NaNoWriMo 2008

Come and show off your masterpieces!

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Post by Shard »

psh, not likely, I just passed the point where I'd actually plotted the story. :) Now I've got 50 years of no events to fill, before the next character dies and causes a lot of ripples.
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Post by Kendarath »

It was my first day off where all I had to do was write and homework since the beginning of nano.

Luckily, I could combine them! Since my final project for art class is bookmaking, and I just so happen to be writing a book. Lucky me. :D
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Post by Yakima »

*sneaks in* Am I really the first one to hit 50K? *blinks* Well, I'm done! Yay me! :P Now, to actually finish the story since I'll need this...eventually...*pokes Falas* Maybe now I'll be able to focus on clutches and stuff again. :P
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

Congrats! This year is ridiculously hard for me. o_o; I've never actually had to /work/ to get words out this many days at a time. God, now I know why not /everyone/ is a writer.

*hi-five yakima* W00t for you, though. :D Great job!
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Post by Shard »

Wow, very cool!

Myself, I was chugging along just fine until I got an email last night which pretty well crashed my world - and brain - to a grinding halt. So, I haven't done anything much in the last 2 days, though I'm still just over 30k.
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Post by Yakima »

It's all thanks to Philippe...he makes writting so easy. :P I'm going to edit it and finish it then put it up to read as long as no one starts using him in Search stories now. :P Heehee...

Thanks thanks. I'll be cheering for the rest of you now. *pats Shard* I hate it when things like that happen. I had a day like that last week (guy issues again) I just type fast so it helps. >.<
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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Post by Guest »

*hurls self over 50k mark!*

*pantwheezeheavingofchest* x_o; Win. So there.

Now to finish those last... however many thousand of words so the plot finishes itself out. *SHIFTY LOOK* XD; At least I'll still have something to do at the write-in this week.
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Post by Shard »

Wow, well grats to you!

My problem is that... well, a couple nights ago, my ex-boyfriend (lived with for 6 years, fresh out of high school, and then well, 'we were just friends' [who happened to screw like mad weasels any time we were together] for another dozen) sent me an EMAIL announcing his (rather abrupt) wedding plans for next freaking month.

I'm so not ready for that, and I lost it. I haven't yet even replied. but who the hell sends your supposedly once-best-friend an EMAIL INVITATION to a WEDDING? In LESS THAN A MONTH?!

I'm going to say no, of course, because frankly I'm done with his bullshit, and I need to move on. But ... this happened right when I was going for the next section of my novel, and the next words just *have not come*. They just aren't there. It feels so empty and hard, maybe I'll get back on it, maybe not. I dunno.

Just... flarg. I wrote out a longish response - crying the whole time - but never sent it. Never even saved it either, that's okay. I don't even know how quite to say "no," without also saying "no, fuck you you asshole, don't call me, hope she gives you a disease". More like... "no, I won't be a good guest", or "lol next month? u serious?" In fact that was my first line, "lol you mean THIS december?"

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Post by Guest »

o_O Ew. Amazingly, you're not the first person I've heard of something like this happening to, but it doesn't make it any less annoying and disheartening and frustrating.

*HUG* In light of all that, I totally don't think I would have the words if something like that happened to me, either. I hope they come back to you again soon. <3 <3 <3
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Post by Shard »

Well I have some incredible imagery (that came to me in a dream a night or two later) which I *need* to use - a lovely island in a lake, atoll shaped... I just... feh. The thing with this book is that it requires a direct lineage, and while I know I *can* just flub it, I need to direct that line toward a certain appearance *and* set of psionic powers. And I hate having muddled notes, so right now my notes on the characters are actually the only thing I've been writing at all for a week. :/

Juuuust a bit ocd on that :)

And thanks. I just BLEAH don't know quite what to do still. Had a dream with him in it and I *slapped him twice* in it lol. hahahah. It felt good to do so, as well, so... hah.
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Post by Astra »

Whooooo, well, literally about ten minutes before the deadline, I reached 50k. Talk about being right down to the wire! BUT! I did it. For the first time in three years, I FINALLY have my purple bar. Just figured I'd come here and brag about it :D

And Shard, that sucks about your ex boyfriend. Surprise wedding announcements like that are never fun. You should make a voodoo doll of him :twisted:
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Post by Shard »

Hahah awesome!

I'm still pretty much floundering on what to even say to him. I don't know... o.o Ah well. I may try crawling back to my novel sometime, all the paperwork's right in front of me but now it's laden with Swim stuff :)
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Post by Kendarath »

Welp, I didn't finish this year. The first time I haven't finished since the first time I tried NaNo five years ago. This saddens me. But the other stuff I've been doing this month kind of makes up for it, so meh. I'll finish my novel next month (this month?), maybe.

Post by Guest »

Congrats, Astra and consoling *patpat* for Shard and Kendarath. Mine was a fight this year, first time ever. >__> Hate when writing is hard.

In the true spirit of nanowrimo, I wrote the last four thousand words of my plot on the last day. XD Despite winning and not writing anything for a week. I need help.

Anyone who'd like to read the weird crack with not!porn but certainly tonnes of dirty words is more than welcome to ask and give me an e-mail that can receive attachments. :D
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Post by Dray »

Congrats, you guys! :D

(Or condolences. XD)
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