I think my comp is dying so...

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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Ancient Dragon
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I think my comp is dying so...

Post by Yakima »

I have to bring it in.

What is the issue now, you may ask?

My stupid machine is on a RAID setup for the drives and I started it today and is said one of them is failing. Yippe! *that is sarcastic* So, I'm going to call/bring it in to someone tomarrow to find out the damage cost.

I have a bad feeling I once again will have to sacrafice getting new show/horse stuff with my 'Stimulus' return and get my stupid machine fixed. *glares at it*

The really, really good news?

I have a 500GB external harddrive which has just about all my really important stuff stashed safley away. *snerk* So take that! You evil Harddrive faling notification! See if I care! I wanted this thing reformatted anyway - though buying a new harddrive isn't my idea of wonderful...>.>

Perfect timing in this, too...I was just getting into the revamp of Treval and the new 'sactuary' I decided to create and my computer turns into a ticking time-bomb of which I can't see the ticker...grrr...

*stalks away while waiting for rest of the folders to transfer to Extertal HD*
~ Weyrwoman Yakima of Isla Weyr

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