Ehehe....anyone else have too much free time?

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Ehehe....anyone else have too much free time?

Post by Samber »

I ask because...

This guy at church, my DM's little brother, also plays D&D. He and his freshmen buddies have created their own little forum, and it could actually be pretty darn good if they had more members.

I wasn't going to sign up, but Cameron talked to me about it this morning, and I told him maybe...but he was being a total pain in the butt, so I signed up but am not telling anyone who I am. Messing with their little minds, as it were.

They're frantic, of course, wondering what the heck they did right....they all know each other in RL. (yeah, oops. I thought they had at least a couple strangers...)

anyway, they'll prolly figure out it's me very soon if no one else joins, so if anyone here has a bit of extra free time and wants to show these kids how forumgoing is really done...XD


It really is worth a look-see, they don't seem to know quite what they're doing in terms of user posted spam avoidance and such, but they've got some good ideas.

And if you join and they ask how you heard about it, just say a friend was telling you about a forum this annoying kid wanted her to join, don't mention that I'm a member, lol!
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