resist: 1
Evade: 1
Damage: 1d4
Points: 6

Also, I have a bit of a different idea for the healing. I'm going to throw in Iarion as a healer. If you have med packs from other RPG's, you're free to use those but here are Iarion's stats (which should be simular to his stats from Dray's RPG but I might have forgot so here are his new ones...)

Iarion ShadowWatcher
HP: 12
Attack: 2
Magic: 3
Resist: 1
Evade: 2
Damage: 1d3 + 1
Healing: 1d6 +2
Use: You can call on Iarion only twice per game/night. (that might change but right now you can only use him twice per character). When he's called in, he can be hurt, too. I'll play him as any of your characters but if he's lucky he'll be able to shift in and out without being caught. :P

Anyway, that's what I've come up with. Now to figure out prizes and loot. lol *wanders off to play D&D online since work sent her home after only 3 and a half hours....grrr.....)
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Post by Dray »

If characters get to keep the same stats as they currently have, everything up through "Blink Hound" will be able to be killed in one hit, unless the characters are unlucky. Their damage is a little lower than what my guys had; comparable with the facehuggers and drones. A few of them could have their Attack bumped up a little, as as it stands a lot of them will not be able to land a hit vs. a character's Resist. The "Barbau" is just a touch weaker than the Praetorians from the xenohunt; you "Succubus" is about the same level as the Warriors -- so if anyone has bonuses to attack, they could very well be smacked down in one attack. If that's okay, then I'd say to keep it that way! Are you going to be throwing out more than one at a time? If so, then definitely keep 'em that weak... however if they tend to come up one at a time then I'd say beef 'em up just a little bit!
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Post by JKatkina »

Hey Phe!

Do you happen to have any info on his old bond? I'd like to know all I can, lest I do some writing!
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Yay Vironde! <3

His bond's page no longer exists, so there's not much I can tell you. She was human, her name was Clariethia Thompson, and I confess I remember finding her to be a very poor match for a yautie when she was submitted. I recall her being a very ordinary and often bored girl with a 9-to-5 kind of office job. Very nice, nothing wrong with her personality, but her lifestyle had no place for a yautie. The hatching and my old pickup page can't even tell me much.

Hatching Blurb:
For a moment then, a lull fell. A dragonet named Viron was announced, but the darkly-colored male looked across the candidates that remained with something like dismay. While his two remaining siblings appeared to converse behind him, the brown-winged black searched desperately for a bond among the choices that remained to him. Just before the candidates themselves started to shift about nervously, Viron relaxed and stepped towards Clariethia Thompson.

Viron's Original Personality:
Let's get this settled first: Viron loves his bond. He's very, very glad she was at the clutch so that he could bond her. But he also thinks her current job is very, very, VERY boring. Whenever she's feeling dissatisfied, you can bet he'll be RIGHT THERE saying things like "You know, if we were off fighting hydras, you'd never be bored!" Unless Clariethia strikes up a new line of work soon, she'll have one very restless, unhappy dragon on her hands.
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Post by Yakima »

Dray wrote:If characters get to keep the same stats as they currently have, everything up through "Blink Hound" will be able to be killed in one hit, unless the characters are unlucky. Their damage is a little lower than what my guys had; comparable with the facehuggers and drones. A few of them could have their Attack bumped up a little, as as it stands a lot of them will not be able to land a hit vs. a character's Resist. The "Barbau" is just a touch weaker than the Praetorians from the xenohunt; you "Succubus" is about the same level as the Warriors -- so if anyone has bonuses to attack, they could very well be smacked down in one attack. If that's okay, then I'd say to keep it that way! Are you going to be throwing out more than one at a time? If so, then definitely keep 'em that weak... however if they tend to come up one at a time then I'd say beef 'em up just a little bit!
Thanks, Dray. I didn't know what you had for the Praetorians, nor the Queen, so I was just guessing. I didn't want it to be too hard. For the weaker ones, Goblin, Ghoul, and Golum, they are/will be in groups because they're not loners. I'll raise the rest. :P
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Post by Dray »

In the event that they're not loners, I'd suggest either only sending as many at Player characters as we're allowed to submit (so, three at a time if we're allowed three characters!) or else allowing characters to make combo attacks to take out more than one. They might begin to get troublesome if they aren't killed off right away and other baddies show up as well!

Vironde looks simply awesome, JKat. >_> The black-mottled-black is really sleek. Does he need a new bond, though? I remember Phe saying that Yauties generally wanted new bonds if ever theirs died; is Terra/Catrin enough?
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Yauties do not like being without a compatible bond, tis true. JKat doesn't have to set him up with one right now, though he would definitely want one in the future. :)
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Post by JKatkina »

Thanks, Phe! :D Poor guy; I think someone must have sent in a candidate who had no idea what was going on...

He seems like a pretty laid-back guy (I mean as yauties go), I'll have him keeping an eye out for a new pardner.
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Post by Yakima »'s in PDF 'cause I put pictures next to them.

I took out a few of them. Their is also a temporary intro but it may change...
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Post by Dray »

With some of those damage totals, they could have someone down in two hits, whereas with the stronger ones, it would take three to hit them back... would you like to test 'em out a bit? I'll be lurking in the chat room for a while, if need be!
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Post by Yakima »

Sorry, Dray. Was at work! Unless I'm called in tomorrow I'll be around all day. Saturday I'm going to the MN Renaissance festival and Sunday I'll be around (unless we go trail riding again...) But yes, I want to test this out first. I'll play with numbers again, and try to lower them. Do you have the stats for the P...whatever they were and the Queen? I don't want to kill peoples characters!

I'm also trying to create a map of some sort so I know where to, lead you all. *faceplant* Also where the babies are being kept. lol

EDIT: the PDF file has been tweaked a bit...I toned down their attacks. :P
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Post by StarFyre »

Scroll down until you hit Dray's name - she's the second on the list. She never gave me the stats for the Queen, but the Praetorian is there. Also made up a size category for it, based on descriptions mostly =P
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Post by aireona93 »

So, what is our RP schedule looking like now? Seems like there are at least two that are being planned for the near future.

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Post by Dray »

Next Monday: Starfyre's awesome Aleveharin Kegger! (Or at least party times ^_^)
Monday, Oct. 11: Not sure yet; Yakima and StarFyre are talking about dungeon crawls. (This is Thanksgiving in Canada; might make a difference for attendance for some?)
Monday, Oct. 18: Not sure yet, probably a continuation of the dungeon crawl?
Monday, Oct. 25: Not sure yet, this is the week before halloween, but could also be used to finish up a dungeon crawl if it was feeling too cramped
Monday, Nov. 1: The monday directly after Halloween; if we haven't done a Halloween-themed night I would love to do that, here!
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