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Sad News

Post by Mystic Dragon »

Alright, so I heard the news about Geocities closing. I've been going through my various sites, trying to save all the information to my laptop. Looooong process. Unfortunately, it seems that Geocities has preemptively destroyed my new_warren site. I can't even reactivate it. It's just gone. That means a whooooole bunch of candidates, riders, and stories are now dust. Needless to say, I'm a little bummed.

If you guys can think of any way to get the stories/dragons back, I would be really appreciative. I know I've been absent since... ever, but I still come back to check this place out from time to time. I would like to keep my archives up just in case I want to pick stuff up later.

Here's a list of the riders that are missing due to new_warren going down:
Kestri ve Damash of the line of Tmaeclin - Draclin from Sil
Lucia and Nirej'Sitawi - from the Abstract Destiny
Bane and Baneo'Mybl and Baaki'Virh - from the Healing Den
Darius and Sevarth - sorry but I don't remember where he came from
Sandeph and Samah-aisi - from BWR
Savaran and Reanna - from Lantessama
Tenvyrenus and Kovan - original Yaujtadragon
Anjirr t'Falkin d'Loran - Saurian?
Kumathra - Myrsilkian
Axhu'umenn - Faean?
Alai'Aurroch Stonescale - Dyrmyst dragon
Caersivath - Ryshathian
Pheldion Lanudah - Avengaean
Garesh and Leshareth and Rilsenveshan - pseudo-gryphons
Febian and Diabloliqueth - don't remember
Devendar renar'Vinn - Ledgend drak (Yakima)
Alnath - Icarian drak (Yakima)
Alleiranon and Jerseth'Taykah - don't remember
Ciuseline and Ussybeth - don't remember
Fenrir - original Hathian hybrid
Gav-ril - Schatterneki
Rowel and Xolferth - don't remember
Terres and Jolanth - don't remember
Synitai - original Hathian hybrid
Gahai and Itamseth - Alskyrian (giveaway?)
Ayoh and Lhedyth - Alskyrian (giveaway?)
Kamacy - Damargon
Kishnaarutyath - Hathian (Myrror)
Mammon - Hathian (Sil)
Quonn and Shindu Mansiq - giveaway?
Sirisen Sislen-Oranato - ... arg! I recognize the headshot but I can't place it
V'teldanii - Mirusian
Odian and Friedath - giveaway?
Mattus and Vasarlaen'Taykah - Tavrayn
Junya - Lian mini
Unus, Duo, Tria, Quattuor, Quinque - whorlings
Amospia - catdragon
Hazzard and Carnage - my spider whorlings :(
Dusk Pathway - whorling
Miroslava Friskers - half-whorling (catdragon?)
Selig and Nahudihanyiyth - giveaway?
Hiraishin - catdragon
Nanifa Busir and Litelirai Nightspark - Myrror giveaway
Jighiee and Kuhtobth - another Myrror I think
Gossamer Jonquil, Angene and Abageith - all Myrror dragons
Otigioto and Nuugeronoth - Myrror giveaway
Obscuration - Silshar hybrid
Canidolusia - colour changing swimmer Zekiran from Baeris :(
Fadac - Healing Den dragon
Otanjoubiomedetougozaimasu - birthday gift :(
Every last one of my dragons from the Wyld Whirl *sigh*
All of my sponsor dragons, including a bunch from Myrror and a drak from Baeris
Boborcawicz - my awesome Ahntiglasa from Sil
Corrupt - rot dragon
Sanquinn - giveaway
Sake and Skunky Selampotatoe - my potatoe dragons! ;_;
Ks'ka'kan and Belananazriel - both from Myrror
Ditz and Farnath - my Sue rider (not sure if I should be happy about that >.>)

And that's all I can find. It would have to take my biggest repository of riders first. Well now that I've thoroughly depressed myself, I'm going to go get ready for more pointless job hunting. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Try the Wayback Machine?
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Nope. Nothing. I'm guessing Geocities deleted everything. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by StarFyre »

Well, I _do_ have any images you may have lost from me, including both hath-hybrids. Though I don't know which Myrsilkain Kumathra was -- I can find him if you can give me some colors, I think.

Image the second hath-hybrid

Hmm, I'll need to search my backups for the others. It doesn't look like I made a complete move from one machine to another. On the other hand, because I did that clutch with Sake, I do have his image saved on my machine still.
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Thanks Star! :D I have Kumanthra's images in my folders. I just don't remember his story at all. He's got magic and feathery wings and... that's about all I know. >.> ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Does anyone have a program that can read .wpd files? I know I used to, but my current copy of Word doesn't. I've got some stories saved that I can't access now, and I'd really like to get them in a format I can read. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by StarFyre »

Try grabbing this. ... layLang=en

Not sure if that'll work, but it's a shot. Not having any wpd files myself, I can't test if it will. Another option is to try OpenOffice writer ( ) and see if that will open them.

0.o;; and, hmm.. now you've mildly confused me. Can I see Kumathra's image?
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Post by Shard »

Wow that's just ass. :( You can't access it even through your login? sheesh. :(

If you know which things from me at any stage, I'll be able to supply them to you, no problem.
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

It says the login doesn't exist anymore. Usually they give you some time to reactivate it, but I didn't even get that. :( I was just looking at some of the stories last week too.

I need all of the stages of Bane's bonds, if you still have the geperna. Any chance you saved that water dragon you gifted me a while back? Kinda seahorse like, colour changing fins. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Shard »

I can't remember which colors the geperna was but I've got them all.

And the bday gift is still up in my photobucket,

here you go
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Thanks Shard! :D I think Bane got a purple and a red. I never did get the adult forms of those.

Star, this is Kumathra:
Image ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by StarFyre »

Oh! *facepalm* Durr, and I scrolled right past that image about five times tonight and never thought about it ^^;;
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Hee hee. :) I remember being really pleased when I got him, but I can't remember the story or stats that went with him. Any ideas? ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by StarFyre »

I KNEW it was on this board somewhere!

Name: Up to you.

Gender: Up to you, though I've been calling it a him. Granted, a rather feminine boy, but oh well =P

Race: Nemishai

Color: Fire red, with wings in five flavors of gold (and with two primaries on each wing being silver)

Powers: Coldfire (described below), Communion (ability to summon, see, and speak with the dead), Translation (a form of teleportation, s/he can 'sidestep' to different places in the blink of an eye without hassle, and without having to take off the ground, but passengers will undoubtedly get sick until they get used to that manner of travel), Formshifting (to quadrapedral form, the only way to Translate others), Verbal and Telepathic speech

Information: This beauty stands about 7 feet tall in bipedral form, and is about 14' tall at the shoulder and about 30' long in quadrapedral form. The clothes merge into its body during the Formshift as well, disappearing in quadraped form, and reappearing in biped form... or, that's how it's supposed to work. Practice is needed to perfect that, after all. The crest on its head is spines of a pale bluish-opal color, and can be raised and lowered at will. The earrings are personal mementos, as are the bands on its upper arms and on its tail, what they mean are up to you. The silver neckband is a strange piece of unknown origin, and is always present, no matter which form s/he is in. (The earrings and bands can be present in both as well, if you wish).

The two silver primaries on both wings aren't dyed silver, they're bleached by the Coldfire magic that s/he uses. On the other hand, the eight red bands and three blue bands -are- dyed, and need to be refreshed every few months (if using permanent dye), or every few days (if non-permanent dye). The colored bands have meaning, which you can decide. The rest of the feathers on the primary layer have already begun to bleach out, as have the feathers above them. With constant and excessive use of magic, it's entirely possible that in a few years, his/her wings will be five flavors of silver, not gold. (If you want me to do the 'in a few years' pic, just tell me and I will ^^ it'll be a few quick clicks to do so).

The eyes do have pupils, it's just really hard to see them, much like it is with the Hathians. The pupils are larger than a Hathian's, though, and are a bit more visible.

Now, as for Coldfire. Basically, it's everything fire is, but inversed. Cold instead of hot, freezing instead of burning, blue instead of red... it can still consume wood and other materials, but it freezes the air instead of heating it. Very bad frostbite is very possible if someone is hit with a strong enough Coldfire blast. As the book I originally got the idea from described it, Coldfire is a thing of death, not life. Granted, delicate use of it can be used to heal (fevers can be brought down, etc) but in general, it's much more of a death-based magic, not life-based.

*grins* And considering the fact that s/he is playing with three 'balls' of Coldfire in this picture, I get the idea that s/he is definitely an obsessive compulsive user of magic. *laughs* ^^

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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Yes, yes you do. :D Thank you! Mwahaha. That's one less lost page. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Dray »

Sirisen Sislen-Oranato would be one of Aireona's Flamma Agua dragons I think!

I'll snag your BWR dragon and plop it here when I'm not ten minutes late for work. XD

*hugs* Well that stinks, Mystic. :c Stupid Geocities, making our dragons mortal!
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Post by Silver Midnight »

I unfortunately don't have most of the old images anymore. :(
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Aww... I think that means that Kestri's gone. I found the other two in my folders. :( That makes me sad. She was really pretty. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Shard »

All the Geperna I have are up, in my photobucket. ... a/?start=0

So if anyone still needs those, there they are :)
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

I only see two hatchlings in that lot. Are the rest missing? ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Shard »

o.o interesting.

I'll get that corrected. :)

edit okay I've added what I think will complete the set, if you see ones which aren't there just tell me. Turns out those aren't hatchlings, but childs, so I added the hatchlings too.
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

I was gonna ask if you still had the hatching story for that since I lost Bane and Siltek's bonding stories, but I was smart and followed your links! :D Now I can has rewriting time. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Oh! I did have a question for you, Baeris. A while back I remember there being some kind of flight at the Ring of Fire that two of our characters took part in. Since they were both humanoid-dragon type people, I was working on making one of their offspring a candidate. Do you happen to remember what became of that flight or the eggs?

Here's the candidate I was working on, in case it jogs your memory. ... stats.html ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Shard »

Actaully Sil never did anything but I did get my boy and a dragon from it. That's the entirety of what I know of it, I've been kinda meaning to ask her again because I honestly don't even remember the names of my loot from it... :(
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Post by Dray »


9) Samah-aisi
Gender: female
Base Colour: Black
Pattern: White points to eyes, heals, elbows and tail
Eyes: Green
Ability: Bend Light, Regeneration, Burning Mist Breath
Personality: Quiet, Quiet, Plotting, Plotting.
Bond: No

Samah-aisi for you! Too bad there aren't more that I could dig up for you!
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Thank you, Dray! :D I did manage to find Nirej's adult image too. The hatchling is gone though. Also, I'm not sure where my hathian-hydra mixes are. I'm really hoping I can find them somewhere, but it's not looking good.

At least now I have all of dragon_tooth_mountains saved. Just started work on my main account the other night. @.@ So many pages. ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Let me know if there's anything you need from me -- I never delete a thing when it comes to clutch images!
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Post by Mystic Dragon »

Well if you've still got those hathydras then I'd really like to grab them again. >.> Just in case I can't find them elsewhere. Plus Nirej's hatchling image. And is there any chance that you saved Sirisen's image for the Sislen-Oranato clutch? ... tlin-caul/" onclick=";return false;
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Post by Dray »

Phe, I had been meaning to ask you: how did you manage to get all of those different heads in there without any overlap of lineart and shading and stuff -- was there a specific way that you did the lineart for the heads and the shading/colour layers so that none of the lineart interacted in a funny way with the flat colours/shading, or were you just very careful not to overlap anything and to erase anything that looked like it was going over?

(I've just had a lot of trouble in the past with hydras and things where you could remove certain parts of the template. I think it's because I'd group the lineart, flat colours, and shading into group-folders and then having each chunk stacked below one another cause some weird overlap of flat colours on top of lineart and stuff. o.o)
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