Save the Date (can't believe I'm posting this)

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Save the Date (can't believe I'm posting this)

Post by StarFyre »

Because, really, how do you do something like this without feeling a bit silly? Even the snail-mail-notes are a little twitchworthy in my opinion. Ah well.

So, as some/all of you have probably realized, my fiance, Joe, and I are getting married August 7th of next year (2010). (Well, that we're getting married, not the date, since we only just decided on that like... two days ago.)

The invitation is being extended to all of you to come, if you'd like. Current plan is that it's going to be held somewhere near Carbondale, Illinois.

As a heads up, travel-wise, Carbondale is easy to get to via roads (mm college town), but the nearest big airport is probably St. Louis (we have a small airport nearby that advertised daily flights to and from Chicago all during the school year, but I have no idea if that holds true all the time) which is a 2 hour drive away.

I think that's it.... questions, comments, ohgodsIcan'tbelievesomeone'sgettingmarried? =P
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Post by Shard »

YEEEEE! Congratulations!!

That's insanely awesome. :D

I have no idea whether I'll be able to go anywhere or have a job or whatever by then, but hey, keep us all posted. That's something to look forward to :D
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Post by Dray »

Oh wow, congrats! :D *high fives and lots of cake*

Next summer is a bad one for me to travel (just graduating means that I'm going to be in the hole by X thousands of dollars, so it's pay-back time... literally. XD) but I'll send happy vibes and psychically try to snag the bride's bouquet!
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