Alevaharin - this clutch closed - Shard, yours is up

Giveaways or draws, contests or freebies, this is where to go for critters being given out in a non-clutch format.

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Post by StarFyre »

My original statement was that I'd do seconds or so for people in return for a trade -- I'll leave that up to you people, though.

At the moment, this is really just a sort of escapism-from-school trick of mine (considering that I'm probably going to fail most of my classes because of the exact reason this thread was started) so if you want to trade me something, I'm all for that.

In terms of who the kitten gets thrown at, you can send me a second person to sponsor (I'm writing all of these as if the kittens are being sponsored, not bonding, though if you want them to be bonded, go ahead ^^ Alevaharin can live just as well with or without a bond, and bonding is a random whim for them) or I can just have the first person you sent get trounced by another kitten before they manage to escape Akelara ^_^
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Post by DragonFlight »

I'd be tempted for a second, though I'm a bit behind on my clutches/trades, so....only if you don't mind waiting. ^^;;; Unless you want one of the upcoming templates I'll be using, in which case I can auto-slot you to a clutch for free. ^^;;;
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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Post by StarFyre »

Acccttuuaalllyy - I might take you up on the second option, for a slot in Purplex or Florid Chorus' clutch (either, or, I don't care which ^^) I might actually be able to write something for that as well, since it's a while away.
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Post by Myrror »

I never got the chance to ask for a first one...could I throw Dark at you? (If so, I'll dig up her page)
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Post by StarFyre »

Yep, go ahead ^.^
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Post by DragonFlight »

Woot. ^^ Ok, let's hit Thaddius with a second kitten, and....random feline coloration? :D
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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Post by Myrror » ... halla.html

I need to update her page--the clutch she was standing at has hatched awhile ago. And..random feline, though I'm partial to snow leopard and clouded leopard.
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Post by JKatkina »

I haven't forgotten about this, I swear. XD

It's just taken a while to figure out all my templates... anyways, check out your choices! (colors can all be changed, of course. X3) (Askan Asandus) (Cascatan Asandus, old) (Makanan Asandus) (Niteshan Asandus) (Piralan Asandus) and and (no chameleon I'm afraid, though. >.>) and and and and and and and and and (head number variable, 1-4) and (also available with 'normal' shading. XD) ... paltia.gif and ... paltiy.gif ... jistaA.gif , ... jistaB.gif and ... jistaC.gif

Whew, I think that's all. XD Let me know!
Image Image Image Image
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Post by StarFyre » ^.^ this one? *cute puppy eyes* And... hmm... something.. oh, lets see - I'm feeling in a fiery blue/white mood at the moment, if you can do something with that.

No - I haven't forgotten about continuing this, but this week is finals week, and I have to get everything ready to go home as well, and freaking out about not having a job and probably won't be able to get a job and... yeah.
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Post by Dray »

(ninja hugs for starfyre) I feel ya on that stress! :O You can get through it, though! *pompoms!*
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Post by Shard »

Okay let's see.... I've got

Glenn dragons
Alskyran Dragon (air)
Alskyran Dragon (sea)
Alskyran Gryphons (varies)
Icarian Drak
Winged Wolf
Zekiran Steeds (feather, leather, fey, ground)
Zekiran Dragons (varies)
um.... anything else? Pick one? :)
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Post by StarFyre »

Hmm... a Glenn dragon, perhaps? Something to the theme/general idea of stars/darkness if possible?
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Post by StarFyre »

Edited the first post. Anyone's free to ask for a second or - if you haven't already gotten one - a first.

At the moment, there are 8 regular sized Alevaharin and 1 runt in this dispersion of types:
Feline: 5
Equine: 2
Draconic: 2
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Post by jess d »

Yea, I think I do... was trying to think of something to offer you! XD And I think getting another kitten thrown at the same candidate would work, maybe with equine coloring. I have to head to work in a few minutes, but I'll come up with a list of my critters, if you'd be interested in one, and post it after work.
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Post by Xalia »

We have to have a candidate to get one of these, yes? >.>
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Post by StarFyre »

Yeah, I'm effectively doing this like a regular clutch, only on the forums instead of on my website - though unless you say otherwise, the kittens will be sponsored, and not bonded.
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Post by StarFyre »

Shard! Well, I have your second one done, but I never got Mars' infoooo... thus I can't write him =P As soon as you post it, I'll do the story and post the images.
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Post by StarFyre »


Oh Vaarrrlllaaa, came a soft masculine trill from... somewhere above her?

Confused, Varla looked up, as Iceni pranced and giggled atop her back, scanning the bookshelves above her for whoever had called her name. Suddenly, a ball of gray-black came hurtling through the air, thwumped onto the top of her head, and proceeded to cackle insanely.

"Hey! Off!" Varla suited words with actions, lowering her head and trying to pry the tenacious kitten -- with evil, evil, evil kitten claws -- from her head without removing her mane, her ears, or her fur. A difficult proposition in any instance, and made worse by the squirming of the blackish fuzzball and the prancing of Iceni.

Nooooooo! Thine fur shalt be mine! cackled the fuzzball, as he clung tighter to her mane.

Iceni giggled, Xaar! Leave shiny-lady 'lone!

Nev-aaaarr! chirruped Xaar, sticking his tiny pink tongue out at Iceni.

Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaar! Iceni whined, stamping a paw on Varla's back, Xaar not nice! Play nice! Momma said!

Finally, with a gusty sigh, Xaar released his hold and let Varla pry him free. Sitting comfortably on one of Varla's hands, the kitten grinned toothily up at her, Mine name be Xaar! Thou'rt mine as well! So saying, he half-scrambled, half-flew up and onto Varla's back, where he resumed gnawing on Varla's mane.

Varla blinked, wondering why she was suddenly saddled - literally - with one shiny-obessed kitten and one... strange... kitten... thing...

And wondering if she'd have any mane left by the time Xaar grew to adult-hood.


Name: Xaar
Gender: Male
Color: Raven (Equine)
Fur length: short, thick
Height: 17 hands
Telepathy: 7
Empathy: 9
Powers: Equine West: 8
Personality snipet: Devious, Mischevious, frighteningly intelligent, tenacious

Notes: You can keep him speaking in Middle English if you want, or make it something he only does on rare occasion. I don't know why he decided to speak like that, he just did =P
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Post by jess d »

Oh, that was a cute little entry for him XD I think I'll have him keep the accent, as much as I can; I like it!

Thank you!

*cuddles pair o' kits*
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Post by StarFyre »


Thaddius had lost track of time a while back, as he and Siraz sorted through the multitude of books on magic theory and practice gathered from different worlds. It was interesting work, if a bit dry on occasion, and Siraz soaked in both the information and the gentle petting that Thaddius gave him.

Suddenly, Siraz's ears perked, and the kitten looked up. As he did that, Thaddius finally noted a soft melody being mentally 'hummed' by someone.

That sister -- she's nice, Siraz chirruped softly, looking towards where the mental sound was coming from.

"That's your sister? She has a nice voice," he remarked, as he continued to scritch Siraz's ears, "What's her name?"

Aisha, she say -- also say, it mean 'Golden Dawn.' Siraz purred.

As if the utterance of her name was a summons, Aisha appeared around the corner of a bookshelf, tail weaving gently from side to side, wings folded delicately at her sides, ears pricked forward, still humming the gentle melody.

Oh! the melody cut off, Siraz, there you are. Was worried about you. Aisha's gentle voice rippled, filled with kittenish squeeks and trills, but holding the promise of an enchanting adult voice.

She leapt delicately up onto the table and prowled closer to Thaddius, looking up at him with curiousity, Who you?

"My name's Thaddius. You're Aisha, I take it?"

Aisha nodded, Siraz going with you?

Thaddius smiled, "Yes, he seems to have invited himself home with me. What about you? Who're you going with?"

You. Aisha gave a cat-smirk at the slightly startled mage, before jumping down into his lap and curling up, giving him no chance - or will - to argue.


Name: Aisha
Gender: Female
Color: Caracal (feline)
Fur length: medium, silky
Height: 16 hands
Telepathy: 7
Empathy: 8
Powers: Feline, South: 7
Personality snipet: gentle, soft-spoken, lover of music, mediator
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Post by StarFyre »


Gunna gitcha... gunna gitcha... gunna gitcha...

Dark sighed, rubbing at her forehead in exasperation. The chant 'gunna gitcha' had been cycling through her head ever since she decided to visit Akelara, and she could neither silence it nor find the culprit.

A black-tipped tail whisked away, visible only out of the corner of her eye.

She was sure that the tailtip -- which she'd been following for the past hour -- belonged to the culprit. But somehow, no matter what she did, what form she used, what skills she exercised, the tailtip remained just that - a tailtip vanishing around a corner, visible only out of the corner of one eye.

Gunna gitcha... gunna gitcha... gunna gitcha...

She followed the tailtip, tracking it down corridors, through rooms, up stairways, all the while listening to the gleeful chant. Occasionally she passed people with what looked to be winged kittens tagging after them, but none of the kittens she passed 'felt' like the one she was tailing.

Finally -- finally! -- the tailtip led her into a room with no way out.

Dark grinned, "You're wrong, I've got you!"

Think again! came a gleeful shriek, as something pounced on her from above, pale wings beating at the air and large kitten paws tangling in her hair. Gotcha!

Laughing, Dark twisted about and pulled the kitten from her hair, "And who do you think you are? Hmmm?"

Reya! Cat Climber ex-terooor-din-aiiirr! the silvery kitten giggled as she waved her paws through the air. Take Reya hooommeeeee!

Dark arched an eyebrow, "Why should I?"

Reya widened her eyes into an innocent expression, 'Cause Reya's cute?

Laughing and shaking her head in amusement, Dark put the kitten down, "All right, all right. I'll take you home..."



Name: Reya
Gender: Female
Color: Pallas Cat (feline)
Fur length: short, silky
Height: 16 hands
Telepathy: 8
Empathy: 7
Powers: Feline, Northeast: 6
Personality snipet: Creative, playful, mischevious, daring
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Post by Shard »

Arg! okay when I can find it, I'll upload my stories with him in it.

Mars Callifatan is very tall, over 6'4, human, fair skinned, with bright blond hair that is fashionably around his neck. He has bright, lighter blue eyes, and a fairly handsome if usually grumpy-professional demeanor.

He is the 'Admin One' of many planes of reality under his control, meaning he has executive decisionmaking abilities and legal control over different levels of dimensions. He's a total yuppie, a go-getter, a guy who actually has two active,filled, hot coffee mugs on his desk at all times, and the words 'high strung' fail to adequately meet his criteria for description... :)

He's also quite young, in his late 20s (well, he's immortal, but he *looks and feels and acts* like he's in his 20s regardless of how long he's actually been around). So he is apt to make stupid mistakes - testosterone mistakes. Mistakes like thinking that the girl named kath (small k) who had just taken control over a plane of reality he wanted - The End - would fold when he asserted himself and give him control over it... nooooot gonna happen.

However, they did fall madly in lust after a brief bit as enemies. you know the routine :) So he stays on his planes and she stays in hers, and they meet up.

He gets invited to parties, often held by kath's friends who are on Twoarth - the anthro-human dual-planet Earth that has a human side and a furry side mirroring each other. One of those friends is Kitty Khat, (or a version of her anyway) who was involved in Mars' plot to take over The End. It was through her kidnapping and confinement that we learn that Mars is badly, badly allergic to cats. However, Kitty has never quite noticed this fact (she just thinks he gets teary-eyed and choked up because he lost The End).

Mars has a distinct fondness for the color blue, mostly light shades. His whole home is done in blues, hell the entire plane of reality he lives in is shaded blue.

I'll get those stories up shortly. And I'll send out a glenn dragon too, which I have forgotten to do for way too long :)
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Post by DragonFlight »

Slot still holds. :) You can toss a candidate or just a sponsor, no story required. Otherwise I'll just toss you one to do with as you please. ^_^
Database Being Revamped

'Epic' is most concisely defined as something that, were you to do it in view of a person in real life, they'd pretty much have to sleep with you immediately to maintain order in the universe.
I sneezed. It seems to have reshaped reality. My bad.
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Post by Myrror »

Eeeee, so Cute ^^
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Post by StarFyre »


Why was he here again?

Mars squinted at the sun, then back down at Akelara. Several fuzzballs that looked suspiciously like large kittens scampered across the green common area enclosed by the sweeping arms of the Clan complex.

Why.. was.. he.. here..

He rubbed at his head. There was something lurking in the corners of his mind. Something about a party, and drinking, and a...

Dare? A dare to do... what?

Sighing, Mars trudged across the grass towards the complex, past the darting kittens -- winged kittens at that! -- and the exasperated looking adults of several races, heading towards the main entrance, where he could at least get out of the su--


Mars yelped, shoving whatever-it-was off of him, hands coming into contact with silky fur as he swiftly rolled to one side and stared up at the winged kitten that grinned down at him. He could feel his eyes already begin to tear in reaction.

Rtar lays claim! the kitten grinned as he chirruped happily, laying a paw on Mars' chest. Rtar goes home with jumpy man!

"I never agreed to that!" Mars snapped, eyes sparking.

Rtar purred, rubbing his chin on Mars' chest, Did sooooo! Rtar was told so!

Mars groaned, putting his head in his hands. He'd figure out what was going on later... as soon as he got away from the cursed winged cat!


Name: Rtar
Gender: Male
Color: Blue Roan (equine)
Fur length: long, silky
Height: 18 hands
Telepathy: 5
Empathy: 9
Powers: Equine, Northwest: 7
Personality snipet: Assertive, strong-willed, playful, daring

Note: Yup, Alevaharins are feline enough to trigger the allergies of people alergic to cats, no matter what their coloration. Same goes for those allergic to horses. Though because they're a mixture, it's likely the reaction will be less severe than when dealing with a full feline.
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Post by Shard »

AHHHH AHAHHAHHAhaaaaa :) yeah. that's the ticket.
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Post by Guest »

I just wanted to say that those are gorgeous!!!!!
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Post by Shard »

I've got Mars up on his page with a little story :)

So these and the first batch, they're from the same parents, right? If they are that's good for Mars because if they weren't.... I'd want poor Dems' female to be interested in his male lol.

I'm working on your Glenn dragon so you know. The problem with these things is that there is no existing 'blank' they're all colored, so I have to physically go in and change colors on existing images, which is hard :)
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Post by StarFyre »

^^ Well, Mars can breath a sigh of relief, these guys are all the Kitlings of my Selta and Selat.. whatever their names are. I don't feel like looking them up, and I keep typing wierd key combinations that don't even make sense on a Qwerty keyboard, much less the Dvorak piece of work I've got. I think I need sleep..

Anyway! The names of the parents are up in my first post -- if anyone wants a full pedigree I've got one written down somewhere in this stack of ten notebooks I've gathered over the summer...
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