Didra Gons - New Eggs Each Friday

Giveaways or draws, contests or freebies, this is where to go for critters being given out in a non-clutch format.

Moderators: Mystic Dragon, Xalia, Shard

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Post by Dray »

*Game Mechanics
(Hover mouse over Didra Gon images in the below links to find owners and names)
*Eggs and Babies
*Tier 1 Critters
*Tier 2 Critters
*Tier 3 Good Critters
*Tier 3 Neutral Critters
*Tier 3 Wicked Critters

Waiting List
* Cy - Image

Egg Claim
Cy: answer the egg level question below to claim your egg. As you're on the waiting list, you have 24 hours (or whenever I log in and post after the 24 hour mark is up, if I can't be on right on the dot!) After this your egg will be passed on to the next person on the wait list or offered up for grabs. If you were passed over, you'll go back to the top of the waiting list for next Friday!

Level: Egg
Pick One Colour Listed Below:

Item Claim
1: 1 Tic Metal - taken by JKAT
1: 3 Tics Spirit - taken by UNYKO

To claim an item, write 'item claim' at the top of your post. Items are given out first-come, first served. Items can be used on any pet at any time. Items can also be stored and traded on Market Days (which have yet to be implemented.) Items can be given to other players, so long as both parties let me know that that's their intent. Items will be coming out with each update, two or three at a time. Eventually a 'raffle' will be set up for more random items, but only when I'm all caught up with other portions of the game!

Tier 0 (Baby)
You take your Didra Gon out for a day trip to:
The ocean
The woods
The next town over

Tier 1 (First Elemental Evolution)
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Non-existent -- it likes to be alone
All of a feather
Varied in every way

Tiers 2 & 3
Your Didra Gon has gone away on Vacation. When they send a postcard back, they tell you that they've been:
In the Alps, skiing and hiking
In the Caribbean, snorkeling and socializing
On a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres

Breeding Form!
Your Name:
Didra Gon's Name:
Tier: (Tier 2 and up to breed only)
Moral Alignment: (Neutral unless otherwise stated)
Breed With: (If you want a specific pairing)

(Houka and Feline, still working on your guys' images. ^^; I'm sorry for the wait, I'm getting burned out with colouring images so I've been slacking a little.)
Last edited by Dray on Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Unyko »

Tier 0
When I asked Kiu where we should go on our outing, I was really expecting her (yes, Kiu has decided to be feminine in my brain XD) to pick somewhere outdoorsy, since she absolutely loves playing outside with her 'brothers'. So I was surprised when she ultimately decided to go shopping for the day in the next town over. Go figure!

Tier 1
This little guy is starting to worry me. Though he treats the rest of the family well (except for Anamme, who he has never quite gotten used to), he's pretty standoffish to anyone outside the family. As far as I know, his friends are pretty non-existent -- he likes to be alone.

Where Szero -is- standoffish and really quite rude to people outside the family, Anamme seems to be only a little antisocial. He does have friends, though they're all of a feather. And they're all so fiercely loyal to him, I've yet to figure out just how he does it.

And lastly, Coruso is so unlike the rest of this little family, I almost wonder how on earth it happened. But I suppose, as the oldest, he was able to grow up just how he chose. His friends are varied in every way, all sizes, shapes, personalities, backgrounds... species.. he's just so outgoing and friendly, I guess they just can't stay away! <3
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Post by Dray »

No evolutions for your lot today, Unyko! :3 Hopefully on Monday!
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Post by JKatkina »

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Post by Dray »

Oh, the bullet in my ear. :3 The 1-tic-metal is yours, Kat. Want to spend it on someone or save it?

(And please post question-answers in a new reply instead of editing the above! It makes for less confusion!)
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Post by Unyko »

*hopehopehope!* XD
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Post by TyGryph »

I just got the most lovely postcard of the Alps from Calon (he's so sweet and thoughtful). Crux didn't sent one at all (that's to be expected), but I know exactly where his is and what he's been up to... skiing and hiking in the Alps with Calon. They're getting along and doing something together. What is the world coming to?!
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Post by Dray »

Tics noted, Ty! No evolutions today. ^^; Glad they're getting along at least.
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Post by JKatkina »


I wanna spend the metal on Dagger. XD It figures.


Tier 0
I'm trying to give Dagger the best start in life, and I haven't taken her out much. So I took her to the next village over, and she enjoyed the heck out of it.

Tier 1
Honestly, though Snoog doesn't have a whole lot of really good friends, the friends he does have are varied in every way. He's never lonely, which is nice.

Tiers 2 & 3
I think he may have been inspired by me taking his baby sister out to visit some of the Albertan small towns, but last I heard, Squish was on a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres. Actually, probably hitchhiking and stealing his way across the continent, but I'll just pretend otherwise. :D
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Post by Unyko »

<.< ... >.> ... Can has item claim?
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Post by Dray »

Dagger is evolving!
Image -> Image
Dagger the BABY evolved into an INGOTUATARA! (Metal)
Since she evolved via tic and not question, feel free to answer the Tier 1 question for her instead. :)

No other evolutions, but hopefully you'll be getting a post-card back about Squish's evolution soon. He's getting really close!

Unyko, 3 spirit tics are yours. :3 Want to spend them or save them?
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Post by Kitsuneko »

Tier 0: Ian always gets a kick out of playing around in the woods and catching butterflies. :) And wasps. :(

Tier 1: Ash is a total social butterfly, and she's almost always surrounded by a gaggle of friends. They're just as varied as her own interests.

Tier 2: Nate says he's been skiing in the Alps, though I'm not quite sure. The picture looks sort of photoshopped to me. I mean, wouldn't his flames melt some of the snow around him?

Breeding Form!
Your Name: Kitsuneko
Didra Gon's Name: Nate
Tier: 2
Element(s): Fire/Rock
Moral Alignment: Neutral
Breed With: Dun care
Darkling Dawn: Fauna Frenzy Open to candidates; flights open to males/females; rukel eggs/breedings available.
Drockh-Tallahn Castle: 3 eggs, 2 available. Females and males needed.
Sgiath Wolfkeep: 7 pups available
Sedona Weyr: 12 eggs, Deadline March 8. Chasers and a female needed.
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Post by Shadow »

Tier 1 Puff

Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Varied in every way. I never can get them straight the first time. One day it's someone hard-core, the next it's someone soppy and then comes the laid-back friend.
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Post by Dray »

Ian is evolving!
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Ian the BABY evolved into an ASTILBODY!
(Hopefully he'll do better at attracting butterflies than wasps, now. XD)

Tics noted, no evolution today!

Post by Guest »

Tier 1 - Zydras
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Varied in every way
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Post by Dray »

Tics marked, Dracleia!
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Post by Unyko »

Dray wrote:Unyko, 3 spirit tics are yours. :3 Want to spend them or save them?
Hmmm.. I'm -awfully- tempted to toss them at Coruso or Anamme.. but I think I'll save 'em. ^.^
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Post by Guest »

Tier 0 (Baby)
You take your Didra Gon out for a day trip to:
The ocean
The woods
The next town over

Rooibos was ecstatic to find himself amidst so much climbing material!

Tier 1 (First Elemental Evolution)
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Non-existent -- it likes to be alone
All of a feather
Varied in every way

Grimmy's got a pretty varied pack of mischief going on.

Tiers 2 & 3
Your Didra Gon has gone away on Vacation. When they send a postcard back, they tell you that they've been:
In the Alps, skiing and hiking
In the Caribbean, snorkeling and socializing
On a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres

Ecto's loving the wilderness!
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Post by Dray »

XD If you -did- use them on either, let's just say that you'd get results. (One more quickly than the other!)
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Post by Unyko »

XD! Well, if I did use 'em, I'd give 'em to Coruso, but I'm still holding out for him to evolve double-air. Yeah, I'm just gonna hang onto 'em. ^.~ Maybe I can trade 'em in for some Fauna tics for Szero later. X3
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Post by Dray »

Sounds good to me. :3

Rooibos is evolving!
Image -> Image
Rooibos the BABY evolved into an ASTILBODY!
(You and your planty types. XD)

Ecto is evolving!
Image -> Image
Ecto the VINEUP has drifted into a SHELLAC
(Tier 2 Flora/Spirit -> Tier 2 Spirit/Air)

Post by Guest »

:DD holy crap, Ecto evolved sideways!
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Post by Dray »

I think she's the first to do that, too! :D
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Post by Xenoqueen »

Tier 0, Kamajii
Adventure and exploration doesn’t seem to interest Kamajii too much. Accompanying me to the next town over when I went out to get supplies for the Ranch was enough for him.

Tier 1, Kaonashi
There’s really not much to say about this one. With the inhabitants of the Ranch being of as many shapes and kinds as they are, it’s safe to say that those which Kaonashi befriends are varied in every way!

Tier 1, Chihiro
Chihiro, on the other hand, has friends who are non-existent. I think she’s slowly, slowly warming up to Kaonashi (mostly out of him being so damn persistent), but she’s not truly friends with him yet.
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Post by Dray »

Tics noted, but no evolution today. X3
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Post by aireona93 »

Tier 1 (Aarenai)
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Varied in every way

She is friends with all of them for different reasons- too bad most of them hate eachother. Guess Aarenai likes it that way.

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Post by Dray »

Tics noted, though there's no growth today for Aarenai.
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Post by Silver Midnight »

Tier 0 (Baby)
You take your Didra Gon out for a day trip to:
The ocean
The woods
The next town over

Turien wanted to go some place different than where we went last time. While he likes the great outdoors, even the variety in a forest can get old very quickly. This time, he asked me if he could go to the ocean. I like the ocean, so I figured we'd make a day of it. None of the two other Didra Gons wanted to go, but some of my other housemates did. We took a picnic lunch, had a nice day while Turien played in the water and made a sand city, making all sorts of little abstract patterns around it and decorating every sand 'building' he could.

Tier 1 (First Elemental Evolution)
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Non-existent -- it likes to be alone
All of a feather
Varied in every way

I've been surprised to find that when Mercutio is feeling sociable, his friends are varied in every way. Maybe it's his tendency to be nosy and categorize things, and want to learn about all the facets of a problem or state of being. Or maybe he likes having different points of view when he asks questions. Or it could be that different people can often do different things... He's not above using them, but I think most of the time Mercutio's just got some greater plan, or wants to learn... Kind of strange at times. I don't think I'll ever figure him out.

Tiers 2 & 3
Your Didra Gon has gone away on Vacation. When they send a postcard back, they tell you that they've been:
In the Alps, skiing and hiking
In the Caribbean, snorkeling and socializing
On a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres

While I've been dealing with the two others, Serendipity was off on vacation. She said she was bored, bored, bored, bored... Though she's starting to grow up. That's one of the reasons I've labeled her as a 'girl' instead of a 'boy'. Matured faster than Mercutio? Though she's still so hyper. I get the feeling that if she were human, she would be more obnoxious about wanting this and that. As if she's not bad enough already at times. Anyway, the postcard I got back said that she's been on a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres. She took a large group of friends, too, so I assume they're up to mischief together. Seeing the sights and probably a lot of the clubs. Sigh. I hope she doesn't get in too much trouble.
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Post by Dray »

Great, tics noted but no more evolutions just yet. ^_^

Post by Guest »

Tier 0 (Baby)
You take your Didra Gon out for a day trip to:
The ocean
The woods
The next town over

Zeb got to meet one of my girlfriends (who claims we're dating, even though she's engaged to a guy, lol), Nette, in the next town over. He was shy at first, but since he's more of an animal than a small human, he got over his shyness when Nette offered him some of her sautéed scallops at the Hunan restaurant we went to for lunch. He liked the mall, especially 'Claire's', the jewelry and girls story... couldn't keep him away from the sparkly earrings. All in all, though he was pretty darned shy, he told me how much fun he had on the ride home.

Tier 1 (First Elemental Evolution)
Your Didra Gon's friends are:
Non-existent -- it likes to be alone
All of a feather
Varied in every way

I feel as though my Cyli is in a gang at times. They influenced him to have the party that trashed the apartment the weekend I took Zeb out for our one-on-one time. His friends weren't raised in a loving environment, I suppose... and though he was, he's a little punk some days. However, what one does, they all have to do, and what one doesn't like, none of them like. *sigh* They're all of a feather... it's silly.

Tiers 2 & 3
Your Didra Gon has gone away on Vacation. When they send a postcard back, they tell you that they've been:
In the Alps, skiing and hiking
In the Caribbean, snorkeling and socializing
On a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres

Taeresi's been having a blast for the last few weeks. He and several friends decided to take a trip on a circuit of Europe, backpacking and exploring urban centres. He has sent me postcards from Rome (his favorite thus far, from the excited descriptions), Italy, Switzerland, and Austria so far! This was a trip he's been dreaming about, and I'm so glad he got time off work to be able to go.
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