I, uhm, return..

Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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I, uhm, return..

Post by StarFyre »

... Okay, so if the power will stay on long enough to let me bloody post...

It's been an interesting couple months, or however long it's been since I last posted, or even logged on.

Firstly, the combined stress of me trying to pass Physics and simultaneously not fail any of my other classes, along with having to deal with my boyfriend being stressed to hell as his classes, duties as President of SGS, and life in general started to fall in on top of him... well, that combined stress knocked me offline. I started to play a nice stress-relief called Dungeon Lords, skip my more annoying classes (mainly CS 330), and in general act immature as much as possible. When I wasn't dealing with pulling a mostly shattered boyfriend back together, trying to play mediator between him and the people who're finding such issue with his very existance, and repressing the urge to scream and throttle teachers, classmates, and random strangers on the street who looked at me wrong, that is.

But that stress is (mostly) over. I passed all my classes (barely). My boyfriend is through his crisis of classes (for now). And the issues with SGS are... wait, never mind, those won't be over until we're all dead. Why? Because people are idiots and need to be shot. Excuse me, because the personal and organizational issues have been set aside for the moment for all of us to take a breather and step back from it all. ((I'm not bitter, trust me. If I was bitter, I'd be much more sarcastic.))

Next semester is probably going to be worse. I have three 300 level classes in my major. My boyfriend is picking up more high level engineering, including a high level physics course.

And did I mention my boyfriend is courting me? I mean, seriously courting me. As in, "Will you please marry me?" courting me. ((I never thought I'd say that in my life. But I guess there's something about being that rare female in a field of men, both in my chosen major-group and in my gaming group.))

It's kinda cute, actually. In that lost puppy way.

But that's a side issue. We've already talked about it, it's out in the open, and both of us acknowledge that it'll be at least another year before I'll seriously start considering it.

If he proposes to me on Christmas, I'm going to punch him so hard... ((of course, that's much better than Valentine's Day.. augh the sap, it burns.))

ANYWAY! Back on topic.

The second major issue is that my poor computer got beaten over the head one too many times. Or at least the drivers and updates did. It started spitting out bluescreens left and right, pretty much any time I so much as looked at it. So the poor old thing got a clean wipe and reboot today, and I'm in the middle of trying to get all my files back in order (dad gave me a Christmas present early - external harddrives, how I love thee).

That, and trying to figure out why I have copies of AD&D pdfs buried two folders deep in my music folder. It puzzles me. (Though that's not the most bizzare thing I've found today, not by a long shot. I think that prize goes to the completely random slideshow of various stealth jets buried inside my epsxe folder, which is itself buried four folders deep, with the folder path going New Folder -> New Folder -> EOS -> epsxe.)

I guess that pretty much sums up my major issues of the past couple months. Well, except for my only scanner down south dying a horrible, horrible scream-y death.

In other news... I guess I'm back in business... Maybe.

If the stars align right.
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Post by Shard »

woo. That's some amount of crapola to deal with. I hope things go smoothly. :)

And good idea: wait until you're BOTH finished with college. Engagement is one thing, but marriage - depending on your local / state laws and such - can often completely screw a couple over especially in the first couple years. so... Wait until you're both out of that mire.

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