WTF Contest 3

Giveaways or draws, contests or freebies, this is where to go for critters being given out in a non-clutch format.

Moderators: Mystic Dragon, Xalia, Shard

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Post by Myrror »

Kendarath! You get this creey swimy...

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Post by Shadow »

i have a slight problem, I have no PM. ^^;
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Post by Kitsuneko »

Unyko! Here's your WTF beast! Complete with storybit. ^_^

There was an ominous silence when Gawyn presented his creation to his master.
"Went a little overboard, didn't you?" Abrecan said, inspecting the undead creature.
Gawyn's answer was a self-conscious shrug.
There was definitely an amused note in his voice now as Abrecan asked, "Any particular reason it' otter?"
The creature in question was a small construction of otter-shaped bones with a somewhat worn pelt covering it. Curiously, it had over-large sabre-like fangs, a spiral horn on it's forehead, bony frills and webs at its elbows, and several pairs of sickly green wings. The eerie glow where its eyes would be was the same green-brown shade as Gawyn's own eyes.
"Nice trick with the wings, but...Bad proportions, awkward construction on the limbs, and that pelt's in pretty bad shape. Sorry, it's a fail."
The apprentice necromancer slumped. This meant he'd have to create another one. "W-What am I s-s-supposed t-to do with it, then?"
Abrecan shrugged. "Sever it, keep it as a pet, sell it, send it to someone as a gift, I really don't care."
Gawyn sighed, and the otter-creature turned its head to him and made a chirping sound comfortingly.


This is a heavily-modified banwulf (except it's an otter, not a wolf, so...banotter? :P); an undead creature often created by a necromancer, basically a skeleton with an otter's pelt thrown over it and little else. Has the appearance of sentience, but whether it has a true mind of its own or not is unclear. I'll leave its fate up to you. ^^

I think that's it, but if you have any other questions, let me know. ^^
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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Post by Xenoqueen »


So to me, glowies+undead turned into...GLOWSTICK GHOST!

And it is too a biped. But being aquatic atrophied those two legs o' its! X3

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Post by Fuzzy »

Good gods you guys are fast this time. XD I'm really impressed with all of you ^_^

@Phee: O___O OMGglowstickdraggie! That thing is freakycool. X3 I've *gotta* make a story with it in it somehow x33 Love it, love it- and actually, I think I have just the place for it. >D Thank youuuu! X33
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