Going to be gone for a long time? Just got back from a trip? Keep us in the know here!

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Post by Kendarath »

I'm really, really sorry guys. I dropped off the face of the earth again. I shall once again offer some sort of meager attempt at explanation.

I've been in my new home for ooooh.... four months-ish now? Still no job. I'm only glad that I don't have to pay rent. But that's not helping my stress any.

My room is no longer pink, and is now three different shades of blue (three walls are a mid-blue, one wall is an ice-blue, and the ceiling is a dark ocean-y blue) and I replaced the crappy, stained, old carpet, with some nice red-y laminate wood.

I started a course that will (hopefully) help me start sorting out my head and heart and life and stuff. It started a couple weeks ago, and goes to December, and (expletive) is it intense. As well as time consuming.

Between job hunting and class I really hope to be able to be more active in the community, but it might end up being that I won't be around much until December.

Once again, I'm really, really sorry guys. I do check my e-mails regularly though, so if there's anything that you think needs my attention, pop an e-mail off to nidus_otykaii at or k_darkwind at

Post by Guest »

Aha! There you are ^^ Your green Obo has a full clutch. I sent you an e-mail last weekend but didn't get a reply back. Seeing as how busy you are I'd be very happy to write the hatching myself (just because I really like writing hatchings lol)...
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Location: British Columbia, Canada

Post by Kendarath »

You're welcome to write the hatching, I'd say I'd do it, but I think I'm at my limit for commitments at the moment :P

Post by Guest »

Ok, no problem
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