Deer Dragon Info

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Great Wyrm
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Deer Dragon Info

Post by Shard »

This is primarily for the S'onmul / Liaxeri dragons originally found here: viewtopic.php?t=2192

I've updated their power descriptions a bit it's mostly the same info but with more granularity. Where any differences exist, if you got yours in the original giveaway that applies to yours. If you got one later (for birthdays, events, etc) refer to this list.

These also include (where possible) NEW LINKS to my site since the structure has changed a little and obviously any geocities pages are long gone.

Daddy S'onmul - ... snowy1.htm

Mommy Liaxeri - ... a/clem.htm

Giveaway records (may need updates again) - ... eaways.htm

Dragons from this batch are from 7 - 10 feet at shoulder, and are slightly-taller than a normal human in their full human shape (any additions may alter that height at head). These dragons have complicated sounding names, prior giveaway names were Korean, any further ones will be specified if they come from an existing language and as always be aware that these are 'approximate' translations and not meant to be taken as me 'knowing' a language...

They generally come in shades of brown, red, cream, champagne, beige, white, gold, black, and more or less 'natural' shades. Outbreeding with more colorful dragons has definitely given offspring much more variety. Their markings are common on all offspring, but will definitely be morphed into other shapes, natural or unnatural, and rarely would they have offspring without some form of markings.

Their antlers do not shed, but they do slowly grow over time increasing the number of points, and almost all of them will want to add bling. Their bling does come with them (there's no art without it...).

These do require a bond, though it may be human, humanoid, nonhuman, draconic, or whatever - however they will not likely bond or closely associate with any evil or truly chaotic beings. The powers that both carry may inherit to offspring depending on their own abilities, they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. So a partner with a similar power to one the dragon didn’t inherit themselves, may still show up strongly in their offspring. The exception to this is Order Magic - in order to keep this going the partner / parent must have some kind of non-chaotic background, otherwise it will breed out within 1 generation.

--- POWERS ---

-- Abilities all may have --
Verbal Speech and Comprehend Languages - these abilities, while found in all, can be extremely strong in some; they will always be able to get their point across, and some can read many different scripts including magic; some may have one but not the other depending on their shifting ability, but newly delivered offspring fall into the 'have both unless otherwise specified' camp

Telepathy - though they will have telepathy with each other and any bond they may pick up, some are much stronger with long distance, cross-dimension, or other effects of mental communication

Teleportation - found in all, generally refers to on-site or world-specific teleportation; Nexus and Genrehop powers can be exerted with concentration but normally they will be limited to a specific world or locale, within which they might be quite strong with distances, frequency, or even ability to take a lot of mass with them

-- Individually inherited powers --
Shapeshift to fully human or with extra bits, likely that some will be much better at this than others

Size Shift from 1/3 to 2x size only as dragon, cannot also do this as humanoid

Order Magic allows dragon to sort through mixed up or confusing events, straighten out distressed people or creatures, nullify panic and the like; essentially reducing the chaos of an area or group. May also encourage group activities and bolster communications among an already-organized team

Speed boosts running as well as flight speed up to ‘can’t see them for the dust trail’

Wingless Flight is a strong personal aura of telekinetics that can lift, if their wings are somehow disabled, or if they are carrying a lot of weight they can effortlessly move with that weight or hindrance; this applies to humanoid form as well

Light Magic is the ability to produce shining lights, sparkles, spotlights, or even blinding strobes in a nearby area; color, size, shape, effects, all up to them; may also dampen existing lights or boost low or dim lighting

GenreHop can traverse the Nexus with ease, though they all can teleport to an extent, some are considerably better at this than localized portals

Healing allows them to purify poisoned bodies, fix minor to major injuries, soften bruises and scrapes, and generally keep their bond and those around them safer from harm than otherwise possible; there are certainly limits to their work, but some might be able to concentrate on it enough to fix even life-threatening damage

Telekinetics exerts their mental energies beyond themselves, mostly in a sphere around them; this can be in the form of lifting heavy weights, juggling small items, manipulating things like quills or keys and the like. It’s up to the owner to decide whether they can ‘sense through’ their power to feel these items with texture or other sensations

Fire Magic allows the dragon to manipulate, create, extinguish, enhance, or change fire. This might be mere candle-flames, on up to bonfires. This power also should convey some amount of resistance to the effects of fire, though it might not protect against magical effects or outright damage from magic attacks

Musical Assistance a power that allows the dragon to produce a range of pleasant sounds, the limit is their imagination and the presence of people to hear it! Generally they can aid in boosting volume of existing sounds or creating a hush in order to focus on a particular sound, the best at this power may even ‘auto-tune’ existing singers, unflatten bad notes, and the like

Jingle gives the dragon a hearty arrival, their motion is always (or most always) accompanied by their own chiming, jingling soundtrack and this isn’t because of the bells they wear. They can dampen this, consciously, so they can sneak up on things, but you’ll generally hear them coming just by the gentle shake of their hooves

Cause Cheer lets the dragon actively promote happiness and positive vibes, raising the mood of a sullen person or group, or causing already happy ones to be cheerful for hours. They won’t generally ‘whip people into a frenzy’ or cause delirium, and won’t use this against someone: it’s one thing to bring a sad person up, but another entirely to plaster on a smile on someone who’s chronically depressed, and they will make every effort to get that person healthy in some other way than merely masking symptoms; all of these dragons are aware of the mood of others, with this ability making it even more pronounced
Author of Repurposed
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