Universal Size Chart...er... charts.

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Post by JKatkina »

I just tried to find the size chart on my own, and... I can't find it.

No link to any of your sites from your signature or your profile; okay, so I go find one of your threads. Wolf-mage.com... okay. Found it. Falas.... oh. "Until further notice, Falas Weyr has been taken offline". Okay, so can't get to it that way.

In order to give you a fair chance, I put Google on the job. Google: "Falas Weyr Information".

I find... a random assortment of sites that mention Falas. Oh! The FGPC Weyrhall! Handy. Okay, Hatching Sands, Dragon Information, good. but no... the most I can find is ambiguous references to "ranging from 35-38 meters" and such, with no further information -- even whether that refers to length or height, which may seem obvious to you, but I remember being a newbie and being convinced that referred to height.

Okay, back to Google-Fu. Rising Moon Weyr? Link works, but no information. A defunct link to Geocities Falas. A weird candidate page that I thought for a second was Falas but isn't. XD An Angelfire version?

Yakima, you don't have the information up anywhere that I can find. You gave it to me, which was nice, but as of right now, the time when I'm actually putting things together, to get angry because we can't find information that literally doesn't appear to be up on the internet is silly.

To accuse me of not asking around the Nexus before doing this was equally silly, by the by. What do you think this thread has been all about, if not to ask for everyone's input?
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Post by Yakima »

Yeah, so I forgot that vanished when I took Falas offline so I could get the whole sharding site revamped with new methods for hatchings and stuff. Sorry I have rotten timing. I gave you everything I had from my page that you needed.

http://www.wolf-mage.com/generator_perndragon.html My Pernese generator which has size in length and height. I know others have used this. It's not my fault if no one bothers to look at it.

I don't have my sites liked under my avatar because I have so many I ran out of room for the codes. They're ALL liked at my main site which is linked if you click the WWW button. That, I've taken out.

You want me too cool off? Quite poking me with stupid things like this. Honestly, no one ever seems to care about anything I post about Falas. I posted a story...Dev's comic was more important so I took that thread down. I know, I've posted other Pern-realted things that people seem to like but all this has seriously made me feel like none of the information I've had was worth the effort because it's not neon flashing lights (here I am) type labling.

Just go, carry on. Forget I exsit. It's all I want right now...here and RL.
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Post by JKatkina »

Right now maybe I need to cool down, because I don't honestly care if you get calm or not. There are issues with the way you interact with people on this forum, Yakima, and I'm going to go ahead and be the bad guy and say it to your Internet face instead of behind your back.

Honestly, a generator? Are you serious? You expect people to wade through a metric fuckton of code, or press a button a million times to decipher just what you think these sizes should be? You are bloody well RIGHT no one would bother with that bull.

Actually, that's a good example with what is wrong with the way you approach this forum.

You expect everyone to know what you're talking about all the time, and get mad when they don't. You mention pages and don't link to them anywhere. You just assume everyone knows your million weyrs or websites, and that anyone cares about your characters but you. There have been times when I've observed you blatantly, obviously neglecting to read even the most basic information on someone else's world or characters, even to the point of constantly misspelling peoples' names.

Case in point, this thread, where it's been said a bunch of times that no one was ever expecting you to change the sizes of your dragons, or your own size chart, or anything, and yet you STILL got mad because you somehow got, in what I can only assume was basically skimming everyone's posts but your own, the impression that we were demanding you change everything. Seriously, find me one post in this whole thread that said "these new sizes will have to be applied to every dragon in the Nexus!"

You put a lot of work into your sites, okay. Well, so does just about everyone else here. I don't know how many hours I've poured into Avengaea, but I don't get upset when people don't just pee themselves with glee over it. That's the way life goes. You have to do things because YOU want to, not the praise you want to receive from others, and getting snitty when people don't make a big deal about your achievements is just rude. Why do you expect that anyone else would get excited about what you do? Be happy when they do, not mad when they don't!
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Post by Dray »

You want me too cool off? Quite poking me with stupid things like this. Honestly, no one ever seems to care about anything I post about Falas. I posted a story...Dev's comic was more important so I took that thread down. I know, I've posted other Pern-realted things that people seem to like but all this has seriously made me feel like none of the information I've had was worth the effort because it's not neon flashing lights (here I am) type labling.
I think having a link to your main site in your sig would be really awesome. :3 I don't know about you, but whenever something new happens at one of my sites, I like to link to everything under the sun related to it just for added convenience -- while I know that people are clever enough to hunt things down on their own, I've always figured it to be common courtesy (and good advertising! ;P) to link and relink things as updates occur. With the Nexus, dragoning is a hobby for most of the people here, so they don't take it as seriously as, say, if they were hunting down sites for something job or school related. It's good to assume a certain level of

A) laziness on the parts of people who are only moderately or minutely interested in your site (always assume that people aren't interested but could be persuaded to be!) and

B) people skimming over the post and either not reading everything that you've said (as undoubtedly I'm sure some people will do with this wall of text XD You know the old rules, 'write purple people eater to show me that you've read this' wasn't slapped in for no reason!) or misreading it.

Having links immediately catches a person's attention as they assume it's some kind of pickup page or useful info, or whatever. It drums up interest. It helps to avoid conflagrations like this very one because instead of getting upset that nobody has done the work themselves, you can calmly go, "oh! I have some info that I worked hard on right here in this link! :3 I'd love if you considered it when making this general chart thing!"

Aaaaas for me paying more attention to Dev's comic than to your story (I think it might have been deleted before I even saw the post, because it wasn't around when I got to the board....????) I have been following Dev's attempts at comic writing for a few years and I'd love to see him keep going now! Also, being in Character Design/Illustration, comics are more relevant to my interests than are straight-up written things. It was certainly nothing personal. I'm not as into Pern and fantasy as some folks here so that's probably why I skipped it, if it was still up when I was browsing the forum. Nothing deeper to it than that!

eta: D: JKat ninja'd my post, whoops!
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Yakima's account has been temporarily suspended after her request that I just flat-out delete it (but I imagine that was a heat of the moment rage thing, hence just the suspension).

You may carry on!
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Post by Dray »

I'm not sure there's anything to continue on about in terms of sizes. o.o Does anyone have any thoughts about what they think would do well for the dragons that we don't have solid sizes for -- Danachians and Draks for example?
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Post by JKatkina »

I know! I'll post what I've compiled so far... with the exception of the Pernese, who haven't changed since I posted the tentative sizes earlier -- which did anyone other than Yakima have any objection to those? Did lots people really dislike the overlap so much? I'll lessen it or take it out if it really bugs people, just let me know if you'd rather I keep it or discard it. :)

Here's what I have for the other species I listed so far, that I need opinions of from people (not posting AAM beasts, as I got those sizes straight from the source!)

30 to 50 feet long
(does anyone have any idea what the ratio of these guys length-to-height might be? Or does anyone have a good, solid image I can extrapolate from?)

25 - 45 feet (long?)
6 - 13 at the shoulder
(Could people who received sizes with their geperna maybe link me those pages? XD I want to be sure this is accurate to the geperna who are actually out there!)

4' to 4'7" shoulder
14 to 18 long
4'5" to 5'6" shoulder
16 to 20 long
5 to 6' shoulder
18 to to 22 long

nada. Halp!

I also wanted to double-check if anyone had thought of species I'm missing from this list! :)
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Post by Shard »

I think that with the variety of Alskyran dragons it's equally difficult to determine. Paniyans are smaller, because I like em small lol. But I know others were much larger. I would say in general, that Alskyrans would run the same range AS pernese, but without color restrictions.
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Post by JKatkina »

Gotcha. :) I can do that.

I feel dumb for asking, but... what are Paniyans? A subspecies of Alskyrians?

(And for that matter, do your Alabaster/Blackstone dragons have a specific species? XD Or are they lovely old-worldy mutty mutt muttmutts?)
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Post by Guest »

JKatkina wrote:I know! I'll post what I've compiled so far... with the exception of the Pernese, who haven't changed since I posted the tentative sizes earlier -- which did anyone other than Yakima have any objection to those? Did lots people really dislike the overlap so much? I'll lessen it or take it out if it really bugs people, just let me know if you'd rather I keep it or discard it. :)
I'm happy either way honestly... mine will probably be on the:

Small - 15-20'
Green - 20-25'
Blue - 25-30'
Brown - 30-35'
Bronze - 35-38'
Gold - 38 -42'

primarily because that's how I've always known them. I think, for what it's worth, this "bias" us old Pern people have, is because that is what is printed in the Dragonlovers Guide to Pern... yeah, it was in meters there, in error... but the lengths themselves have always seemed to work for me. I am not, honestly, at all bothered if you have the bigger ranges... that does give us more freedom and such. (And, I do have "blue sized greens" for example, and vice versa... I just treat that as a general starting point... If I have a green that's big, but not huge, I'll stick her at the top of the green range... If I have one that's *huge* I'll shove her into the blue or even brown sized range.)
JKatkina wrote:Alskyrian
30 to 50 feet long
(does anyone have any idea what the ratio of these guys length-to-height might be? Or does anyone have a good, solid image I can extrapolate from?)
The only images of Alskyrian dragons I have are the Brynmor ones... Here you'll find four of those images, or here is one directly for you:


To me, they look relatively speaking taller then long, by comparison to say pernese... that picture makes me think they're probably only about twice as long as they are high... although, that is Kesava's interpretation... I'm sure Shard might have dragons from a few more agencies so you might be make a more... average... basis?
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Post by Shard »

Paniya is my island on Alskyr :D

Here's a Mystrach alskyran:


Caer Talor Cliff


And Catena


And a Paniyan

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Post by JKatkina »

Examples make me *squee*. X3 Thanks, guys!

It looks like the Alskyrian height-length ratio is much more varied than I thought. XD Oh well, that just means a nice big range to choose from! I'll see what I can average out from these pretty boys and girls.

And Tiiyn, keen. :3 Thank you.
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Post by Shard »

Yeah the Talor Cliff ones are practically bipedal, while others are very much horse-like. For my contribution, my Paniyan there is in scale with those others as far as I'm concerned. :)
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Post by delyar »

Man I love the Talor Cliff image so much! Wish I'd been around early enough to snag one.
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Post by JKatkina »

The Paniyans are so cute and wee. X3

Anyways, rejoice! I stumbled upon sizes for all of the Danachian dragons, from the Nexus giveaway of them that Shiolar did way back when (thanks for having super links, Phe :D).

These are modified to be at the shoulder instead of at the head.

h 11'9" - 14'9" l 60 - 75
h 11'9" - 14'9" l 60 - 75
h 11'9" - 14'9" l 60 - 75
h 8'10" - 11'9" l 45 - 60
h 8'10" - 11'9" l 45 - 60
h 8'10" - 11'9" l 45 - 60
h 5'11" - 8'10" l 30 - 45
h 5'11" - 8'10" l 30 - 45

Again with the lack of overlap, but... did Shiolar make up the Danachians? If so, I can't argue with information straight from the source.
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Post by Cacopheny »

I've got a variety of Geperna dragons here: http://cacopheny.lmfao.org.uk/aven/myth/chars.htm

I'd list out all the colors/sizes, but that'd take a while o.o Anything with "Gerperna Old Blood" there is the kind you want. I don't think Dracona ever gave away New Bloods....

There's links to Mythicalae/Shivran Aerd, where Geperna dragons come from, on that page, too, so you can get color lists. There's no sizes on the site, though, I checked XP

Make sure you include your Avengaeans in this size chart, Kat XD They're pretty much a staple of the Nexus, too.
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Post by Shard »

lol omg those danachians are massive :D

Even though I did put a huge amount of work into this one, I don't think all the sizes are really correct. Since there are some elves that are taller than 4' and not all of them are even on the picture, it was a bit hard to judge.

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Post by JKatkina »

Woot, Geperna! I am so ridicuously jealous of your white gold, do you know? XD

And you are a sweetheart! I wasn't going to put Asandae on for two reasons: it'd be kinda egotistical to stick my own dragons on my own USC... and the USC being changed to be in a large part for dragon species that might not otherwise have an easily-accessible size-listing anywhere. X3 My asandae have their size listings on the Avengaea page, so I didn't think it was important to include them!

AAAH SHARD lol that's awesome. XD I love seeing giant group pics like that!
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Post by Shard »

Hehe :) I just went through and looked up all the heights of my elves, and some of the dragons that are on that picture are SO too small it's not even funny. The starry blue one up in the left corner? That one's meant to be 15' at the shoulder... it's closer to 5 in the pic... Of course I HAVE been meaning to get to a real actual close-as-I-can-get picture particularly for these guys, since it makes for a very impressive Holt. Hell would YOU mess with a bunch of point eared 'children' if they had 50 massive dragons on their mountain?!
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Post by Dray »

D: Though it would make 'death by stepped on' a real danger!
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Post by Shard »

Yes, yes it would. It's a good thing they have healers. ;)
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Post by JKatkina »

Man, make the elves wear freaking bright colors. XD Neon. Make those big-as-fuck dragons able to see 'em and avoid squashing them!
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Post by Shard »


Well they're also highly telepathic, right? So a broadcast of "DON'T YOU DARE stand on me!! OW!" would help.

And this is partly why I like little dragons :) Because frankly, with a 15' tall dragon, any human-sized creature is in dire danger of being killed by a roving tail or a stray wing tip.

Fifteen feet = three times the height of a human. 1.5 storeys high, the height of a typical house's peaked roof tip. I get woozy THINKING about that. lol!!
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Post by JKatkina »

Hey Gail, are you sure the Geperna sizes you have listed are meant to be height? :o I've been cross-referencing and on the ancient Mythicalae site, it has a mention of sizes in those ranges, but as length rather than height!
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Post by Shard »

I'm pretty sure they're length. Until more recently no one had used height as a measure that I can recall.
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Post by Dray »

The Mythicalae site was written at about the same time that people were debating dragon-lengths, so they're probably just input in the wrong field? X3

Here are my three, lacking the silver that I got from Shard's frenzy and seemed to have completely misplaced. O_o!!!

http://artdragon.mine.nu/~kalyturn/bond ... .htm#aktta
http://artdragon.mine.nu/~kalyturn/bond ... .htm#myizo

Translate all of the heights into lengths and they seem to fall within the same range that Drakiera mentioned!
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Post by Shard »

I put all the Geperna I had up here, so feel free to take what's needed :D

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v309/ ... s/geperna/
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Post by Dray »

Oh, perfect! :D Thanks so much!
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Post by JKatkina »

By the by, with the Pernese sizes more or less settled on (unless there's any last-minute input), I need a solid Pernese image to input into a chart! Does anybody have one that they want to volunteer? Preferably standing, possibly sitting but with front legs at least extended straight. The charts are height-centric because so far I've pretty much found no images of any dragon type with the neck and tail extended fully. XD
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Post by Shard »

Feel free to use the Talor ones if you wish. They're nice and quad:

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