Dragon Draw Requests/Trades

Giveaways or draws, contests or freebies, this is where to go for critters being given out in a non-clutch format.

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Ancient Dragon
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Dragon Draw Requests/Trades

Post by StarFyre »

I've been tossing this idea about in my head for a while, and finally decided to go ahead with it (now that I've got the relevant page finished, at least). I have a world I'm playing around with, called Anuzerru alAatars, and waaaay back in its history, there's a race of dragonlike critters called Ensior.

I'd like to have some drawings of them, but (like others have mentioned before me) for something like this, I kinda like the idea of other people doing the drawings for me.

The base page for Anuzerru is here: http://www.silveredmagic.com/anuzerru/index.html
The base page for the Ensior is here: http://www.silveredmagic.com/anuzerru/ensior.html
The only other pages that work at the moment are the base page for the Iltakimen and the page for the Naktar.

As others have done, I'm going to make this a fair and square art trade -- ask me for anything you want out of me, whether it be character, dragon, chardragon based on fanart... what ever your little hearts desire. Just be aware that my humans are in need of work, thus if you ask for one, I'll take a lot longer on it in an attempt to make it the best possible. And, of course, you all know mah mad skillz (sorry... I blame how late it is) with dragons, which extends partially to anthros as well.

My Wish List:
C'Diaceliri, Mother of the Devir: In appearance, she is a slender Ensior, long and delicate in appearance, with equally delicate, almost ornate, wings. She doesn't require them to fly - indeed, she's capable of flying with just a thought, such is her age and mastery of the world. C'Diaceliri is a deep midnight black in color, with the faintest edging of silver on her scales. She has large, swept back ears that can move independently of each other, and an equally long mane of silver blue. Her paws are adept at manipulating and holding tools, thus she is also known as the "Recorder."

Ch'Mir, Father of the Avarir: In appearance, he is a lithe Ensior, with massive wings easily ten times his size that carry him into flight with ease. Ch'Mir's scales are mirrored, having no color but the colors they reflect from the world about them. His mane is silver-gilt black, and runs all the way down his spine to the tip of his tail, and instead of external ears, Ch'Mir has delicately branching horns that sweep up and back, almost as long as his neck. His paws are shaped like those of a feline, with retractable claws and a dew claw.

Ch'Mar, Father of the Karir: Lithe like his brother, Ch'Mar has wings modified for propulsion through the water and glittering, blue-green-silver scales that blend well with any water, even the darkest and murkiest of water. His mane is wild, green as kelp and seeming to have a mind of its own, and runs all the way down his back like his brother's mane does. Like his brother, he, too, has no external ears, but neither does he have horns, his face a sleek, streamlined simplicity. His paws are webbed, his tail thick and powerful, and his eyes have multiple transparent lids that he can close over them.

C'Terana, Mother of the Dazrir: Small and slender, C'Terana is a wingless Ensior with emerald green scales that fade to earthen brown on her limbs. Her mane is short and spiky, forming a natural mohawk, and is a brown with golden glitters. Her ears are small and dear-like, able to move independent of each other, and she has a branching rack of antlers upon her head like a reindeer. Her paws are actually hooves split as a deer's would be, her tail long and slender, and her eyes are often a soft, doe-like color and appearance.

C'Zaneyl, Mother of the Fyrir: Smaller and more slender than even C'Terana, C'Zaneyl's body is tiny and ethereal - a child in perfection. Her wings are mere stubs, capable of gliding and flying only with the aid of thermals, her scales are the brilliant flaring colors of an inferno, her mane is long and wild, colored the bright blue-white of the hottest fires, and her paws are delicate, dextrous things she employs in her explorations of the world and her playing of pranks. She has short, delicate ears, a thin, flexible tail able to grasp and lift things into the air, and large, child-like eyes.

Ch'Frontic, Father of the Lyrir: Ch'Frontic's body is both delicate and powerful, like the snow and ice he surrounds himself with. His delicate, wisp-like wings furl themselves seamlessly inside his body, unfurling like the first delicate snowdrop of the spring whenever he wishes to fly. His scales are the cold blue-white of glacier ice, his mane is a glittering waterfall of icy strands that chime as he moves, and his paws are large and thickly furred to support him over the thinest of snow crusts and most delicate of ice. He has no external ears, and no horns either, and a thickly furred tail that he curls about himself whenever he wishes to sleep.

C'Gali, Mother of Reason: C'Gali is a slender, graceful Ensior, delicate in all her movements and able to walk so softly that not even a single blade of grass is harmed as she goes. Her wings are graceful sweeps of silvery membrane, held aloft by black tines. Her scales are patterned black, silver, and white, her mane is actually a row of delicate black spikes with silvery membrane stretched between them, and her paws are graceful cat paws, complete with retractable claws. Her ears are long and mobile like a bat's, her horns curl about her face like the horns of a ram, and her tail is long, graceful, and unadorned but for the patterns that continue to the very tip.

Ch'Vilonan, Father of War: Dark and powerful, Ch'Vilonan dwarfs most Ensior, especially the delicate C'Gali he is often seen with. His wings are massive, heavy things, tattered and worn about the edges, the membranes are a deep crimson with black veins, and his wing fingers are powerful obsidian tines tipped with wicked ivory spikes. His scales are patterned deep ruby and obsidian, with ivory accents, his mane is a vicious row of ivory spines, and his paws are heavy, powerful things tipped with wicked ivory claws. His ears are small feline ears, tattered about the edges, he has a single forward pointing horn resting between his eyes, and his tail is thick, powerful, and tipped with a sharp ivory barb at the tip.

Because of the innate variability of their forms due to what they are, I'll let up to three people do a single Ensior if they want to. My main goal here, though, is to get at least one image of each, of course. I will honor any and all requests I get to the best of my abilities. (Mostly, I want something to do other than page dragons in my spare time =P and drawing is a fun enough diversion)

Fill out this form and post it here, so that I know who's doing what, and what they want from me.

Your Name:
Ensior you want to draw:
Your wish from me: (You can put multiple things here, I'll choose the one that catches my fascination the most -- though if you say you want to draw more than one Ensior, I'll choose more than one of your list. One for one, as I said)
Asha Wermyst
Posts: 863
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:45 pm
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Post by Asha Wermyst »

I guess I should fill this out, since I kinda already got bored and started drawing one of these..
I need the practice, too.

Your Name: Asha
Ensior you want to draw: the one I started was Ch'Mir
Your wish from me: Hmm..well...
I could really go for an Eddie dragon..as in the Iron Maiden CD art. So I'll post some examples of those:
The Trooper
2 Minutes to Midnight

Or, since that's somewhat or very complicated, a George Thorogood dragon, as seen in this video. With the cigar and/or the guitar case, preferably.
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