Universal Size Chart...er... charts.

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Post by JKatkina »

Oh wowww, Shard, that's just about perfect. XD Do you have the other colors handy for me to steal too?
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Post by Shard »

Yup if you back up in that directory at photobucket there should be a plethora of them. If not, tell me which you want. Remember there are 3 versions of Talor dragons, that's I belive the third...
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Post by StarFyre »

Hey, JKat! Guess what I just found on my machine!
Geperna Giveaway From Old Nexus Board wrote: And now ... the rambliness will begin! o.o

Geperna do not leech energy from their riders (thank goodness!) ... and even though the bond is strong (almost Old World), it is as flexible as a Lian dragon's. Hence the reason these dragons rarely have an issue with multi-bonding. *grin*

A white-gold Ni Iro is not the same as a white-gold regular; but any semi-metallic Geperna is regarded (currently) as exceptionally rare. Partial and full metallic Geperna suffer from reduced immune systems and can get sick if they aren't cared for.

Sizes given are in length; divide the length by 2 or 3 to get their height (some are more snake-like in build, others more muscular ... just because there's one template doesn't mean they all look like that c.c). The Small, Medium, etc. size given equates out thusly on other worlds:

XXS - Horse-sized (thereabouts), perfect for Lantessama. (up to 10')
Extra-Small - OW White-sized (10')
Small - OW Green-sized (11' - 15')
Medium-Small - OW Blue-sized (16' - 20')
Medium - OW Brown-sized (21' - 30')
Medium-Large - OW Bronze-sized (31' - 40')
Large - OW Gold-sized (41' - 50')
Extra-Large - Really frickin' huge. (51' - 60')
XXL - They'd fit in nicely with Myrsilkain dragons c.c (61' and up)

I am a firm believer in natural size-shifting for all dragons, across worlds. That's why these sizes are given in addition to 'fixed' sizes. For the record, no XXS/XXL dragons will normally hatch at Shivran (unless the parents fit the criteria).

Onto the new information on abilities and the new colours:


Yellow: Once simply theorized about, yellows are now known to exist within the natural spectrum of Geperna. They do not hatch on their own, requiring outside assistance, and tend to be sickly throughout their hatchling phase. Their growth is otherwise normal. Personality-wise, they tend to be among the most unusual, being remarkably patient and calm in familiar situations, yet skittish around anything that's unusual or different. Most develop a phobia around adolescence, though they may grow out of it ... not all do. Yellow Fyre is a spray of bright yellow sparks that flows from the dragon's mouth like a gout of water and, aside from dazzling the enemy, it burns with brilliance.

Jikan: These time-based dragons reflect shard-like fragments of personality from each of their constituent colours. They often try to act more mysterious than they are. Most have a Fyre weapon and at least one Majyck trait (complete with Manifestations) (more information ... eventually x.x;)

Shizen: These nature-based dragons reflect muted personalities, often deriving features from the colours they're comprised of, but not always. Most have a Fyre weapon and at least one Majyck trait (complete with Manifestations) (more information ... at some time in the future c.c)

Ni Iro: As duo-toned dragons, they usually show the primary personality of their body colour, with accents of their secondary colouration. Most frequently, they show both Fyre weapons and Abilities from their colours.


Use the ratings chart (below this section) to determine the duration and distance of abilities.

Black: Shadow Walk: Can do various things with shadows that would otherwise be impossible; the name is misleading, as highly skilled dragons can manipulate the shadows in addition to using them as hiding spots and as a unique teleportation method.
Rating of:
1-5 = Teleportation/Travel only
6-10 = Teleportation/Travel, Manipulation

Blue: Stealth: Can become essentially silent and remove all signs of their presence from an area. They become camouflaged as well, hiding them from view.
Rating of:
1-5 = Silence/Scentless
6-10 = Silent/Scentless, Camouflage

Bronze: Ethereal Armour: Can boost natural defense to block against any kind of physical or majyckal attack.
Rating of:
1-5 = Defense against Physical/Majyck attacks increased
6-10 = Defense against Physical/Majyckal attacks is extended to rider and those within range.

Brown: Earth Bind: Can go into extreme hibernation by melding with the very earth and stone; can use this as a regenerative technique, as all damage incurred will be healed at an accelerated rate.
Rating of:
1-5 = Hibernation, Low Regeneration
6-10 = Hibernation, Heightened Regeneration, Movement (50% of regular movement speed)

Green: Nature Speech: Can communicate with anything -- plant or animal.
Rating of:
1-5 = Can ask questions and get answers, basic information, make minor requests
6-10 = Can hold conversation and summon plants or animals to their aid

Gold: Hyper-Fertility: Can boost fertility to ensure larger clutches.
Rating of:
1-10 = Can add a number of eggs equal to the rating (male and female)

Orange: Inspiration: Can inspire others to believe something or can be a 'muse' to the rider (encouraging creativity, lending better skill to acting, etc)
Rating of:
1-10 = Inspires greatness and improves talent (duration is the only thing that rating affects)

Purple: Empathy: Can sense various traits about a person with ease; useful for healing and Discovery. It is a low-level psionic trait.
Rating of:
1-5 = Heightened sense of personality/mood (to the point of knowing people as well as a good friend), can usually pick out 'Search-worthy' individuals at a 75% accuracy.
6-10 = Heightened sense of personality/mood (to the point of knowing people more than they do), can pick out 'Search-worthy' individuals at 100% accuracy and can make general predictions about colour -- if pressed

Red: Berserker: Can erupt into a terrible display of invincibility and unnatural strength; extremely fierce in such a state, no rider can control them until they've calmed.
Rating of:
1-5 = Displays increased strength and high pain tolerance
6-10 = Displays increased strength, invincibility, and blood-lust (they will try to drink blood from every fallen enemy and will eat the heart if given a chance)

Silver: Memory: Can remember anything within the history of the world and some can see the future with great effort.
Rating of:
1-5 = Can remember things that fall within Mythicalan history (via the Consciousness)
6-10 = Can remember things that are beyond the memory of the Mythicalan dragons, can see the future (to their appropriate rating duration) * (Myrah'Care is a 10, by the by)

White/White-Gold: Size-Shifting: Can reduce or increase size temporarily to escape or intimidate as need be.
Rating of:
1-5 = Can remain size-shifted for the duration of their rating, can shift within 2 sizes of their natural size.
6-10 = Can remain size-shifted for the duration of their rating, can shift to any size, though this may shorten the duration for large leaps.

Yellow: Enhanced Mimicry: Can either add the Yellow's rating to another dragon's ability/Fyre for a boost (which may increase it beyond the normal range of 1-10) or can mimic another dragon's abililty/Fyre at either the Yellow's rating or the other dragon's -- whichever is lower.
1-5 = Can only enhance another dragon's ability/Fyre or mimic another dragon's ability/Fyre
6-10 = Can enhance another dragon's ability/Fyre and can mimic another dragon's ability/Fyre


This is listed for convenience and affects Fyre, as well as the duration/distance of any Abilities. Majyck ... is a totally different beast. c.c;

1 - Range: 2ft. / Duration: 1 hour
2 - Range: 4ft. / Duration: 2 hours
3 - Range: 6ft. / Duration: 6 hours
4 - Range: 8ft. / Duration: 12 hours
5 - Range: 10ft. / Duration: 1 day
6 - Range: 12ft. / Duration: 2 days
7 - Range: 14ft. / Duration: 1 week
8 - Range: 16ft. / Duration: 2 weeks
9 - Range: 18ft. / Duration: 1 month
10 - Range: 20ft. / Duration: 1 year

And that's all ... for now. x.x; *shakes out poor, poor hands*
From what I recall, she never went into detail about majyck or manifestations, but there's a definitive size chart here, at least!
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Post by JKatkina »



Oh my god, that's so perfectly what I need. :D Thank you!
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Post by StarFyre »

^.^ Glad that helped. Guess my packrat-ness came in handy for more than just taking up harddrive space finally =P
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Post by Dray »

That is so incredibly useful. She never gave out info on Jikan or Shizen Geperna when she hatched 'em, so I always thought it meant 'sparkly' and 'more than one colour'. XD Cool stuff!
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Post by JKatkina »

So I'm getting on towards finishing the first complete draft of this size chart, what with the additions of Alskyrian sizes (I ended up giving them the same general length range of Pernese, but with a wider range for heights to allow for various templates).

What I need now is someone to volunteer a Drak template to be made into a size chart for the Drak species! :D Does anyone have a lovely they're willing to donate? Preferably one simply standing on all fours so I can get a good height measurement off of them. I don't do much to them -- just scale them, flip them if they're not facing the right direction, and put a color overlay on them.
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Post by Dray »

:x All of the draks I have are either flying or rearing back, unfortunately.

Can't wait to see the finished bit!
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Post by Shard »

I think all three styles I did (one for me, others got the other bunches) were more bipedal than anything.



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Post by JKatkina »

omg. XD I recall such templates. Are draks all bipedal then, or is it one of those infinite-varieties things? Cause, y'know, I can still work with bipedal if need be!
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Post by Yakima »

Mine arn't bi-ped...if you want to use any of these, feel free. I have a few different versions because I have three sub-types and each can have long or short manes.

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v284/ ... on/baskar/
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Shard »

Many wound up being bipedal, but there is some variety still.

Ness's were quads,


Those from Descas and its affiliates ranged from the hilariously adorable


To the downright stunning

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Post by Dray »

(Oh man, I didn't know that Nessie made draks! XD I like those!)
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Post by Shard »

Yeah there were two kinds, the short haired ones, and the moptop long haired :) She only had them available for a very brief time, along with some adorable sea dragons and such.
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Post by Dray »

Arg, I guess you've just got to keep on top of all of the clutches out there if you want to make sure something doesn't slip through your hands! XD
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Post by JKatkina »

Oh hey! I remember those Nessie ones. *laughs* For some reason (like I know they are but) I kept thinking they weren't really draks. I think I was so used to Nessie just drawing the craziest of stuff!

Man, I'm having trouble choosing whether to represent these guys as bipeds or quadrupeds. Do y'all think newbies would get too confused if I included both kinds on the chart?
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Post by Yakima »

I guess I did the mane-thing wrong on mine...I blame my upbringing with horses. LOL
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Dray »

JKat, what else would you like help with for your Nexus site?

(And does anybody else use this site? Is there anything that you'd really like to see on it that would make you keep coming back, (for reference, say? Links? Info?)

:c I just feel bad that JKat's putting all of this time into it and is feeling really down that nobody seems interested in it.
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Post by Yakima »

Well, I have it linked...I'm waiting for the charts...if that counts...

*hands Kat a tray of dragon-shaped cookies*

(careful, Segs baked them...) :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by JKatkina »

Hehee, Segs cookies, dangerous. XD

Weeeelll, the charts are aaaaalmost done, just a thing or two away from finish-ment. A couple of things I have to clear up with a couple of people over PMs, that Drak chart to finish, and then I'll upload the new page to run it by everyone. :D

After that's all put together, I would like to see about making that site into something people might find useful, if I can. But I'll talk to people about that when I've actually got this current project done. *laughs*
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Post by Yakima »

~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Treval Dragonry: http://www.treval.mage-circle.com
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Post by StarFyre »

In the old site, I tended to use a combination of the size charts, species-listing, and the dragonries and people listing.

So, I don't mention it or talk about it much =P But I do use the old site on a semi-regular basis.
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Post by JKatkina »

Oh, good! *fingerwriggles* I'm glad to hear it's useful! I think it might be about time to update that species listing a little bit... site listings, too. >.> I know a bunch of stuff needs updates after Geocities bit the dust.

Arg, must keep telling self to leave that for when I'm done THIS. XD I've been bit by the Nexus bug.
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Post by Guest »

Nothing to add to the conversation exactly, but I use the site for reference too... once the Pernese/Alaskyrian/etc are up, I'll probably use it even more... I don't have many (any?) of the breeds up there at the moment.
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Post by StarFyre »

Heh, yeah, and I know none of the information about the stuff I do is up there =P Because I'm LLAAAZZZYY


*shifty-eye* ... But I'm still updating a lot of stuff... mm... playing with code...
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Post by JKatkina »

The chart has gone live! (with a few things to iron out, when tested on Dray's computer. Huh! But basically it's all there.)

Universal Size Chart

Now with lengths, and important Nexiian species!

There are a couple of things in the purebreed section that could still change, pending input from the particular creators... however, if I've gotten any of the common-owned species wrong to peoples' imaginings, they are by all means flexible. Just figure out and let me know any changes that need doing. :)

And if I've missed any species that anyone thinks are important, now or in the future, let me know and I'll add them to the page!
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Post by Dray »

I'd nominate Unyko's Saa (just because it would be cool to see how tiny they really are! XD) and Starfyre's Myrsylkians (because they sound huge, and I just have trouble imagining it!)

...and there are a lot that it would be fun to have in a section lower down. XD Like your Asandae and Caetrae (or at least the Asandae!) -- I know that you have a different chart for them on your homepage, but having a chart for them along with the common-shared variety with a link to your site can only add to the advertising. :P Besides, I like 'em!
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Post by Shard »

I agree with Dray, the tiny Saa and Lians, and then the Myrsilk because WOW ... that'd be a huge difference :D

And holy crap those last hydra are freaking MASSIVE.
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Post by JKatkina »

I KNOW. Disturbingly large like wow! But apparently totally accurate. XD I like, triple-checked with Mystic.

So Saa, Lians, Myrsilk, maybe Asandae... okay, maybe I should start wave 2 of size chart infogathering, oh man.
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Post by delyar »

Definitely the Asandae.

That said, AWESOME job Kat! I wasn't expecting this amount of detail, you really outdid yourself. Count on me to reference to this like woah.
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